Evil Gets No Sleep

Foreword: The author will be focussing on better dialogue henceforth. Enjoy!

Evil gets no sleep. It is a true saying, that never falls in the category of stereotypical sayings. Even if the evil finds a way to sleep through the night, evil's eyes never close, and the only sleep they get results in them having to perish. And even if the eyes of evil happened to close, they are likely to reopen from nightmares. The King of Atridorne, the one far from the rightful heir of the throne, was at constant sleepless nights. All of what he had done — all the evil deeds, were soon to be paid for even when he was oblivious of it.

Bewildered from a far-too-realistic nightmare, King Adrian flew off his bed while his heart kept trying to escape his chest. After calming himself down, he changed his clothes, and left his Royal Bedroom. Next, he walked down a flight of stairs with an aggravated look on his pale face. Under his eyes were beginning to look noticeably puffy and dark due to his long-kept insomnia.

"My king, please forgive me for not seeing that you were awake, " said Leonard, King Adrian's most favored Knight, "You should return to your bed, you have not slept enough."

King Adrian climbed up the stairs, and sat on his throne.

A maid, standing beside the throne, then said, "An evil man gets no sleep."

Having heard this, Leonard scolded her for disrespect to the King, "How dare you! You peasant! Dare not address our King in that manner! Who even permitted you to speak — my king, if you would just give me the honor of being this wench's punisher it will mean the—"

"Silence!" The king interrupted.

"I beg your pardon, my King."

King Adrian then placed his hand on his dry face, "She's right, " he looked at Leonard, "I am the murderer of thousands, and my hands can not be washed of their filth. It is great having a mouthy servant like her at my side, I need insults at times. This is the only reason her heart still thumps as we speak."

"My King? Have you been getting unhealthy sleep because of your murders?"

"Yes, indeed. But I am also brimming with apprehension, for the Black Mage has warned me about the Villian Empire's danger."

"What are those fools planning again?"

"I fear that they will soon storm my Kingdom with an evil conspiracy at mind — the time has come, Leonard. After this discussion, please warn the guards about this, in fact, double the amount of guards here. I am expecting visitors at any given time."

"I shall, my King. I will continue to serve you until my days are over. And do not fear, my King. Just as evil men get no rest, God never sleeps."

King Adrian scoffed, "Leonard, there is no God! So never speak of religion in my presence ever again!"

"I understand, " Leonard bowed.

"In my world, I believe that I am the only God."

"Y-you are, my King, you are, " Leonard turned around.

"And Leonard, " called the King, causing Leonard to stop and face him again, "Have you seen that peril yet?"

"No, my King. May I ask why?"

"Have you not heard? That Menace wrapped me in chains and fled with the evil witch he bombarded my Kingdom with!"

"Was it him? I have heard that one of your servants defied you, but was it him?"

"Of course it was him! There is only one menace in my province!"

"So he brought a witch to you? Also, I have seen her in the Newspapers, they said that there was a misconception."

"Yes, he brought the Witch to me! And that shrew threatened to kill me, while the menace backed her up! And no! She is the one responsible for the deaths of the Kingdom, so, please bring her to me as soon as possible. Same goes for that menace."

"If you say the word, I can have Aaron's head removed for you, my King."

"Having his head as a decoration for my throne sounds like a gift from above, but I have better plans to make him atone for his sins. If I wanted him dead, his existence would have crumbled by now — But again, I have a bigger cookie in the cookie jar."


Leonard then left, and the King was in the room alone. He was deep in thoughts, 'That's right, I am the only God there is. If God existed, why had he not shown his face to us, let alone his body? I am—no, I will become—the only God of Archeria! And I'll slaughter anyone who gets in my way. And if not me, it shall be my son! Cheating, Stealing, Lying! They are all the things I do every day, and look at what it's brought! It is delivering glory to my knees! Who cares about sleep?"