Deacon - Chapter 4 (Part 1)

Chapter 4:

I'm here, with Jane and Kelly. Here's what I think. A bond is made to be broken. When it breaks, it hurts more than making it. In order to avoid that, I currently just don't make any bonds, therefore, I don't break any either. Well, right now, I'm stuck in a storm of doubt. Do I really want to give Kelly in?

Chapter 4: Commitment and Trust

"Let's go now." I say. I hear Jane say something in a quiet muffled voice. As I look back, she is losing consciousness. She then loses her balance. Just before she falls, I hold her and block her from falling onto the bed's footrest, head-first.

"A little help here!" I scream and call out for help. Matthew comes and checks on her. "She's just tired and weak from the coma. She is knocked out now and might wake up in about twenty to thirty minutes." He says.

"Oh, thank God." I gasp. I walk out of the room to check on how we get out of here and give Kelly to the hospital. "Changed your mind so soon?" says David, "How the hell do I get her there?" I ask him. He hands over a set of car keys to me. "This is your ride out of here. Look, no matter what you do, do NOT stop in the middle if someone you don't know asks for help on the road. Those are scavengers. They will take the car and kill you three. Give her in, then get the hell out of here. After that, this is your home till this place stands."

"Got it." I reply.

I then grab a bag which Matthew gives me. "Infected are attracted to noises. Stay quiet." Says Matthew.

I move over to the shed and check out the supplies in the bag. It has basic supplies like food, water and an emergency first-aid kit. As I dig to the bottom, I feel cylinders of metal with a sharp end and a hard-wooden long object.

As I look to the bottom, I see that it is a hunting rifle with about thirty bullets and an empty magazine. I then got a small flashback of what seemed like a memory. It is a flashback of me outside a shed in the snow and a man next to me teaching me to use the same hunting rifle. "So, I've shown you how to use a handgun. This is similar." He says. Is he my dad? He looks very familiar. And was that my home? I then come back to the present.

I don't have much time to think about it. Jane wakes up soon. I need to get us out of here.

It came with a set of binoculars. I'm all set to go. I move to the car and get it to the shed. These guys really care about the noise levels... I mean... I get a Prius here.

Anyways, I move to the shed and put Jane in the front passenger's seat and Kelly is in the back seat. I put the bag near Jane's legs and begin driving out of town.

Ten minutes into the drive, Jane wakes up. She lifts her head and just stares out the window.

"Hey... I saw you when you had the burn on your hip. Your hand was on your hip... it was on fire." Jane says. "Someone burnt my hand?" I ask her. Soon, looking out the same window she freezes.

"Do you see that?" She asks me while surprised. "See what?" I ask her with clinched-down eyebrows. "There's people pouring out of every building we drive across." She says.

"Those aren't people." Says a soft voice behind us. I turn back to notice it is Kelly's voice. It's the first time she spoke. "they're all infected people. Get away from them NOW!" she exclaims. Soon, the engine stalls because of me panicking and forgetting to pull down the gear before accelerating. There's no choice left. We have to seek cover in a building. I then leave the car and tell the others to follow me. We run into a building. I lock the door. The sound of choking people starts to louden. It is a one-story building. We have nowhere to run if they come in.

I begin panicking.

"Deacon, your hand..." says Kelly. Then the voices are on the other side of the door, and the door starts pounding. "Deacon! Your hand!" screams Jane. Soon, the door splits into two. They've broken in. They're everywhere. Yellow-eyed lip-less freaks surround us and are running towards us. Then, Jane jumps in front of me.

Everything goes silent. Kelly holds me tight as I watch Jane get torn into two by those freaks. As soon as she is torn apart. The surroundings go blue and I move back. "Deacon! YOUR ARMS ARE BURNING UP!" Screams Kelly, just before I throw my hands forward and shoot flame out of them. It is a much bigger stream than just a flamethrower. It flew at least ten feet forward. It went on for about ten seconds. Then, my surroundings turn back to normal and voices aren't muffled anymore. What the hell was that?

"No, no, no!" I scream as I shake my head in disbelief while I look at Jane. I run to her and kneel down in front of her left-half. I can see the heart still spewing the remaining blood out of its aorta. With every squirt, she lost color and became paler. Her intestines are still intact, only stretched as they are the only thing connecting from one side of her body to another.

Before I could focus more, I hear more of the nemeses. "Kelly, we're not going to the hospital. I'm not making you a lab rat. You're all I have left now, and I won't let you go." I promise Kelly. I then get in the car and get it running before the infected catch up to us. About a second before they'd reach us, I floored the gas and got the hell out of there.