Deacon - Chapter 3 - (White Light)

t's me again. And in the last chapter, you read the last chapter before this. You know, I gained a vendetta on the army for killing my parents. But along the way, I met a girl who knocked some sense into me. And, this is me now. Let's see what else my life wants me to go through yet again. Let's go.

Chapter 3: Induced motive

"We must wait them out before moving. It'll convince them that we were bitten or killed." Says Jane. "So... What do we do now?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. "Find something to build a bed or something soft" She says.

"You go that way, and I'll go this way." She says. "Woah... wait a second. God knows what is roaming out there that the army is looking for, and you here, want us to separate. I am not going anywhere without you... for now." After saying that, I realize that she has an awkward grin on her face. So, we stick to my idea. "Oh God," she whispers to herself, staring out the window. "You okay?" I ask her. "The city... It's falling apart" She says. "What-..." As I look out the window, I understand exactly what she means. The city is being blown up by choppers. The pitch-black sky is interrupted by one spot of orange, giving out huge puffs of smoke almost as if a star was in between those skyscrapers. As I look to her face, I notice that she has a recent cut on her cheek being lit up by the orange light bleeding through the thin vertical window.

"What happened there?" I ask her just before feeling a blunt object hit the back of my head. Slowly, the glowing orange window fades into a black just like everything else around me. My hearing soon enough, washes away. Soon, everything just disappears.

White light shines on my face and wakes me up slowly. "He's waking up!" I hear a boy's voice calls out. Soon, the light intensifies and stings my eyes. "Hey, can you hear me?" a young male's voice calls out.

Very annoyed, I answer, "I hear you."

Something feels wrong. I don't feel the way I used to before, my voice is deeper and I have a beard. As I slide over to the edge of the platform I was laying down on, with closed eyes, I notice that my feet hit the ground quite a bit harder than before, I open my eyes and realize that I am in a small village living under a roof made of bamboo sticks and tied together by thin and rough brown rope, surrounded by two kids.

As I get up, the kid says, "Stay down. You just woke up from an induced coma."

"Wait... Induced?" I ask in shock. "It's when we put you into a coma." The kid answers. "I know what induced means, kid." I answer annoyed, "Just how long though?"

"And, you got burnt on your hip, somehow..." The kid continued while looking confused. Then another boy walks in. "How long have I been out?" I ask again.

The kids confused, look at each other. "20 years." They say.

"Holy..." I answer, "Jane? Where is she?"

"She's fine. She's next door." The boys say. "I'm Matthew," the taller kid says, "I'm Joel." Says the younger looking one.

They then walk out and a few seconds later, they roll her bed towards me. They then just leave us some space.

I move over to the other side of my bed without standing up. I just look at her and place a hand on her forehead. My heart starts to speak to Jane, "If I had the strength to, I'd open your eyes myself. Back there, you saved us both. I know, it's too early but, I'd love to say that I owe you a lot. It's all a blur, but all I can remember is, you did what's right and made me do the same. Other than that, I don't remember a thing."

Soon, I put my hand on hers. Out of nowhere, I feel the hand tighten over mine. Soon, her eyes open too. "Guys! She's awake!" I call out. Matthew and Joel rush in and help her get up. Soon, a man gets us soup. "Hey guys, you must be Deacon and Jane?" he asks. "Yep, that's us" I answer. "Good, I'm David" he says.

"Drink up, long day ahead of you." He says. "Long day?" I ask. "Oh, no. Long 'way' is what I meant to say." David says.

"This here, is Kelly. She is fourteen years old. There is an infection outside these walls. We need to donate her to a science facility. Apparently, she is immune to the virus. It's one of the only buildings standing. Everything else, like the world, went to shit." Says David.

I then look behind him at a small girl hiding behind his back looking at me through the gap between his hip and elbow. Jane and I smile at her to make her feel at home. David then pulls a chain to the side. Then, Kelly falls over and he drags her on the floor to hand over the leash to me. "Hey man! She's leashed?" I exclaim at him while agitated. "She's a runner." he says. "Like every other human when held captive." I reply and shut David up. "And I'm not taking her to make her a lab rat for the so-called scientists. She's got a life ahead of her." Says Jane. "I agree with that!" I exclaim. David then just walks out with Matthew and Joel.

"Hey honey, look at me. Don't be scared of us. We are friendly." I say.

"Jane, look at her. She looks starved." I whisper in fear of getting heard.

"Hey, do you like soup?" I ask her. Then Jane says, "Yeah... she hates it. Every kid hates soup. Especially one that smells like pig's ear-wax and looks like it too. I've always hated soup since I was growing up."

"Wait... you remembered what you hated when you were growing up? You still remember your past?" I ask her, confused. "Yes, I do..." She answers confused. "I don't seem to... I need to remember." I say. "Alright, I'll remind you of whatever I know about you... When Kelly gets her soup."

"Here Kelly, this is yours. Make sure you finish it." I say and turn over my attention to Jane.

"It was the day before you fell into the coma. You were in a hospital. I was seated right behind you when the emergency announcements played. Then, a woman got infected. We all ran out of the door. But the army shot all of us down. We were the only two survivors. Your dad got shot while he was holding you and making a promise. Before that, your mom got shot too. Then, I met you and helped you out. My mother was dead too." She said as she put her head on my shoulder and put her arm around my shoulders. I then lean forwards so her arm slips off from my back. Then, I clinch my eyebrows together out of hate for the army.

"I remember now... I wish I didn't. They took everything from me." I said, "Kelly, finish up girl. We got to go to after you finish it."

"Deacon! You're joking right?" Jane exclaims. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm certainly not in the mood for joking from now on." I reply in a deep and muffled voice.

What do you think? Should I do it? Should I give her away?