(Rescuing Ji Ahh)

Mr.Kim's POV

*The next day*

Mr.Kim: Goodmorning honey

Mrs.Kim: Goodmorning

Mr.Kim: I have something to tell you

Mrs.Kim: What is it honey?

Mr.Kim: The kidnapper gave some information about where we should meet him

Mrs.Kim: Where is it?

Mr.Kim: Daegu City (대구시)

Mrs.Kim: But it is so very far from here

Mr.Kim: Maybe we will meet the kidnapper later

Mrs.Kim: I hope you will rescue Ji Ahh safely

Mr.Kim: I will Honey

Mrs.Kim: Maybe Jin Woo will be the one who will talk to the kidnapper since he gave him some information

Mrs.Kim: I don't want you to get hurt Honey

Mr.Kim: Okay Honey

Mrs.Kim: Let us give Jin Woo the privilage to rescue Ji Ahh. I think Jin Woo is responsible enough for that

Mr.Kim: Yes honey

Mr.Kim: And I have another good news for you honey

Mrs.Kim: What is it?

Mr.Kim: Our property was bought by a popular doctor here in Seoul

Mrs.Kim: Daebak!?

Mr.Kim: But he said something about an agreement

Mrs.Kim: What agreement?

Mr.Kim: He will marry our daughter because of that agreement?

Mrs.Kim: B-b-but Ji Ahh is still very young?

Mr.Kim: Mr. Kang and I talked about the agreement

Mrs.Kim: What did you say?

Mr.Kim: The agreement will be fulfilled if Ji Ahh is of legal age

Mrs.Kim: Are you really serious? Ji Ahh might be surprised when you say that about the agreement?

Mr.Kim: I will tell her if it is the right time

Mr.Kim: If we do not follow that agreement, we may really lose Ji Ahh

Mr.Kim: We will tell our daughter about the agreement when the proper time comes

Mr.Kim: I will now call Jin Woo so that we can get the money

Mrs.Kim: Okay Honey

*Mr.Kim calls Jin Woo*

Mr.Kim: Annyeong Jin Woo

*Jin Woo awake because of Mr.Kim*

Jin Woo: W-w-who is this?

Mr.Kim: Did I disturb you Jin Woo?

Jin Woo: Oh! It's you Mr.Kim. I just woke up Mr. Kim

Mr.Kim: I am going now to get the money

Jin Woo: What should I do Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: Will you accompany me to the police station?

Jin Woo: Waeyo Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: We will ask the police for help

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: We will meet in my office I will still go to get 1 Million Won

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim. I will make arrangements to leave immediately

Mr.Kim: Okay Jin Woo

*Mr.Kim ended up the call*

Mr.Kim: Maybe I should now call Mr.Kang

*Mr.Kim calls Mr.Kang*

Mr.Kim: Annyeong Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Annyeong Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Where will we meet Mr.Kang?

Mr.Kang: We will meet outside our hospital

Mr.Kim: Okay Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Goodbye

Mr.Kim: Goodbye

*Mr. Kim ended their call*

Mr.Kim: I am going to the hospital so that Mr. Kang and I can meet

Mr.Kim: So that Jin Woo and I can go to the police station immediately

*Mr. Kim immediately went to the hospital to get the money*

Jin Woo's POV

This is the day we will save Ji Ahh. We are going to Ji Ahh to save you

Mrs.Lee: Are you awake my son?

Jin Woo: Yes Eomma

Mrs.Lee: Are you hungry?

Jin Woo: Maybe I won't eat today eomma

Mrs.Lee: Waeyo?

Jin Woo: We will take care of something eomma

Mrs.Lee: Waeyo?

Jin Woo: We will take care of what we give to the kidnapper

Jin Woo: We will save Ji Ahh now and to alleviate his suffering

Mrs.Lee: *Shock* Jinjja?

Mrs.Lee: I hope Ji Ahh really comes back

Jin Woo: I hope eomma

Jin Woo: All right, I won't eat eomma and so I can take a bath

Jin Woo: Mr. Kim and I will meet after he takes the money and we will go to the police station to ask for help

Mrs.Kim: Okay Jin Woo just take care of yourself

Jin Woo: I will eomma

*After Jin Woo took a bath he immidiately prepares himself so that he will meet Mr.Kim*

Mr.Kim's POV

Mr.Kim: Where is Mr. Kang? I am here outside his hospital

Mr.Kang: Hey! Is this Mr.Kim?

*Mr.Kang approach to Mr.Kim*

Mr.Kang: Are you Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: Is that you Mr.Kang?

Mr.Kang: Ne

*Mr.Kim bows to Mr.Kang*

Mr.Kang: Do not bow to me you are older than me Mr.Kim

Mr.KIm: It's a pleassure to meet a popular doctor

Mr.Kang: The pleassure is all Mr.Kim

Mr.Kang: But i heard that you owned a large business in Seoul Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: Ne

Mr.Kang: How did you manage it?

Mr.Kim: Just a little hard work and aiming a good goal in life

Mr.Kang: Ohh I see

Mr.Kang: Here in the briefcase is the money you need Mr. Kim

Mr.Kim: *happy* Thank you very much Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Just text me later the address of the property

Mr.Kim: Yeah I will Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Don't forget our agreement Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Just follow what I ask Mr.Kang

Mr.Kim: You will marry our child at the right time

Mr.Kang: Yes Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Goodbye Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Goodbye Mr.Kim

*Mr. Kim has left to meet Jin Woo*

Mr.Kim: Where is Jin Woo?

Mr.Kim: I'm outside the police station now

*Mr.Kim waited for almost 15 minutes and Jin Woo arrived*

Jin Woo: Have you been waiting here Mr.Kim before?

Mr.Kim: Aniyo I just arrived too

Jin Woo: Should we go now to the police station Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: Ne

*Jin Woo and Mr. Kim went to the police station to ask for help*

Police Officer: What can I do for you sir?

Mr.Kim: Our daughter had been missing for few days

Police Officer: What can we help sir?

Mr.Kim: We will ask for your help

Police officer: Waeyo?

Mr.Kim: Do you know any kidnappers here? Any notorious kidnapper?

Police officer: Hmmm

Police officer: There was a notorious criminal named "Mr.Park Chen". He is very popular in a kidnap crime and we don't know where to find him.

Mr.Kim: If I say to you where Mr.Park is will you help us?

Police officer: Hmmmm

Police officer: If we catch that criminal our ranking in the headquarters would be change

Police officer: It's deal *looking excited*

Police officer: Do you have some information about this criminal?

Police officer: Any information like where he is hiding right now

Mr.Kim: This one with me has contact with the kidnapper

Police officer: What is his name?

Jin Woo: Lee Jin Woo sir

Police officer: Really do you have some informatin?

Jin Woo: Ne

Police officer: How did you know that information?

Jin Woo: He has Ji Ahh's cellphone then he texted me the address where they are hiding

Police officer: Oh I see

Police officer: So where are they now?

Jin Woo: Daegu City

Police officer: But it is so very far from here

Mr.Kim: So maybe we can take the transportation there

Mr.Kim: But our only real problem is backup

Police officer: What kind of backup sir?

Mr.Kim: Maybe the kidnapper tried to run away then maybe we don't know what to do

Police officer: Okay sir

Police officer: What time will you rescue Ji Ahh?

Mr.Kim: The kidnapper said at exactly 9pm

Mr.Kim: Thank you officer

Police officer: For sure the kidnapper will really escape because he needs something from the victim

Police officer: How old is your daughter?

Mr.Kim: 18 years old

Police officer: Ohh I see

Police officer: If the kidnapper escapes, where can he go?

Police officer: Hmmmm

Police officer: Ohh! I recognize you sir

Police officer: You're Mr.Kim who owns the popular company in Seoul

Police officer: I hope we could help you sir

Mr.Kim: It's a pleasure to us officer *Smiling*

Police officer: Maybe the kidnapper will escapre somewhere far from here. But where would it be?

Police officer: Los Angeles California

Police officer: What did the kidnapper ask of you sir?

Mr.Kim: He ask us for 1 Million Won and some jewelries

Police officer: The splendor of that kidnapper

Police officer: If he fled to California what would he use to get to California

Police officer: Maybe he will escape through a boat

Police officer: We have a plan sir

Mr.Kim: What is it?

Police officer: If the kidnapper escapes through a boat maybe we should wait in the port so that we could catch him

Mr.Kim: *Looking happy* That's a very good idea officer

Police officer: We will gather some reinforcement in the port sir

Mr.Kim: Thank you officer

Police officer: It is our duty sir to help you

*Mr. Kim and Jin Woo left immediately to get ready*

*8 pm in the evening*

Mr.Kim: Are you ready Jin Woo?

Jin Woo: Yes Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Here is the plan you will travel to Daegu City and you will be the one to rescue Ji Ahh if Mr.Park escapes the police officers are in the port to help you

Jin Woo: Copy that sir

*Mr.Kim tapped Jin Woo's shoulders*

Mr.Kim: You are our only hope Jin Woo to save our daughter

Mr.Kim: I trust you Jin Woo bring Ji Ahh safe to us Jin Woo. Understood?

Jin Woo: Yes Mr.Kim

*Jin Woo immidiately travel to Daegu City*

Jin Woo: Maybe I should text Mr.Kim that I arrive here early

*Jin Woo texted Mr.Kim*

Text message:

I had arrive here early Mr.Kim and I hope that the police men are waiting at the port now

*Jin Woo texted Mr.Chen*

Text message:

You jerk! I'm here at Daegu City I hope you will give Ji Ahh back to us

Chen's POV

Chen: Oh! The jerk! Texted me

Text message:

You jerk! I'm here at Daegu City I hope you will give Ji Ahh back to us

Chen: Are you ready to escape my sweetie?


Ji Ahh: Please Jin Woo save me!

Chen: The boat that we are using to escape is at the port now and I have a gun here too Sweetie

Chen: When we escape here in the hideout I will blow it all up


Chen: Now i will change you clothes sweetie so that you are pretty when we escape to California

*Chen changed Ji Ahh's clothes*


*evil laugh*

*Chen texted Jin Woo back*

Text message:

Just wait outside the building you jerk!

Chen: We will use the backdoor to escape

*Jin Woo arrived at the hideout of Chen*

Jin Woo: Hello? Mr.Park?

*Chen went outside to meet Jin Woo*

Chen: Well well so you are Mr.Lee Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Ne

Jin Woo: *crying* Where is Ji Ahh?

Chen: Ji Ahh? She is still inside

Chen: DId you bring all I need?

Jin Woo: It's all in the bag

Chen: GIve it to me jerk!

*Jin Woo gave all the goods to Chen*

Chen: *Excited* Ohhh! This precious jewelries and this 1 million won I will become the rich person in Seoul now!


Jin Woo: I have already given you what you need so give me what I need too

Chen: Okay jerk just wait here so that I will get Ji Ahh

*Chen went back inside the hideout*

Chen: First I will tied you up sweetie so that the plan would not fail

*Chen tied Ji Ahh's mouth and hands*

Chen: So now we will escape at the backdoor

*Chen prepared the bombs to detonate it*

Chen: See you soon Jerk!


Ji Ahh: *crying*

*Chen grabbed Ji Ahh and they fled the building*

Chen: I will blow it up!

Chen: Goodbye Jerk!

*The timer of the bombs has already started and it is set just 5 minute before it explodes*

Jin Woo: Hey! Jerk! Open this!

Jin Woo: I heard some ticking sounds!

Jin Woo: What was that?!

Jin Woo: Bomb?!

*Jin Woo destroyed the door and enters the building*

Jin Woo: AIshhhH!

Jin Woo: He really escapes!

Jin Woo: Where is Ji Ahh?

Jin Woo: Darn it!

*Jin Woo saw the bomb*

Jin Woo: There's a bomb! Eotteoke!

Jin Woo: *shouts* JI AHHH!

Jin Woo: The bomb is still ticking and 1 minute left

Jin Woo: I will be leaving now before the place blows up

*Jin Woo left the bulding and ride his car to chase Chen to the port

Jin Woo: Officers! The kidnapper is now heading to the port now!

Jin Woo: Hurry up!

Police officer: Copy sir

Police office: We are now at the port

Jin Woo: I will be heading to the port now to chase Mr.Park

Jin Woo: Aisshh!

Police officer: Okay sir

Chen: We are close to port sweetie

Chen: Everything in the bag is all we need sweetie