Page 18

On the 27th, you sit in front of the mirror, staring at yourself. Undoubtedly, you were nervous. Meeting Oikawa's parents was something you didn't even think about, much less even considered happening in the near future.

What were you kidding about, you hadn't even considered it happening in the far future, either. But from the way the bell continues to ring like crazy, you sigh, taking a final look at yourself - Mei had dressed you in clothes she deemed modest and decent to meet the parents of his; a long-sleeved dress that reaches your knees paired with skinny jeans.

"No makeup. Oikawa has seen you drooling in your sleep so you have nothing to lose." She had said, and you can't help but shake your head as you open the door, to see the male standing at the entrance with a big, goofy grin on his face.

"You didn't have to ring the bell that much, you git. I know you're here with just one ring." You let him know, taking your purse and stepping out to put on your shoes.

"... Git? I've never heard that one before."

"Yes, because basic degredatory slang is not enough for someone like you, and I have to dig through the ends of the Earth to find more to add for your list."

Oikawa chuckles at your response, a smile on his face as he shakes his head and watches as you wipe your dress a little and then glance at him. "Nothing you say is gonna ruin this day for me, Masumi-chan!" He sings, taking hold of your hand. "And I know you call me those names out of your undying love for me!" He looks cheerful, but you can see the slightly reddened corners of his eyes and the light eyebags he has, and you can understand how tired he was.

He had been out all day yesterday as well, all the way from when you had gone to knock on his door last morning to ask him to come up for breakfast… All the way till dinner time when the lights had been out till 9pm before you and Mei had heard the sound of the door slamming. And maybe that was why you can allow Oikawa to overreact this way, and let him have his way and hold your hand tight while you two go downstairs and he opens the door.

Your heart drops at first, because there had been so many boxes yesterday, but today, it has reduced by more than half of that amount. Moreover, you notice that even the curtains are gone now, the sticky notes and the shoe-rack also gone and packed away, leaving only the minimal cooking materials in the otherwise bare house.

"Mom, Dad, I brought Masumi-chan!" Oikawa yells excitedly, like a little child introducing their best friend to their parents. And maybe there was a child inside Oikawa's heart, from all the childish pranks he'd played on you so far and annoyed you like the way only brats from elementary or pre-school would.

Oikawa's mother stands by the kitchen counter, adding mushroom slices on top of a big pot. The smell is familiar, a lot like how your mom makes soup, and it makes you smile, right in time for Oikawa's mom to face you and give you a smile.

"Hello, Masumi-chan!" She greets, exactly the same way Oikawa himself greets you, and you glance at the male, who sports a warm smile on his face - one you probably have never, ever seen on his face, through the many, many days and versions of him that he'd shown you. And that makes you think back to something you'd heard Iwaizumi saying to Oikawa, how it was a genuine smile, a rare one he'd seen, on the setter's face.

You'd thought, back then, that it was an exaggeration, but as you look at the expression on his face as he leads you inside, you realize that Iwaizumi was right. It makes you feel a little giddy, that one of Oikawa's genuine smiles was here, because of you.

Oikawa's mother greets you politely and you respond, right after which a boisterous laugh fills the room. A man with a fancy beard and a big smile on his face appears from the hallway, and when Oikawa nudges your elbow, mouthing 'Dad' to you. You learn that Oikawa's father was easier to approach than his mother was - which was the opposite of what you had expected. To be honest, you'd bugged Oikawa a lot about this, but he refused to tell you anything about his parents till you met them, claiming that surprises were the best.

His parents are a humble couple who runs a hardware store, and you learn Oikawa was their pride and joy: the child who scored a scholarship for himself and didn't worry his middle-class family. And this makes you see Oikawa in a new light, as his cheeks are flushed red while his dad talks about the first time the male was given the player of the tournament award.

The dinner of chicken and mushroom soup with bread, seafood rice, and poached eggs ends with Oikawa's dad doing the most of the talking, and it's 9pm when they announce that they were ready to catch the train to go home. And this is the only proper time when you get to talk with Oikawa's parents individually, first when Oikawa's Dad asks you to sit back for a chat when he and his mom take away the dishes.

"Look, this is probably the last time I'll get the chance to talk with you before he moves out, so…" He starts, glancing at the male. "So I want to ask. Do you know if he's eating well?"

This makes you feel so guilty. You think back to all the empty cups of instant noodles he'd eaten, how Mei had kept on urging you to invite Oikawa for meals more often and you hadn't let him, until recently. It makes you feel so guilty that you find yourself getting teary-eyed, making Oikawa's dad go wide-eyed, at your reaction.

"Wait, what, did I say something wrong-"

"No! I should have watched more of what he ate and I'm sorry I didn't… I don't think he ate a healthy diet, enough for an athlete…" You find yourself saying, while you try your hardest not to cry. How embarrassing. And this wasn't even Oikawa's mom, it was his dad, you were almost crying in front of.

"Hey, I'm not holding you responsible for his meals. I just wanted to know, because that kid knows how to cook, but he's a little brat who enjoys when others cook for him. He's the laziest kid I've ever met."

This makes you blink, able to control your tears and you take the tissue that he hands you. It makes you feel a little better, but you still feel guilty because, whether he knew how to cook or not, he would be tired from all the practice he does.

"But I'm glad I had this talk with you. Even if it's a short one. The fact that you'd cry at such a simple thing about him shows me you care. I hope he can keep you and not toss you out like he does with the girls he gets bored of."

The first part of his sentence made your heart clench while the other makes you squint your eyes while glancing at Oikawa. "Yes. I feel you."

He notices your glare. "And maybe that's why his Mom is a little distant. Because you aren't the first one he's brough for a meal at home. So don't worry about it, I think it��ll be fine."

The talk with Oikawa's dad makes you feel a little lighter, and you're able to greet his mom happily despite her not being as friendly towards you as her husband was. But you decide that it doesn't matter. As you and Oikawa stand on the balcony and watch the two heads out, you find yourself letting out a sigh of relief.

"So… how was it?"

"I learned quite a lot. Thanks for inviting me for dinner."

"My pleasure."

"Also…" You start, feeling a little tongue-tied. "Come for your meals at our place till you have to leave, okay?"

This causes Oikawa's eyes to go wide, lips forming a big 'o' as he looks pleasantly surprised by your words.

"...What did you and Dad talk about?"

"Nothing. Just about what a brat you are."


You step out from the balcony, glancing at the male and pointing at the door. "I should get home too. We have school tomorrow."

Oikawa nods, stepping outside and getting in front of you, bending down a little to place a kiss on your cheek. "Up you go, Masumi-chan. Sleep well, my love." He coos, and you find yourself smiling a little, cheeks flushing as you take steps back until you hit the door. Oikawa looks at your actions in amusement, and you stick your tongue out at him before you open the door and step outside.

You stay outside for a bit, waiting for your heart to calm down from the pet name he'd called you. And you have no idea how long it takes for you to finally breathe calmly, and you climb the first stair to head up when you hear Oikawa's voice from behind his door.

"It takes you that long to calm down? Damn, Masumi-chan, and you try to deny that you love me!"

'That little brat!'