Page 19

The next morning, Oikawa yodels himself into your apartment. "Mei-chan! Yahoo~ Guess who invited me to have breakfast with you two!" He sings, giving you a big smile he watches you slice up the loaf.

"Keep on talking, and it won't be long before you piss her off." Mei warns, and Oikawa takes a look at you, and gulps.

"I think it's too late, Mei-chan! But it's okay, because Masumi-chan loooooves me!" he has to say, winking at your sister who is trying to place the sunny-side-up eggs on a plate. It takes every ounce of your patience to ignore Oikawa acting like a manchild, and aggressively slice the bread and place it on a dish to serve.

"Quit acting like a baby and pour the juice, sweetie." Mei instructs, and Oikawa gets up from his seat, heading to the fridge and listening to your sister.

"So nice to be called sweetie, why don't you ever call me cute names like that, Masumi-chan?" Oikawa questions with a pout while he pours the peach juice into the glasses. "I'm your boyfriend, for crying out loud!"

You purse your lips into a thin line, not wanting to say what you wanted to say: "You're not my boyfriend!" If you did, you were sure there would be endless bickering from your side until you end up saying something that might kick Oikawa out, or worse, make him leave on his own.

"Masumi, are you alright? You aren't saying anything, honey." Mei worries, washing her hands and pressing her hands and pressing her palm on your forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever."

"I'm fine." You respond, and the three of you take seats at the table and dig in.

"Mei-chan, you're an amazing cook!" Oikawa's compliments break the odd silence at the table. "Can you teach Masumi-chan and me how to cook? After I graduate and Masumi-chan's finals are over? Then we can have time to learn!"

Breakfast consists of a conversation between Mei and Oikawa, mostly about the latter's university and the rating of how good the graduation ceremony for Aoba Johsai usually gets. You stay quiet for the most part, and when Mei asks you two go on ahead to school and leave the dishes to her, you feel a little hesitant, but listen to your sister.

As soon as the two of you come down the stairs and onto the porch, Oikawa stops walking and glances at you.



"Why won't you talk to me?"

"I am talking to you even now, you baka." You respond. Oikawa shakes his head, coming closer to you. "I don't mean now, but at breakfast."

You make circles on the sand with your feet, instead of responding to him because you really didn't have a good enough excuse for that.

"Look, Masumi-chan." He begins, reaching for your hands and intertwining your fingers with his. "I love you. And I love eating with you and I'm so happy you asked me to have breakfast with you every day till I leave. But if you sincerely don't want me around and only asked me to come because my Dad asked you to, then you don't have to do it again. I won't come and bother you."

"That's not it!" You protest. Oikawa has misunderstood you in the most ultimate form.

"Hey, look, Masumi-chan." He says nudging your arm with his elbow. "If you're scared to make an insult about me, then don't worry about it and do it. We aren't us if we don't bicker, right?" He says with a grin.

You look at him, and find yourself smiling at what he said. Your sister was right, you two would do endless fights over the silliest things, but when it comes to understanding each other, it really feels like you two are the best for each other, as well.

Oikawa holds your hand tightly up till you reach the school, and only lets go after you tell him you're late for class. "Masumi-chan!" He sings, loud enough for the people around you to hear.

"I can hear you stupid goosekawa! What are you being so loud for?!"

"G-Goose?! Why would you call me by a bird's name, Masumi-chan, that's mean!" He cries with a pout on his face. It makes you annoyed but still more relieved that things were falling back to normal between you two.

"If you weren't such a stupid goosekawa, you'd know that 'goose' also means a really foolish person. Quite like yourself."

"You're mean! Come give me a kiss to make up for it."

Did he just… 'order' you? "Hah, as if." You scoff.

There were so many people around and some girls kept on staring at you two, as Oikawa was with you.

"Now let me go, I'm leaving!" This time, Oikawa has a little smile on his face and actually lets go of you. It feels a little uncharacteristic that he'd let you off so easily, but you figure he was trying to redeem himself by doing so.

The day passes by quickly, and pretty soon, it is lunchtime. As soon as you and Misaki have picked out your lunch tray, you hear a loud "Yahhooo!!" from the back of the cafeteria.

Talk about embarrassing. For someone who has so much respect all over the school, and nationwide, as well, Oikawa sure acts like a nutcase. He stands at a table at the back, flailing his arms like crazy and calling your name constantly that it feels like all eyes are on you while you make your way through the tables and reach him. Hanamaki, Iwaizumi and Matsukawa are already there, and they all - especially Iwaizumi - look ready to slap Oikawa to oblivion.

"Stop creating a drama, you goose!" You hiss upon reaching, and Misaki takes a seat while you glare at Oikawa's big smile.

"I missed you sooooo much, Masumi-chan!" He coos.

The next thing you know, he leans towards you so fast that you can't back away, and presses his lips against yours.

Right in the middle of 'everyone'.