( The agreement)

Mr.Kim's POV

*Jin Woo and Ji Ahh wake up early*

Ji Ahh: Goodmorning daddy

Mr.Kim: Goodmorning too Sweetie

Mr.Kim: Have you sleep comfortly Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Ne Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: That's a good news

Jin Woo: Maybe I should go now Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Don't you want to eat breakfast first?

Jin Woo: A-a-aniyo Mr.Kim. I think my eomma is waiting for me now

Mr.Kim: Suit yourself Jin Woo

Jin Woo: Thank you for making me sleep in your comfort house Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: You are welcome Jin Woo. You can visit or sleep here anytime

Jin Woo: *Bows* Thank you Mr.Kim

Ji Ahh: Daddy I will escort Jin Woo before he leave

Mr.Kim: Okay Ji Ahh

*Jin Woo and Ji Ahh went outside to talk*

Ji Ahh: *aegyo* Are you leaving?

Jin Woo: *smiling* Don't worry I will visit you here Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: *aegyo* Promise?

Jin Woo: Ne

Ji Ahh: Thank you for comforting me Jin Woo

Jin Woo: You are always welcome Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Come closer to me I have something for you *smiling*

Jin Woo: What is it?

Ji Ahh: Just come close to me

*Ji Ahh kissed Jin Woo cheeks*

Ji Ahh: Be safe always. I don't want you to get hurt

Jin Woo: Yes,I will Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Maybe you can visit me tomorrow Jin Woo because I wanted to sleep again *Laughing*

Jin Woo: Ne

Ji Ahh: Just text or chat me Jin Woo if you miss me

Jin Woo: *smiling* Ne

Jin Woo: Goodbye Ji Ahh

Ji Ahh: Goodbye Jin Woo

*Jin Woo was leaving the house when suddenly Ji Ahh calling him again*

Ji Ahh: Jin Woo?

Jin Woo: Ne?

*Ji Ahh sends a flying kiss*

Ji Ahh: Just keep that kiss for me

Jin Woo: Ne!

*Jin Woo leaves Ji Ahh's house*

Ji Ahh: Maybe I should go inside now so I can sleep again

*Ji Ahh went inside to take some sleep*

Mr.Kim: Jin Woo is very nice guy and I like that boy

Mr.Kim; Oh! Who is this calling?

*Mr.Kim answered the call*

Mr.Kang: Hello Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Annyeong Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: How is Ji Ahh?

Mr.Kim: Ji Ahh is now okay Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: I have something to tell you Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: What Is it Mr.Kang?

Mr.Kang: About in our agreement

Mr.Kim: Waeyo?

Mr.Kang: I have an urgent meeting with my parents tonight and I need to show them my future girlfriend and wife

Mr.Kim: Wife? Meeting with family?

Mr.Kang: Ne. You said that I can marry Ji Ahh when the right time comes but it is a very urgent meeting with my parents

Mr.Kim: B-b-but I don't know how to tell Ji Ahh about that

Mr.Kang: Just leave it to me Mr.Kim. We will meet at exactly 8pm tonight

Mr.Kim: Okay Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: But tell her to meet me 9am so that I can tell her

Mr.Kim: Okay Mr.Kang

Mr.Kang: Goodbye Mr.Kim

Mr.Kim: Goodbye Mr.Kang

*Mr.Kang ended up the call*