( Forgivable Love)

Jin Woo's POV

I taught I will lose Ji Ahh again and that is the most fearful part of my life if I lose her.She is very important to me and don't worry Ji Ahh I will protect no matter what happen to my life.

*Mr.Kim leaves Ji Ahh's room*

Jin Woo: Ji Ahh?

Ji Ahh: Ne?

Jin Woo: Are you still mad at me?

Ji Ahh: Mad? I never get mad Jin Woo

Jin Woo: But what happened earlier at the park?

Ji Ahh: I will never get mad at you Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Waeyo?

Ji Ahh: Because no matter happen you do to me I'm here to forgive you

Ji Ahh: My love for you is very forgivable

Ji Ahh: And I will treasure that Jin Woo

Ji Ahh: Even through we still meet not long enough but you make special even those times

Ji Ahh: You are gentle man Jin Woo *smiling*

Ji Ahh: So cheer up and don't be afraid as long as I'm here wih you

Jin Woo: Thank you Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: You are welcome Jin Woo

Ji Ahh: Just stay with me forever

Jin Woo: I will Ji Ahh

Jin Woo: But what happened to your Ji Ahh?

Ji Ahh: I saw a man wearing a black coat

Jin Woo: And?

Ji Ahh: He said that I must prepare myself

Jin Woo: For what?

Ji Ahh: Something will happen to me in my future

Ji Ahh: He also said that I will lose someone in my life

Ji Ahh: And I must be prepare for that

Jin Woo: I'm just right here for you Ji Ahh

Jin Woo: Just hold my hand if you are scared

Ji Ahh: I will Jin Woo

Ji Ahh: Maybe we should get back to sleep now

Jin Woo: *Laughing* NE

Ji Ahh: Sorry for interrupting your sleep Jin Woo

Jin Woo: It's okay

Ji Ahh: Just sleep with me

Ji Ahh: I'm scared and I want to sleep with you now

Jin Woo: Okay Ji Ahh

*Jin Woo and Ji Ahh went back to sleep*