(Young Girl)

Jin Woo: Ji Ahh will be so happy and she saw all the items I bought for her

*Jin Woo suddenly saw a young girl slipped on the rock*

Jin Woo: Is that the young girl in my dream?

Jin Woo: What is she doing here?

*Jin Woo went to the young girl to help her*

Jin Woo: Are you okay?

Young girl: *crying*

Jin Woo: Did you hurt yourself?

Jin Woo: Where are your parents?

*Jin Woo didn't recognize the face of the young girl*

Jin Woo: Is that really her?

Jin Woo: I'm very curious right now

Jin Woo: After she bumped into the rock she disappeared?

Jin Woo: Is she looking after me?

Jin Woo: Nevermind maybe Ji Ahh is waiting for me

*Jin Woo went to Ji ahh but she is not there*

Jin Woo: Aishhh! Where are you now Ji Ahh?

Jin Woo: Ji Ahh

*Jin Woo look around the park to look for Ji Ahh*

Ice cream vendor: What should I help you maam?

Ji Ahh: I want to buy those ice cream that are expensive

Ice cream vendor: How many maam?

Ji Ahh: Just two ice cream please

Ice cream vendor: Okay maam

Ji Ahh: Jin Woo will happy for these Ice Creams

*Jin Woo saw Ji Ahh in the Ice Cream Store*

Jin Woo: Why did you go here?!

Jin Woo: I was looking for you because I thought you are gone again!

Ji Ahh: Are you mad? I just wanted to buy ice cream for you?

Jin Woo: Don't run off like that! I said just stay there!

Ji Ahh: *crying* Mianhae

Jin Woo: Oh no Don't cry

*It is started to rain*

Jin Woo: Let's go now Ji Ahh it might rain

Ji Ahh: Don't talk to me!

Jin Woo: *Holding the hands of Ji Ahh* Please Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Let go of me!

Jin Woo: Please

Ji Ahh: Aniyo!

Ji Ahh: I just wanted to make you happy but you are angry now!

Ji Ahh: Please go home now!

*The rain is now getting stronger*

Ji Ahh: Please!

Ji Ahh: Leave me alone

Jin Woo: Sorry for I have done

Ji Ahh: Please leave me alone!

Ji Ahh: I want to be alone!

Jin Woo: I don't want to leave you here alone

Ji Ahh: I said leave me alone!

*Ji Ahh started to sit on the ground while the rain is getting stronger*

Jin Woo: I don't you to get sick Ji Ahh

Jin Woo: Please

Ji Ahh: Just leave me here!

Ji Ahh: I want to go home now!

Ji Ahh: Don't talk to me now!

*Jin Woo and Ji Ahh leave the park and went home*