(Ji Ahh back to his family)

Jin Woo's POV

*They arrived at Ji Ahh's house*

Jin Woo: Annyeong?

Mr.Kim: Who's in there?

*Mr.Kim opened the door*

Mr.Kim: Ohhh it's Jin Woo!

Mr.Kim: Where is Ji Ahh?

Jin Woo: She is in the car Mr.Kim she is very tired and felt asleep

Jin Woo: Wait here Mr.Kim I will get Ji Ahh

*Jin Woo carried up Ji Ahh*

Mr.Kim: Just put her in his room Jin Woo so that she can rest

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Maybe you should get some rest too Jin Woo

Jin Woo: I will rest in my house Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: If it is okay to you rest here for one night?

Jin Woo: *shy* A-A-Aniyo Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Please Jin Woo

Jin Woo: But I'm very shy Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Don't be shy Jin Woo just suit yourself as a guest

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim

Jin Woo: But what if my mother was looking for me?

Mr.Kim: Just text here that you will be sleeping here tonight

Jin Woo: Okay Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Thank you Jin Woo

Jin Woo: For what Mr.Kim?

Mr.Kim: For saving our dear daughter

Jin Woo: It was your efforts Mr.Kim not mine

Mr.Kim: Aniyo you also help us Jin Woo *smiling*

Jin Woo: You are always welcome Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Maybe the maid will bring Ji Ahh to his room

*Mr.Kim calls the Maid*

Mr.Kim: Maid?

Maid: Yes sir?

Mr.Kim: Bring Ji Ahh to his room so that she can rest well

Maid: Okay sir

*The maid carried up Ji Ahh to his room*

Mr.Kim: Are you hungry Jin Woo?

Jin Woo: A-a-aniyo Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: I think you are hungry maybe we should eat dinner now

Jin Woo: Thank you Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: You are welcome Jin Woo

Mr.Kim: I think my wife is cooking dinner now

*The dinner was served and they went to the kitchen to eat dinner*

Jin Woo: It's looks delicious Mrs.Kim

Mrs.Kim: Ohh it is you Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Ne

Mrs.Kim: Thank you for saving our dear daughter Jin Woo

Jin Woo: No need to thank me Mrs.Kim I was just helping you

Jin Woo: Let me arrange the plates Mrs.Kim

Mrs.Kim: Just sit there Jin Woo you are our guest

Jin Woo: B-b-but it is embarrassing for me Mrs.Kim to just sit and eat here

Mrs.Kim: *smiling* Just sit there Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Okay Mrs.Kim

*The maids prepares all the plates and join their dinner*

Jin Woo: Oum you should sit first Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kim

Jin Woo: Should we pray first before eating dinner?

Mr.Kim: Go ahead lead the prayer Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Thank you for all you did to us today God. We are very thankful that Ji Ahh is safe now and for those you kidnap Ji Ahh he desserve to rest in peace if he died in that explosion. Guide us and protect God. Amen

Mr.Kim: Okay let's eat

*After Jin Woo praying they eat their dinner*