Page 29

Page 29

You're finally starting to learn Oikawa Tooru really well.

The first thing is that he enjoys attention. It doesn't matter who. It doesn't matter even if it's a teacher who says 'Oikawa-kun, great job in the last match', or if it's a high-pitched squealing girl who does her best to act cute and tell him he's handsome. He enjoys attention, and the latter makes you annoyed, but you decide that it's just your jealousy acting up when you wait by the bus stop while Oikawa is surrounded by some of his fangirls.

It's better this way. The girls don't bother you anymore, and that might be because Oikawa is always with you. Always holding your hand.

Now that's the second thing you learned about him. It's one of the things that made you two fight, but you're starting to slowly adjust your anger towards him and instead try to take his form of displaying affection more positively.

Every day, Oikawa dashes to your classroom door right at noon and doesn't let go of your hand until you have to slap his arm to hold your trays during lunch. It's a bit funny, actually, and Misaki, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa never fail to make cooing noises and tease the two of you when you both are innocently enjoying lunch together.

And that's where the third thing you learned about him appears. Despite him being obsessed with attention, he gets really shy when it comes to you. All it takes is a 'Wow, Oikawa, stop staring at Y/n-san and eat already!' from Hanamaki, for him to turn completely red, too embarrassed to meet eyes with you and then huffing while he begins to scarf his lunch down.

"I'm noooooot!"

"Stop being such a sissy and admit it like a man, Oikawa." Iwaizumi likes to make use of this rare opportunity - as he states - to make fun of his childhood friend.

"That's rude!!! Stop making me look bad in front of Y/n-chan!"

"How about you stop talking incessantly and eat something nutritional instead of that?!"

Things like this always ignite you two banter, and one thing you noticed from you two's squabbles from before and now is that… You actually can't help but laugh or smile at each other in the middle of it. And it's actually… it's wholesome, being Oikawa's girlfriend.

It's still something you're getting used to - especially with people asking what the hell happened to your hair, or if you are dating THE Oikawa Tooru in the first place.

"I can't wait to go to Karasuno so that I don't get myself labeled with you."

"I thought most people would love to be associated with me-"

"Keep dreaming." A loud smack makes you look up at the brown-haired setter, who gets the back of his head slapped by an annoyed-looking Iwaizumi.

"I can't even go out on a date in peace because of you, Iwa-chaaan!!!" Oikawa whines, rubbing the back of his head in pain, and his jaw drops open when you and Iwaizumi exchange a high five. "So mean!!!" He yells, marching off to the porch while you and Iwaizumi exchange laughs.

"Hurry and go, or else he might stay like that for long and annoy you during the entire bus ride."

You give Iwaizumi a big thumbs up, heading off to the gate where Oikawa is peeking from behind a tree; waiting for you to come to find him and pacify his petty self into joining you. So, he can be annoying, but also kinda cute, sometimes.

"Come on, Tooru! We might miss the bus." You say in your softest tone, standing in front of him with pursed lips.

Now that is the fourth thing about him that you've learned now. Oikawa is an absolute sucker for cute things. He loses his shit when you do a cute expression for him, and even if you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being called a senpai too often, in the rare cases when you do… Oikawa's face instantly changes, and his eyes go wide, blinking a lot as he looks at you in disbelief while his face would dust crazily in pink.

"Sh-Shush, let's go!" He grabs your hand and hurries to drag you to the bus stop.

One of the funny things about Oikawa Tooru is that he - as he had countlessly claimed - is a really good boyfriend. Iwaizumi has mentioned this to you, about how he used to say that he would be the best boyfriend on Earth, and how Iwaizumi was not able to believe this until Oikawa started to date you. Even now, he is accompanying you to Karasuno to drop off some forms for your application. And you appreciate things like this about him, knowing how he does not have a good spot in his heart for Karasuno and yet does this, simply for you.

Thoughts like this always make you smile, and you're watching the way Oikawa looks out from the window while the two of you share earphones that are blasting some music of your choice. While you're watching the way the brunette bobs his head a little to the tuning song, you can' help that your smile becomes wider and wider. In fact, by the time the song finishes and Oikawa turns to face you, you're downright grinning.



"Ew, Y/n-chan. We're dating, so why must you stare at me like a creep?"

"When we get off this bus, you better look out for your limbs."

From the way his lips purse a little, you can tell that he's trying not to laugh, you can tell that he's trying not to laugh, and instead furrows his eyebrows and looks at you in disappointment.

"The things I have to deal with for love. The world is such a cruel and harsh place." He says, a hand clutching the top left side of his shirt."

"You are such a dramakawa."

"So mean! Why do you know so many insult names, but never remember a single formula when you're doing a question in math?"


The bus comes to a stop while some of you are arguing over how maths is important (as Oikawa claims) versus how it's not necessary (this one was your claim). You two stop your stupid bantering and Oikawa gets up, going past the rest of the passengers that fill the bus and making way for you.

So he can be a gentleman too when he wants to.

You stretch a little, inhaling the air. There are still a couple of minutes of walking to reach Karasuno, and you take your phone out to type a text to let Mei know that you're nearby. Oikawa is watching your every action, even when you open up your front camera to see how you look.

When you neaten your fringe a little bit, Oikawa's eyes go wide, sitting down at the seat of the bus stop and fishing through his bookbag.

"What is it?"

"I have something for you. Close your eyes."

"You're not gonna pour a milkshake over me, are you?"

"I won't! I promise! And don't bring that up!" Oikawa whines, looking genuinely frustrated. "Close your eyes!"

You decide to trust Oikawa, because he was being a good sport recently, anyways. You hear the sound of plastic getting tore a little before you feel something on your head.


When you open your eyes, Oikawa has his smartphone pointed straight at you, taking a picture as soon as you do. He then turns the front camera on, and you find a burgundy beret placed over your head.

"I think you look beautiful as you are, Y/n-chan, but sometimes, I can see how stressed and sad you look whenever you see your reflection from somewhere," he says, taking hold of your hand and draping the strap of his bag over his shoulders. "I know it can't change everything, but I hope this can make you worry less."

You watch the way Oikawa taps a little on your bangs, bringing bits of your hair to the side, and the beret makes you look better and feel more confident than you were earlier. The gesture and his choice of words almost make you tear up, so you pull on his arm, mumbling a 'Let's go, Tooru', and walking a little ahead.

Half a year ago, the last thing you'd have done was to go out somewhere with him, but now, while you watch his proud and amused face as you try to hold in your overwhelming emotions… You understand fully just how much, and how hard you've fallen in love with Oikawa Tooru.

Perhaps, just as much as he does too.