Visiting The Shang Manor

I gasped in shock and quickly pulled Minerva up. Her eyes were tired and weary-looking.

"Oh no! Minerva, are you okay?" Mother asked worriedly.

Minerva nodded weakly. Her face was pale and she looked like she'd been poisoned. I carried Minerva to the sleeping chambers and laid her down on a mattress.

"Here, relax a little Minerva. You might be stressed about the whole situation. Xin'er, bring her some medicine." Mother ordered.

I quickly ran into the kitchen a boiled a small pot of water. We had many herbs at home located in small baskets. I pulled out some dried lavender; perfect for anxiety and stress.

While I waited for the water to boil, I decided to eavesdrop on Minerva and mother out of curiosity.

"It's alright Minerva. I know that the whole idea of marriage is new to you and might sound a little uneasy. I was the exact same when I found out that I was getting married." Mother comforted.

"I'm not uneasy mother, I am injured." Minerva breathed out.

"Injured? In the mountains? Where? How?" Mother was puzzled. I was also confused. How did Minerva get injured she didn't have cuts on her body for sure. Did she break a bone?

"There mother, you should let me handle this. I am suffering inner wounds; not emotional stress, but physical wounds inside my xuemai. I need to channel my Qi around my pressure points. I'll be fine after." Minerva explained.

I didn't understand what she meant, but it had something to do with martial arts. They say that if you practice qigong the wrong way, you could lose the use of your limbs.

"Minerva? Should I bring my father here? He knows a lot about qigong. Mother suggested.

"No thanks. I can handle it myself."

Mother exited the room as I stepped back into the kitchen and extinguishes the fireplace. My lavender tea was fully boiled and ready to be served. Filling up a few cups of lavender tea, I walked back into the sleeping chambers to find Minerva sitting cross-legged. Breathing heavily.

Quietly, I set the tea on the nightstand and exited the sleeping chambres. Leaving Minerva to herself. Walking into the sitting room, I saw mother organizing the gifts from Mrs. Shang.

"Xin'er, quickly. Come help me with these gifts. "

"Of course mother."

My thoughts wandered back to the lotus shoes that Mrs. Shang gifted. Does she wish for Minerva to bind her feet? If so, Minerva will never agree. She will be incapable of practicing martial arts with such small feet and is unlikely to give up on her love for wushu.

I pulled out our large wooden trunk for storage. We'd have to bury the trunk after it's full. There are many thieves around, and even more threatening are the Nanjing Bandits.

They come all the way from the south, in the historical capital of Nanjing. They spread far and wide, creating a system of organized criminals. What is scary about them is that most members are disciples of famous martial families and branches. The local officials have great trouble dealing with such powerful bandits.

After filling and burying the trunk, I went to check on Minerva. She was sleeping peacefully on the bed. It appears that she has managed to partially heal her "inner damage". I entered my sleeping chambres and slept.

The next few days passed with mother teaching Minerva about marriage and nobility etiquette. How does mother know this? She once worked as a maid for a noble family. As a personal attendant to a noble lady, she learned nobility etiquette from thereon. Mother, once again, asked Minerva to bind her feet. However, Minerva still refused.

Soon enough, it was time to visit the Shang manor.

I woke up to the sound of the rooster's call. It was dawn, which means time to feed the chickens. We have 2 hens and one rooster. There was food scrap from last night and bits of grain in the kitchen, which I gathered up and approached the coop beside our orchard.

There were 3 new eggs to be collected. Usually, I would sell them on the market. However, today was special and these eggs will the on the breakfast menu.

On the day of the visit, Mrs. Shang sent a luxury carriage to bring us there. We were all wearing newly made clothing sown from the silk and linen cloths. Minerva and mother both wore jewelry, and mother applied a layer of makeup to Minerva as well- to make her pretty for this important visit.

Father wore a dark blue robe with boots made out of Zhan. I chose a new embroidered green robe and the same boots. Usually, the only time we wore new clothes was on New Year's Eve. But when visiting, a noble manor, you've got to look the part.

A butler helped Minerva and mother into the sedan. Father rode on a horse brought by Mrs. Shang's servants. I also chose a horse, even though I don't know how to ride. I mean, I've been on a cow before, but not a horse. However, to save face, I've got to pretend I know how to. Every noble Lord knows is to ride a horse. Only the poor who couldn't afford horses walked or sat in sedan chairs.

As we left the village, I noticed that Old Yan was still missing. I was a little worried now. Old Yan was at least in his seventies and walked with a cane. If something happened to him, how will he defend himself?! I made a promise to myself that as soon as I got back, I will look for Old Yan.

We parade through the streets of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province. Administrator Shang is in charge of the entire province, a high position if you ask me. The Shang Manor is located next to the provincial court, in the heart of the city.

The manor was incredible. It had countless courtyards that we entered through. It was clean, tidy, and luxurious. There were guards and servants at every door. I was more nervous than ever when we arrived at the inner door to the hall for special guests. The guards opened the door and out came a man dressed in black robes.

"Greetings, dear guests. I am Shen Yuan, the head butler at the Shang Manor. Welcome, please come in." He gestured at us.

Father and I climbed off our horses. Minerva and mother were welcomed in first, as she was the main guest. I walked in after them into a grand hall. Behind folding screens decorated with lotuses was a short flight os steps leading up to an elevated stand. Embroidered carpeting lined the floors, there was a mahogany table surrounded by wooden seats and numerous paintings of auspicious deities on the walls. Two people sat at the main seats, Lord Shang and Mrs. Shang.

Mrs. Shang got up as we entered and we quickly bowed.

"Welcome, we have been waiting for you all along, please take a seat!" Mrs. Shang cheerfully said.

"Thank you furen," Father said, bowing respectfully.

We sat down and Mrs. Shang ordered the maids to bring tea. A band of musicians entered with Pipas and Guqins. The opening was decorated with golden statues of lions and cranes. There were potted flowers and a variety of candles lighting the bright room.

"I am very sorry that my son isn't here on time. He just came back from war campaigns." Mrs. Shang spoke.

"Oh, no problems. He should be getting some rest." Mother happily said.

They chatted on and I couldn't help but feel out of place. Minerva was still sitting with a plastered smile on her face. Administrator Shang didn't look as solemn as he did when appearing out in public, and Mrs. Shang's character was similar to that of Madame Kui, the nice widow who took care of Old Yan.

"Ah, Minerva, you are looking very lovely today. I see that you are wearing the earrings that I gifted you. Do you like them?" Mrs. Shang asked.

"Of course, they're very pretty, furen," Minerva replied.

"You do not have to call me furen for long, we will become family soon." Mrs. Shang stated.

After a while of small talk, I wasn't as nervous anymore. The Shangs seem like great family members.

"Excuse me." Minerva suddenly said. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"I'm not feeling very well, my mind is stressed. Could I please wait outside for a moment," Minerva said, her face was a bit pale.

"Of course you can, my dear, would you like some rest? Should I get you checked up?" Mrs. Shang asked.

"No thanks, furen," Minerva said.

"Well then, you should definitely take a walk in our garden. We just added some new editions to it. Come JiLi, accompany Young Lady He to the garden." Mrs. Shang spoke to a maid beside her.

Minerva stood up, bowed and walked away with JiLi.

Something was definitely up. Minerva cannot just suddenly feel unwell. What is she planning this time? I should find a way out of here too.

"Young sir, would you like green tea or red tea?"

A maid was holding a tray with two cups of aromatic beverages. I had never had fine tea before, why not try some? Checking on Minerva can wait.