(Chen's escape plan)

Mr.Kim's POV

Mr.Kim: Eottoke!

Mr.Kim: How would I tell Ji Ahh about the agreement?

Mr.Kim: I will tell Ji Ahh about that not now but the right time

Mr.Kim: But thank God I have all the kidnapper wanted

Mr.Kim: Maybe we will gave to that to him tomorrow in the evening so that we can rescue Ji Ahh as soon as possible

Mr.Kim: As soon as I had the money I will tell Jin Woo

Chen's POV

Chen: Maybe I will text to them our adress Sweetie so that I can have all that money and jewelries

Chen: We are going to be rich Sweetie Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Please don't Mr.Chen

Ji Ahh: Kill me instead

Chen: Why should I kill my wife?

Chen: I don't want to lose my wife

*Chen texted Jin Woo the address*

Text message:

Let's meet at Daegu City (대구시) at exactly 9pm and bring all the things I wanted and first of all don't bring any cops or else I will kill Ji Ahh

Chen: Maybe I should think an escape plan.

Chen: Hmmm

Chen: I will never let them rescue you jerk!

Chen: I need a boat so we can escape

Chen: I will flee you to California

Chen: There we will get married Ji Ahh


Ji Ahh: Please don't Mr.Chen!

Chen: Shhhhh! Just shut up!

Chen: Hmm I have an idea

Chen: After we get the money and all the jewelries we will escape to California

Ji Ahh: Aish!

Ji Ahh: Why are you doing this?!


Ji Ahh: Why are you laughing?

Chen: Because I'm happy today

Ji Ahh: Happy?!

Chen: Yes my pretty sweeie

Ji Ahh: Stop doing this Mr.Chen!

Chen: Aniyo!

Chen: You should shut up or else I will kill you my sweetie!

Chen: How should we escape to California? What should we ride on?

Chen: Hmmmm

Chen: I think we will escape to California through a boat

Chen: We will live to California until we get married

Jin Woo's POV

It is a another day and Ji Ahh was still kidnap I hope we will rescue you as soon as possible Kim Ji Ahh.

*Jin Woo notice a text message in his phone*

Jin Woo: What is this?

Jin Woo: Who is this?

Text message:

Let's meet at Daegu City (대구시) at exactly 9pm and bring all the things I wanted and first of all don't bring any cops or else I will kill Ji Ahh

Jin Woo: Woahh! I think this is the kidnapper who kidnap Ji Ahh

Jin Woo: B-B-But Daegu is so far from here. What should I do?

Jin Woo: *crying* Please don't kill Ji Ahh or else I will be the one who kill you

Jin Woo: Maybe I should tell Mr.Kim about this

*Jin Woo calls Mr.Kim*

Jin Woo: Annyeong Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Annyeong

Mr.Kim: Why did you call me Jin Woo? Is there any news about Ji Ahh?

Jin Woo: Yes Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: *crying* What is it Jin Woo? Please tell me!

Jin Woo: The kidnapper just texted me the address where should we meet them

Mr.Kim: W-W-Where is it?

Jin Woo: Daegu City (대구시)

Mr.Kim: But it is so very far from here

Mr.Kim: Should we get help from the cops?

Jin Woo: The kidnapper said that we should not bring any cops when we meet him

Mr.Kim: Hmmmm

Mr.Kim: I have a plan

Mr.Kim: We will not bring any cops but we will get some help from the cops'

Jin Woo: Great idea Mr.Kim

Jin Woo: But what about the things we bring to him?

Mr.Kim: I have the jewelry and I will take care of the 1 Million Won tommorow

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Our property had been brought by a popular doctor here in Seoul

Jin Woo: Woahh! Daebak! Jinjaa?

Mr.Kim: But I will get the money tommorow morning

Mr.Kim: Did the kidnapper texted what time should we go?

Jin Woo: He said the exactly 9 pm

Mr.Kim: Okay maybe tommorow evening we will rescue JI Ahh but we will go to the cops tommorow morning

Mr.Kim: And maybe they will help us

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim