So...We’re Girls Now?

"O, what an honor it is to see his royal highness in person, let us bow, brother, " said Azure Bridgeman, bowing low, "We have only dreamt of this day."

Amos followed his movements.

"Speak, " said the King, "Get down into your speech at once. And what is it about this 'code V'?How do you foreigners know about that?"

Azure Bridgeman then looked around the room thoughtfully. Upon looking around, he noticed that there were many female servants, and knights. Thereon, he looked at King Adrian anda shook his head in disapproval.

"O, I understand, I will take care of it, " The King said as he raised his left hand, causing his servants and knights to leave the throne room.

Amos was still completely bewildered. He just witnessed a secret language of some sort, 'What just happened? Did this 'Azure' say anything yet?'

Upon seeing the withdrawal of his subordinates, King Adrian adjusted himself on the throne to balance out his own comfort, and said, "Now, you can start."

"Pardon me, King, " asserted Azure, "I had to make sure there are no vast panics due to my words, thus, I couldn't say anything in the presence of anyone else."

"I understand, " said the King, "Now begin."

Azure looked around and saw Leonard still sitting near the King, "My king, " retorted Azure, "I am afraid that there is one more person who has not yet withdrawn."

King Adrian looked over at the person, and looked back, "Speak. Leonard is held high and superior to all his other inferior subordinates. So still speak within his presence."

"Before I begin, " said Azure, "We'd like to introduce ourselves properly. Standing beside me is Uteru's youngest but greatest Talisman man who goes by the name, Avos Bridgeman."

"Hmmm, this 'Avos' seems very silent, do you not think?"

"Yes, " replied Azure, "Brother is very nervous as this is his first time seeing you. Bringing this up, I'd like to say this again, it is our utmost honor to exist in your presence. Our people have crafted you as our idol, and our accommodation of hopes."

"Why? And where is this 'Uteru'? It sounds made-up."

"Uteru is a far island in the proximity of Rix's Isle. Many of our first peoples have been granted Land by the Arimuans' to plant crops and farm other goods. It was an Arimuan Colony. Long after that, our people have celebrated our first Independence Day."

"I see."

"Yes, " said Azure, "my king, notice your glory, and your hard work! Your existence has touched many lives, and I am sure it can touch more. So, my King, please, " a tear ran down his cheek, "Show me, your excellency. Show me how great you are. Our people have been unknown for many years, and our island's population is declining steadily, yet our people have enough hope to continue building and modernizing our country, so please, " Azure dropped to his knees, "Please make our Isle known as a place on the map."

Amos looked at Azure, 'This guy's definitely not a fraud. But does he know that I'm one? Does he know that I'm not actually his brother? God, if you exist, please tell me who the hell is this guy!'

The King looked at Azure and smirked slightly, "Hmm, " he stood, "And out of all the 7 Great Kings of Archeria, why come to me?"

Azure stood slowly, and whence he stood straight, he furrowed his eyebrows, stomped his left foot, and shouted, "Our people believe that you are the greatest King to walk this world! And, " he pounded his chest, "And, that is why we worship you! You, King Adrian of the 4th Division, are the greatest."

'This guy looks legit — there's no denying it now. But still, staying silent because of guilt will only poke me in the ass later, so I gotta put on an act.'

After thinking, Amos dropped to the ground, and placed his forehead, knees and both his palms on the floor, "Yes, my King, " he said, "You are the greatest. This is another reason why I can barely speak, for I fear that I might speak too much, and waste too much of the Greatest King's time!"

The King had a slight smirked on his face, "Hmmm. Interesting. What will I receive in return for my good deed done for your people?"

Azure then replied, "You shall have us, Uteru's two greatest and most trustworthy men there is."

"I decline the offer, " said the King, "Two more men on my Kingdom's floor would not be of much more significance, is that not so?"

"I know, " retorted Azure, "I know it seems a bit absurd, but at the moment this what we can offer for now."

The King scoffed, sat on his throne again, made his smirk vanish, and said, "Well, too bad. Putting a place on the international map where everyone can see it, takes a lot of time and effort. Having said that you do not wish to waste my time, and then begging me to engrave your country unto the entire world map in return for two insignificant men makes this whole thing contradictory."

Amos stood.

"What a waste of precious time, " King Adrian sighed, "Leonard, make sure they quit my sight, and leave my kingdom."

"Wait, " shouted Avos, "Did you not hear us, king? Did, " Avos looked at Azure, "Did he not hear us, brother? My king, " he said, "Please remember that we have an entire country of people worshipping you spiritually. And if you help us out this once, we will make sure worshipping you daily becomes a compulsory thing in our country."

"Yes, " added Azure, "I was about to get to that. And also, some of our people are willing to become your soldiers, and some are even willing to pass on their Magical Abilities to you, since they heard you are unable to utilize mana."

"Okay, " said the King, "It is official. Your country will be known. But if you fail to fulfill your promises, your people will all be imprisoned for fraud."

"We understand, " said Azure.

The King stood, "Pack your things, and return to my castle tomorrow, I shall discuss your ranks as my new soldiers."

"No-No-No, my king, " said Azure Bridgeman, "The Bridgeman family will never touch a weapon to please malice. We believe that not doing this action will build a bridge from here to heaven for us."

"So, are you calling off the deal? Were you not ready to become my soldiers?"

"No, " replied Azure, "We want to become your servants."

Upon overhearing this, Leonard snickered audibly. And transitorily, that mere snickering became extremely loud laughing that echoed throughout the room.

"Silence!" shouted the King, pounding his throne's arm.

"You pitiful fools. Have you not seen my message displayed outside!? Never once have I ever hired a man to become my servant! Never! And I have no plans to change it from its unprecedented state. You two disgust me excessively."

"But King–"

"Silence! You have no right to speak! Just quit my sight at once. Leave and never return."

The guards then came and took both men away.

As the men got thrown out of the kingdom, Amos stood and asked, "Hey! Azure Bridgeman, who the hell are you? Don't you know that I'm a fake!?"

"I know."

"So, who are you then?"

Suddenly, Azure Bridgeman became blue, changed physique, and shrunk.

"I am Kenzo, fool."

Amos scratched his head, "I didn't know you could have interacted with others!"

"Of course, you didn't. Only fools will make mere presumptions drive their thoughts."

"I suppose I am a fool then, " said Amos, "Can't say the same about you. You were about to blow my mind back there, if you actually made us become his servants that is. Good attempt though."

"The first attempt is still ongoing. Save the judging for later."

Amos followed him, "What do you mean? We basically got banned from Atridorne back there."

"Not we, " replied Kenzo, "Only Azure and his brother did."

"Where are you going with this?"

"The attempt is still ongoing. And I intend to make it a surprise. So enough questions."


"Here, " Kenzo gave Amos a potion, "You must drink this when told. I'll send you a message through your MTS. Use the teleportation potion on command as well."

"Teleportation potion? What for?"

Kenzo suddenly vanished.


After waiting outside of the walls of Atridorne for five whole minutes, Amos finally received the MTS message.

< MTS ASSISTANT: It's me, Kenzo. Drink the teleportation potion now! >

Amos then read the message, opened the bag of potions, and drank the one with the paper entitled 'teleportation'. Accordingly, he was teleported to an expensive-looking room. The room accommodated a Queen Sized Bed, a piano, Armor stands, music instruments, furniture, and other items. And as Amos looked to his right, he saw Kenzo.

"Hey, Kenzo."

"Lower your voice, " whispered Kenzo, "We are in King Adrian's castle again."

"What? Why are we here again? Are you stupid? We're exiled."

"They are oblivious. Today, I heard people talking about one that goes by the name 'Aaron', a knight who once lived in this very room, but has deceived the King, and left empty-handed. So, I figured we can use it to help commit our conspiracy. This room is right next to other royal rooms which are filled with the Royal family. So if you don't want to be caught, I'd suggest you be quiet, and move in pursuit."

Kenzo then whispered, "I observed the number of maids and servants here, and I realized that most of these women are unknown to the King. All he knows is that Leonard hired them based on their criminal records, Magical abilities, beauty and life."


"Well, are you not getting tired of being Avos yet? "


"It's time you die, Avos Bridgeman, " Kenzo started approaching Amos.

"What are you doing?"


"Now, all that is left to do is change your physique now."

"I hate you now, Kenzo. Can't believe you did what you just did."

"Just drink the Physique altering potion I bought, and picture the most beautiful woman you can."

"That's gonna be hard."

"So you really are a Misogynist?"

"No, it's not that. It's just that I can't picture one."

"Just picture one. But it better not be Ms. Gee Ling!"

Amos blushed partially, "Shut up! She's too much older than me."

"She's immortal."


"Picture a woman you think is ideal. Like your future wife, easy?"

"I'll try, " said Amos, "I'll try."

He then took a deep breath, and drank the potion. And in ten seconds, Amos turned into a beautiful girl who was ought to steal male eyes like a thief from heaven. She had long blonde hair that reached her lower back, a curved upper torso, broad hips, eyes that glittered like wet clear crystals in the rain, a symmetrical face capable of mesmerizing even the birds, and perfect red lips that resembled the color of roses. Kenzo was astonished.

"Waw, " Kenzo looked at him, "You did great! However, I still see both Snow, and Gee Ling in that face!"

"Ah, shut up."

Kenzo then turned into a normal brown-haired woman, "This is all I can do. Hopefully, your body will be enough to get the King all head over heels. Because, as you can see, I am far from beautiful in this form."

"Ha, finally, I best you at something."

"Whatever. Wait until you see the look on your face when you see what is about to unveil next."

"Yeah whatever, " said Amos, "So...We're girls now?"

"Correct. Just pay respect to the body since it hypothetically isn't yours. Don't do anything pervy."

"I'm not that hungry."

"Hope you can stick to your words, because we can't have you run out of words and malfunction during a speech here."

"I will, " Amos replied, "I just hope you don't mess up this time."

"I won't, " Kenzo replied, " I just hope your seducing skills are better than your acting."