The Wirborl Mission — Into The Dungeons!

Wirborls. In the world of Archeria, Magic could turn impossibility into possibility — Anything could be done with the greatness of magic. With this magic, the God of Games [Hermes] had created a dungeon-like area that helps make you stronger, for Magic Training System users and Other Cultivators. This phenomenonal portal-like creation stored countless foes and various dungeon levels to pass until you beat the boss and receive your high-paying reward.  In the past, since the time of the Gods, Wirborls took the Archerian Cultivators by storm. And Archerian MTS users were all indulged in this stat rewarding but demanding gamelike dimensional rift. It looked like any other portal, except that when you were in it, you could tell how different it was. Everyone fell in love with the Wirborls, and they would travel miles afar just to find one. The reason being, was because if you died in a Wirborl you'll simply be put out of it, and you would still be alive in the normal world. But the saying 'good things never lasts' decided to change things up a notch. As more and more Cultivators used the Wirborls as a place of training, the more demanding the challenges got. So demanding that if you were to be killed in a Wirborl, you'd die in the real world [Archeria]. However, the creators established a suggestion for coward players, and made the Game Stones — a material that automatically brought you back to life after being killed in-game.


All eight of the comrades hid in the pink bushes peeking at a Portal-like object, with guards reserving it. They could not have gotten into the Portal [Wirborl] unless the guards were taken out.

Chizuko then said, "What's with all this peek-a-boo shit! Allow me to shoot them!"

Before Chizuko could take their lives with his decaying arrows, Natan interfered with the guards' Nervous Systems and stole their consciousness.

"No need to waste your arrows, " Natan stood as all the guards came crashing down, "Come my comrades, let us enter the Wirborl."

"I am so excited!" shouted Nataly, "When was the last time we did something as fun as this."

"It's been a while, " replied Natan, "But I won't call these missions fun. You all are quite powerful, and I know. As for Nataly and I, we are now vampires and must avoid daylight at all costs. Given that we're standing in broad daylight, the chances of us being brought to ashes by our greatest weakness is hight, " he looked at Nataly, "In other words, Nataly, keep that umbrella above your head, and keep that cloak on, " he faced his comrades, "In my hands, I have eight Game Stones. Each of you will receive one."

"What are they?" asked Amos.



"They're used to come back to life after dying in a Wirborl. "

Someone then whispered, "He's so dumb."


The Comrades all stood in front of the Wirborl. After looking into it for a while, they all entered one by one. Amos was the last to go in. He had expected to end up on the other side when passing through its space but obviously, he ended up in a dungeon.

All nine of the comrades looked at him as he gazed around.

'This place looks like the dungeon where I fought those skeletons. Are these called Wirborls? Has to be!'

The Dungeon was somewhat of a pretty one. The shiny walls were made up of stone with moss at some areas, on the floor there were fossils of deceased creatures, torches were sporadically placed, and runes were written all over the place. The floor was a bit wet and shiny, and when the comrades spoke, their voices echoed throughout the hall significantly. There was one more thing as well — and it was only perceptible to Amos.

Chizuko complained, "We've been walking for too long. Where are the other levels?"

"Is anyone else seeing those words, " asked Amos, "The hovering words in your face?"

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

After a while, Sasuki said, "Oh! That's right, he has an MTS!"

"Not for long, " muttered Chizuko with a smirk on his face.

In Amos' face, words hovered telling him

< Warning: Wirborl Level 300  >

< This Dungeon exceeds your level >

< This Dungeon exceeds your level >

< This Dungeon exceeds your level >

Natan then asked, "What do you see Amos?"

"Huh? Some kinda warning about this dungeon level being three hundred."


"What did I say?"

Natan looked extremely uneasy, "Level 300!? Suzy put us on a suicide mission!"

CHIZUKO: Ooo, sounds fun.

NATAN: You don't understand! This isn't anywhere near our levels! As far I know, we don't even know our levels, only Amos knows his!

Chizuko looked down at his fingernails, "It's not like Amos is going to be on a high level anyway. "

Embarrassed, Amos looked away and avoided spilling his stats.

NATAN: I don't understand though. When we were outside, one of those guards called it a level 45 Wirborl! And it said that on our mission list too!

NATALY: Brother, calm down.

SASUKI: Yeah, we can handle it.

CHIKUKO: This doesn't even look anything like a Level 300 dungeon.

SASUKI: You're right, chizu.

Natan fixed his rounded glasses, "Okay, I'll calm down. If you're okay with it, you're okay. But just keep an eye out for traps."

CHIZUKO: Natan, what are we looking for though?

NATAN: I honestly don't know either. Just look around for levels, doors—anything at this point. When one enters a Wirborl the only exit is at the final flo—

"Guys, " called Arley, "I think I found something."

They all gathered next to her.

NATAN: This room was certainly not here before.

NATALY: Yeah, Nate is right, I walked right past here before.

NATAN: More importantly, it wasn't here before.

MIKA: I'm going in!

NATAN: Mika wait!

As soon as Mika stepped towards the door, she had accidentally stepped on a pressure plate.

She slowly turned her head back at her comrades and said, "Oops!"

NATAN: Mika! Don't raise your foot!

Before Natan's words could get to her, she had already raised her foot from the pressure plate, and everyone's vision was contorted as they got teleported somewhere else.

Amos fell to his face, and when he got up, he soon found out that he was a different place at the moment.

"Guys, " he called, "Where did they go?"

He then walked through the poorly lighten dungeon hall.

'Geez, which boozer wired this place!'

As he walked down the hall, he noticed a light in the distance. As he followed the light, he saw red banners on the walls. The banners had a depiction of a being Amos could not have made out, so ignored themm altogether.  He also noticed crystals of different colors on the floor, some even growing on the walls.

As he walked into the room — the source of light, he took his sword from his scabbard as ten Goblins all summoned at once. As they summoned an adaptive Quest was activated.

< New Adaptive Quest! >

< Eliminate 10 [ Level 20 ] Demon Goblins >

< Reward: 2000 EXP + 25 UP >

< Progress: [ 0 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

[ Statistics ]

Strength: 21  [ Common ]

Defence: 4  [ Feeble ]

Speed: 9  [ Normal ]

Power ( Magical Ability ): 1  [ Poor ]

Mana: Infinite  [ Rare ]

Skill :  [ Coming soon! ]

( Available UP: [ 0 / 100 )

Current EXP: [ 52 / 600 ]

Current LVL: [ 4 / 10,000 ]

He couldn't help but shout, "2000EXP! That's insane!"

He then closed the screen and looked at the goblins. They were rather short, their eyes were completely white — no pupils, and two thick sharp teeth poked out from their gums. They were also equipped with armor unlike the goblins back at Gropsville, and their axes and spears seemed sturdy.

"Let's see what you goblins can do!"

As they assaulted him, he immediately performed a spin with his sword at hand. As he spun, he dealt damage to the Goblins who rushed in. But unfortunately, due to his height compared to theirs, two goblins passed below his spinning blade effortlessly, and both pierced through his flesh with their weapons.

He screamed in pain as he stopped his spinning, and stabbed one of the goblins at his feet in the eye. But another one got the opportunity to sink its teeth in his flesh from behind. Screaming again, he turned around and slashed his sword, hitting but not killing the green figure with the vicious bite.

"They're so energetic!"

Yet another biter jumped and got the chance to start chewing on Amos' shoulder. This time, he grabbed its neck, and sideways, he ran into sharp colored Gemstones which had spikes, penetrating the Goblin's head.

< Progress: [ 1 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

However, another Goblin threw its spear from behind and got him in the back. He wailed in pain, and turned around to face the other goblins. After turning around, he charged them with his blade and started slashing crazily.  As he did so, a goblin with a sword stabbed him to his abdomen. He then coughed out blood, looked down at the sword user and stroke his sword in the middle of its head, jumping remotely as the sword bashed into the creature's skull—with gritting teeth and malice, he was able to destroy the very existence of the creature. And the satisfying system sound came up with the message...

< Progress: [ 2 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

As blood splashed on his face, he scowled aggressively. Then, he got shot in his face with what appeared to be an arrow. In pain, he screamed out loud and almost cursed.

"You freaking green bald bastards!"

As he turned around, there stood a goblin with a cross-bow. As he approached it, he got another arrow, this time to his neck. However, he didn't bother to scream. When he became distracted, a spear-user got the opening to stab him to his left costal area, and he screamed to the top of his lungs. The bloodthirsty bastards weren't done here either, another one snuck up to him and started chewing away the flesh at his right calf. Next, the Crossbow user shot another arrow at his lower draw, causing him to grunt audibly.

'They're smart. The cross-bow user keeps aiming only for my head, and the others attack depend on it so that they can sneak up on me when I'm distracted. I swear! Every time I turn my God damn back!'

Amos then started stomping on the calf-biter's head and kept at it until he could have seen blood oozing out of its injuries. But sadly, another goblin interrupted by stabbing him in the left arm when he was distracted. Annoyed, Amos scowled again, and kicked the stabber down. And before he could finish it, the cross-bow Goblin shot him in the face again, merely missing his eye a few inches off.

Outraged, Amos faced the cross-bow user and threw his sword with all his might, impaling its face as it turned. However, the damage done wasn't enough. And before Amos could run up to it and do his finisher, another biter started eating his calf.

"Next time, I'm never coming back here without some leggings!" he said as he thrust his sword into the Goblin's head.

< Progress: [ 3 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

Scoffing angrily, he looked down at it as it disintegrated.

As he looked down at it, he received another arrow to his cheek. And this time, without thinking, he sprinted up to the injured crossbow Goblin, jumped and landed his final blow, crushing the Goblin's skull.

< Progress: [ 4 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

"Six more to go."

After crushing the crossbow user, Amos took up his sword, ran up to another a Goblin and started slashing his weapon violently, hitting the goblin's shield. As he did so, he noticed that it blocked its head from getting critical head hits. He could not have neglected their intelligence for such senseless creatures. However, their strength seemed to be leaning more on the feeble side. Especially after considering the fact that they were Level 300 enemies.

< Progress: [ 5 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

As he finished the fifth goblin, an arrow shot him in the back, and when he turned around he saw a goblin next to the crossbow user who he had killed.

'They can pick up each other's weapons? And, it even waited until I was distracted to go for the crossbow!'

When Amos was distracted by the new crossbow goblin, one with a sword gashed his calf, causing him to fall to his knee. The pain was instantaneous, and his grunt echoed audibly. Next, it cut him on his back — infuriating him further. Before it could land its headshot, he rotated his torso, along with his body, Samurai sword in his hands, mouth-opened, and sliced off its head.

Breathing heavily, Amos then stood, limped closer to it, and spat on its green face as it disintegrated gradually.

< Progress: [ 6 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

He then immediately dodged an arrow shot by the crossbow user, and this time, he ran towards it, and pierced through its head with his sword — smirking at the figure as its matter transitioned to the verge of nonexistence.

Daunted by the chance of a goblin taking the crossbow again, Amos took it up and broke it in half with a smile on his face.

"No more crossbows for y'all, " he giggled.

He continued running, "Maybe I am dumb, should've broken it last time. Even so, it isn't my fault I'm in this situation. That Mika idiot! Yet they call me dumb!"

He slashed his sword twice, "But trust me I don't give a shit, I can be as dumb as a rock for all I care!"

< Progress: [ 7 / 10 ] Demon Goblins >

"Another thing I don't get, " he continued running again, "Is my inexplicable ability to be alive after so many injuries, " he jumped, "Like seriously, I have injuries, " he knocked a Goblin to the ground, "Everywhere! You things cut me on the belly, on my calves, shot me in the face, back, temples, stabbed me to my belly, " he thrust his sword through the Goblin's head as it trembled to get up, "Yet still I can move like an athlete. It's uncanny!

He spun around and bisected the goblin behind him who was about to ambush, "But either way, you things are weak for level 300's,  " he jumped in the air again and slammed his sword into the fallen creature's head, "And that 2000 EXP is turning me on!"

The final two goblins both rushed in, "Geez, you guys are making it too easy, " he glared at them, "I don't even think I should call you men! You wear skirts, " as they came in close, he started spinning with his sword again, and successfully finished them both with the spinning.

< Skill Criterion Unlocked! >

< Task Completed [ + 2000 EXP ] >

Current EXP: [ 52 / 1500 ]

Current LVL: [ 11 / 10,000 ]

[ Available U.P = 33 / 1000 ]

* Do you wish to see your stats?

[YES] or [NO]

Excited, his heart accelerated to an audible point — the guy even started blushing. He shook nervously as he tapped on 'YES', and another screen appeares accordingly.

[ Statistics ]

Strength: 21  [ Common ]    [ + ]

Defence: 4  [ Feeble ]    [ + ]      

Speed: 9  [ Normal ]    [ + ]

Power ( Magical Ability ): 1  [ Poor ]    [ + ]

Mana: Infinite  [ Rare ]

Skill :  0 [ Extremely Poor ]     [ + ]

[ Available U.P = 33 / 11 ]

"Thirty-three UP and skills unlocked!"

He then put his hand on his chin, "I wonder what should I spend them on...wait. I think I should try out the skills, perhaps, I probably need to increase the level to unlock different skills. That can be handy since I just keep on doing the same hack-and-slash technique all the time. And my Magical ability is at level one."

Soon after he started pressing on the addition signs, and for him, it was the most satisfying thing ever.

After spending his upgrade points, he looked at the screen with a smirk on his face.

[ Statistics ]

Strength: 21  [ Common ]    [ + ]

Defence: 4  [ Feeble ]    [ + ]      

Speed: 20 [ Normal ]    [ + ]

Power ( Magical Ability ): 1  [ Poor ]    [ + ]

Mana: Infinite  [ Rare ]

Skill :  10 [ Poor  ]     [ + ]

Intelligence: 10 [ Poor ]

[ Available U.P = 0 / 1000 ]

"Eleven on Speed, ten on Skill, and another ten on intelligence — not too shabby. "

Another mission appeared,

< New Skill Unlocked, Instant Dodge >

* More information [ CONTINUE ]?

Next Message? [YES] or [CLOSE]

He tapped on continue.

< Skill, Instant Dodge; Defensive Type is a skill that allows one to dodge an attack by jumping four sometimes five meters away in any preferred direction >

* To see all skills, or simply upgrade one, please visit the skill tab.

*Quick Newbie Guide to skills?  [YES] or [NO]

Next message? [YES] or [CLOSE]

"I'd be better off with the guide, " he rest his finger on the 'YES' option for the guide.

< Welcome to skills. Skills are started after reaching the overall level of 5. Do keep in mind that Skills can be learned without having to upgrade the Skills Stat criteria. Additionally, skills adapt to the user's ability. Example: one possesses the Magical Ability, Fire. Then, that person's skills can be something like 'Hell Fire Flight' >


"Interesting stuff, " he put his hand back on his chin, "This means Skills are adaptive to one's Magical Ability, " he pressed 'continue'.

< All skills are considered Learned skills and are already known to the user. To activate a skill, a user has to mentally think about the skill and it shall come into effect >


He tapped on continue.

< A new skill is available every 10 U.P spent on for the first 100 skill points. Having said that, for ten skills you must spend a total of 100 U.P. Let's say you wanted another skill. Then, you'll have to start paying 20 U.P for each skill after the 10th one until you reach the Skill Level of 300, where you must be 30 for your 31st skill, and this pattern continues. Important: Skills are being learned, so a user's skills as he knows it will increase — better quick combat >

- You have another MTS Message [SEE] or [CLOSE]

Amos pressed 'SEE'.

< Speed Level 20! New Speed Boost Unlocked! >

"Well, there's only one way to find out!"

He started running at significant speed. In conclusion, He was twice as fast as before.

"Let's move on to the other dungeon room, " he said smiling.


"Alright! I'm in the next room! This time there's fifteen of you goblins!"

< New Adaptive Quest! >

< Eliminate 15 Level 5 Demon Goblins >

< Reward: 4000 EXP >

< Progress: 0 / 15 >

"These ones are different!"

These Level 5 Demon Goblins had horns, and much heftier weapons. Their formation was something to consider too. With five sword users defending the taller crossbow users, and finally five biters in front of those swordsmen.

"With 10 on intelligence, I don't feel smarter at all..."

The biters then rushed in all at once, and just before they touched him he activated the '[ Instant Dodge ] skill and leaped four meters away from the creatures.

"Gotta take out the crossbows first!"

He then started sprinting, bypassing the swordsmen by running pass them, and approaching the crossbow goblins. It was a good move to make, because he had already been shot twice by the Level 5 Crossbow Goblins. Additionally, the arrows were much bigger, and he couldn't afford any distractions while taking on the others.

"They said I can move 4 meters in any preferred direction, right?"

Suddenly, when close enough, he activated the [ Instant Dodge ] skill, and leaped 4 meters in the air, and came crashing down on the goblin below him.

< Progress: 1 / 15 >

"It worked, " he continued moving to avoid being shot by the arrows.

Next, he swung his blade into another goblin's face, and crushed its skull when it fell.

< Progress: 2 / 15 >

"Shit! Here comes the swordsmen to protect the crossbows!"

When the first swordsman struck, Amos relied on the [ Instant Dodge ] skill to leap four metres to right, but the skill didn't work, and as a result, the Goblin managed to cut him on his leg.

He slashed his sword, "Why the hell didn't it work? I thought it was spammable!"

The MTS assistant appeared, "Of course it isn't! It's only the first skill, it has a ten-second cooldown, you idiot!

"Well, the least you could have done was tell me that at first!"

Amos then kicked down the closest enemy to him, and started pounding his blade into its skull aggressively.

< Progress: 3 / 15 >

While he was busy, three goblins attacked at the same time. Luckily, Amos sensed them, promptly turned around, and slashed his blade, hitting all three of them critically with one fell swoop.

< Progress: 6 / 15 >

Amos wasted no time, he immediately assaulted the crossbow users. To escape the other weapon users, he leaped five meters over them, and crashed down on a crossbow user.

< Progress: 7 / 15 >

Getting shot by the final crossbow, he then got up again, and activated the [ Instant Dodge ] skill, but instead of dodging, he used the skill as a dash, and pierced right through the goblin's heart. Again, he spat on it and wiped his mouth as it is disintegrated.

< Progress: 8 / 15 >

"Four biters and three swordsmen remains, " he grinned, "Piece of strawberry cake!"


Panting aloud, Amos dropped to his knees after finishing the last swordsman.

< Task Completed! [ + 4000 EXP ] >

Current LVL: [ 13 / 10,000 ]

Current EXP: [ 552 / 2000 ]

[ Available U.P = 9 / 1000]

"Damn'it, every time I advance a level, the required EXP to reach the next level increases by 500! What kind of MTS is this!?"

He stood, 'I'll spend the 9 U.P later. I have to catch up with the others, they could be waiting for me at the end for all I know. But, either way, I must not be impulsive, this dungeon increases in difficulty every floor, and I've got a feeling that Level 300 boss isn't gonna be easy.'