Deacon - Chapter 2 (Waterfall)

You... Yes you. You've read the past chapter. This is me (or Deacon as you know me), in the present. Yes, that's how I got to meet my dad, David Arculeptone. Now I'm twenty-two years of age. So... now that you're all caught up, let's get on with our own little adventure.

Chapter 2: Moving Forwards

It's an early winter morning. I'll start off by doing something that you shouldn't do. The cabin I've been staying in is located in the middle of nowhere. We are surrounded by snow. But on the bright side, we are on the side of a mountain's descend. That leaves us with an amazing view of the mountains ahead of us.

I walk over to my Dad and he hands over a gun to me. "This is a K98K" he says, "It uses seven six two ammunition. It's not a sniper rifle. It's a hunting rifle. So, I've shown you how to use a handgun. This is similar. Now, grab the gun, place it on your right shoulder and tilt your head to look through the sights. Your feet should be two feet apart. Now, the foot in front should face the target and the foot at the back should be perpendicular to that. You've got to take this position. This is going to push a hell of a lot more than a handgun. Now, shoot at the deer on your one thirty."

Me being an animal lover, I hesitate. My dad pressurizes me. "Boy, this is the first time you get to shoot a rifle at something. Pull the trigger."

I put my finger on the trigger, take a deep breath and...

"Lunch time boys!" says mom.

"Oh man!" I yell as I breath in and relief myself from that pressure.

We then put down the gun having thankfully not shot the deer. We walk into the kitchen. Just before I sit down, I noticed that dad put out four plates rather than three. I tell him that we are only three. He gives an unusual look to me, almost like he's holding a smile up to hide something. I think he's exhausted after the training today, so I won't ask him any questions. We quickly finish up on lunch and head to our rooms to get a nap.

I wash the dishes and on the way to my room, I hear my dad's muffled voice behind the door. I decide not to listen and ruin their privacy. However, as I leave to my room, I hear him say that he misses someone. With a lot of questions fading in, I decide to get some rest. I lay my head down and close my eyes.

I suddenly get woken up to the sound of screaming and the smell of burning. I panic and sit up with eyes as wide as wheels. At my door is my mom running towards me with a jug of water. I ask her about what happened. She said, "Don't you move honey." "What?" I ask her. "Don't you feel the burn on your hip?" "no..." I answer confused.

She got me up and took me to a hospital. They ran a few tests. Now, I'm here, listening to the doctors as they tell the results. "It's not possible. There was no sign of tissue damage on his body. He's alright ma'am." Says the doctor.

"Are you sure? It looks a bit serious to me." Says mom... like every other mom.

"Yes ma'am. It's less serious than what it looks like" reply the doctors.

Just as we were about to leave the hospital, on the televisions, the news popped up with an emergency message. Everyone looks at the tiny black framed screens as we take a seat in the waiting room. It is the government's announcement. "Dear residents of USA, we request all of you to stay calm throughout the announcement. A drug had recently leaked out of one of our science facilities. The drug tested to be lethal when inhaled or consumed. Please do remain indoors till we announce that everything is safe. At this point, our science facilities are trying to stop the spread of this chemical. This is all I can share with anyone right now. Dial 911 if you see any of the following symptoms on anyone: Aggression, hunger, violence or staying steady at a place and only moving when following a sound. Thank you for your attention and may God bless America."

"Holy shit," I say to myself, till I'm interrupted by the news again. "Everyone! Do NOT leave your houses. Whatever you do, STAY INDOORS. Every inch of the city is appointed to a member of the SWAT team. They will shoot on sight. This virus is not just a virus. It is a virus which will end all of us. Whatever you do-." The person screaming into the microphone was screaming only until a bright green colored laser beam points at his head and a bullet pierces through his head and exits the other side of it. Not even a second later, the camera leans slowly to the left, falls over and blurs up so we can just barely see the stream of blood flow from below the lens, flowing onto the asphalt, like growing veins. All I can assume is that the cameraman got shot too. Just before the channel goes off, the screen turns blue and says, "NO SIGNAL."

Everyone begins to panic. The nurses rush out and help the people stay calm. However, all the children begin screaming and crying. The nurses all scramble to a child each, like ants exiting a hole after water being poured onto their home.

The adults however, are unusually calm. But, one woman stands out as too calm. Beside her, a man tries to see if she is okay. She has the symptoms that got mentioned on the announcement. So, he called a nurse to check on her. I slide over to the edge of my seat and hold my mom's hand, getting ready to run along with her. "She's got a fever," said the nurse, "Your temperature is a hundred and... um..." The nurse pauses. "What is it?" asked the man. "A hundred and forty-two Fahrenheit."

Just as she moves in to check again, the woman's skin starts to boil. Bubbles start to peel away the first millimeter of skin off of her face. Then, it speeds up. Her lip starts to detach from her body exposing her canine teeth which begin to grow larger. At the same time, her eyes went yellow and her pupils start to fade away into the yellow.

Suddenly, she starts breathing... abnormally. The skin on her nose begins to scale away, layer after layer. Not too long after, her skull is visible.

Before anything else happened, the nurse screamed, "I CAN'T FIND A PULSE!"

"How's that possible?" says a man in a long white robe with peach colored set of pants. "That doesn't explain the temperature rise. The blood must be flowing to increase the temperature."

They take their stethoscopes and listen for the pulse. "The blood's not flowing." The doctor says. "It is." Says the nurse with a worried look on her face, "It's being pumped from the brain."

"It sounds like a bloody waterfall there." Says the doctor.

Is it what I think it is? She's infected. "RUN!" screams a man. The whole hospital rushes out the front door. Like they mentioned, anywhere outdoors is ground zero. Bodies start dropping dead, bullet after bullet. As I run with my mom's hand in mine, I feel a sudden heavy shift of weight behind me. As I look back, my mom's head is torn open on the other side by a bullet. My dad catches up to me and takes my hand and drags it across the street behind some cover from the shots fired. "They're on the buildings" says dad. "They killed mom" I say. "They took my mother from me." I scream out in tears. My dad turns me towards him, holds my head in his hands and says, "She's gone now. She won't come back. We have to survive. For mom. For Candice." He says. "Who is Ca-" I then get interrupted by another gunshot. My dad's head gets a bullet hole on each side of the skull and puts me speechless. Before I could say anything, a hand pulls me into a building. "What is wrong with you?" the voice asks. "You could've gotten yourself killed!"

As I look back, it is a girl just younger than me, in a hospital gown. "Who are you?" I ask her. "Does that seem important right now?" she asks. "We need to get out of here" she says, "This way. Come on."

"They killed my parents,"I say. I then walk out with a fist rolled up. Not even a second later, I'm pulled back into the building with four bullets following me and leaving a trail on the ground.


"You're not the only one with a vengeance on the army. Trust me." She says and leads me to a window. She points to a lady dressed in purple laying on the floor with her head missing. "She's my mom." She says. "I know you want to get them back. But trust me, your parents are watching you right now, and they wouldn't want you to get killed for them." She says while putting a hand over mine. "I heard what your dad said, you have to survive for your mother and for whoever Candice is." "How?" I ask her. "Together." she says boldly, "Oh... and I'm Jane."

"I'm Deacon"