Final Mission Approaching...

After several days of teamwork, and many close-to-death moments, Amos felt much closer to his comrades than ever before. He felt so close to them, that he even grew fond of them to a point where he deemed them friends. A week had passed, and all of the assigned missions were completed except for the final one. But not to worry of course, the most difficult mission was already finished which was to take down a few holy knights, Giants, and steal a certain item from their home without getting caught.

The comrades were all in a bar, celebrating their recent victories. And obviously, Amos was the only one drinking non-alcohol beverages such as Apple Juice there. When even Arley took a few sips for her first time. While everyone chatted and drank together, Joseph was nowhere to be seen again — which worried the comrades a little.

"Cheers for the seventh time, " said Natan, raising his cup high.

Nataly poured more alcohol into her cup, "This will be my last drink — I can feel the alcohol taking its toll now."

Natan looked at her, "Sorry for you, too bad. Whereas I can drink how much my stomach can hold!"

Arley then asked, "And how is that?"

"I can trick my brain into thinking I'm not drunk at all, the power of telepathy!"

Sasuki was busy laughing at Chizuko, "Chizu, isn't that your tenth cup? Are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good!"

A perpetual grimace was on Chizuko's face as his body swayed on its own, "Haha! I'm GREAT! Do I look drunk to you?"

Mika stared, "Yes, very drunk!"

"Well, I'm just happy to see a smile on his face for once, " added Amos, while holding a glass cup of juice.

After Amos spoke, Natan looked at him, "Amos, are you sure you don't want to have your first sip?"

"I'm fine, besides, Fruit Juice is the best!"

"Natan, " Chizuko called, with wet lips and drunk eyes, "If you continue talking I'm going to win! I'm on my eleventh cup!"

"Well, I don't have to worry about losing to you — you've reached your limit."

"OH YEAH? Is that s—

Chizuko's lifeless head instantly slammed against the wooden table.

"Well, " commented Nataly, "Cheese's out!"

Mika then broke the apparent silence, "Anyone remembers Joseph's final blow today?"

"Who doesn't?"

Amos looked at Natan, "Yeah, that attack was Liang-tier!"

"And so-not-Joseph-tier, " added Nataly.

Amos looked at her, "Yeah, that was actually impressive."

She then replied, "Wait, " she looked around, "Where IS Joseph?"

"Have no idea, " Mika stood, "Yeah, I'll go look for him, " she left the bar.

Five minutes later, Natan had received a message from Queen Suzy and announced it to the others.

"Comrades, We will not be proceeding with the final mission. It is all on Amos now. Our Queen says to let Amos do it alone, perhaps It's a test or something. Having said that, Amos good luck, you can take my map to find the target's residence."

"Wait what!?"

"Amos is gonna do it alone!"

"But he's going to fail!"

Amos took the map and stood, "Guys, I believe I can handle it — besides, by doing this, I'll finally get an antagonistic reputation here, and only then will Queen Catra will let me work for her comfortably."

"Please, comrades, " said Natan, "No objections please, it's our Queen's order. So Amos will have to go on a solo mission from here on out. However, if you find any trouble, Amos, do not hesitate to come to us, and ask for help — I'm sure we can break the rules for once, right?"

"Okay, I will, " he walked to the door, "Do I go today?"

"Whenever you want, all of the information on your target is on that sheet I handed you, so is the Map. So, good luck—and don't get caught. I believe you can do it. besides, you're a chosen one."


"Go on, now."

'Is Natan drunk or something? And am I really going to do this on my own, before I do so, I should spend those MTS UP, and after doing so, I'll start the mission — and finally prove to them how great I am.'