Chapter 6 The Kid

I really thought Tonya was the one for me but obviously she was nothing but games. I put it all together on how she really work. But you know what she was doing eventually came to the light. I got the biggest blessing ever in that's my son. I couldn't ask for nothing else in this world. But I always said what you do in the dark comes to the light an it did. I couldn't cap at first it really did bother me but after a while I had to get over it. It happened in I was blessed. I really care about Tonya but she had other decisions at this point in life. I had a little fun of my own when it came to Tonya. See Tonya always had this mean kind of sexy type of way about her self. That's what got me in the shit I'm in now.

She was the reason I open my heart back up just to get played with again. She was the reason I thought I could find a mate again then she showed me people can play games right up under your nose. But my game was actually ten times up to date. See what you fail to realize is I to myself also was with a real close friend of ours. Remember the night we our first three sum together I also made a buddy. I fucked around with our buddy once or twice that's it. It all stopped because I still wanted Tonya. I could of just kept fucking our friend but she was on my mind all the time. Like even when the kitty was getting ate. I could only imagine her touch. How she twirl the tongue around the clit. She get you moist before even touching you. She got that long tongue that slurp up all your moisture.

She got that super soaker that just have you thinking about her all the time. But our friend was also a pleasure to the pussy. Can eat it beat it and twirl it. I wasn't a rookie to the game in neither was Tonya. I knew she was going make it hard for me because of our pass arguments. I knew she was going to make me suffer for everything I did to hurt her. See what Tonya hate or fail to realize is that I will always love her but it's time to leave the pass behind us. So as the day go on I'm thinking like should I hit up our friend or just go back to my ex Maya. I call up Juicy to see what she up too. Hello hey Juicy hey Erica long time no hear. I know I been busy trying to get my stuff together. Can I come over in chill with you? Yeah sure if that's what you want to do. Yeah I do I kind of miss you a little. I bet you do what you want to do? I want to fuck you to sleep. Oh really so are you really about that life. I look at myself in the mirror an bust out laughing hell yeah. No love music I just want your body. Erica don't be playing with me you know I really want you. I know you do but we will get it together.

You'll should know me by now I'm on it when it comes to handling business. She started laughing. Oh I know what you can do in I'm going to love every bit of it. Oh trust I know you is but don't r Kelly me lol. I don't pee on people I climax on everything. Mmmhmmm I love the sound of that it sounds very drowning lol. Don't play with me bring that ass over here now. Ok girl give me thirty in I'm there. So I hang up with her just to get a call from Tonya. Hello hello yeah wyd? Nothing chilling about to slide to my friend house in hang with her for a minute. Oh ok so you coming over here after you leave your friend house later? I guess so it depends on the time I leave her I'll come over. Ok that's cool don't be to long you know I got to work later. Then what is the use of me coming over if you leaving. I want to play on the sugar field before I leave. Yeah yeah I bet you do. I do why you want to mess with me when you can have who ever you want? Because I don't want just no anybody it's to many stds out here and plus I know you clean.

I know I'm clean because I don't fuck everything that walks. I may act like a freak but I can count how many people I fucked on my hands. I'm good on having a lot of bodies. When you fuck a lot of people that pussy have odors you can't get rid of or stds that is permanent. I'm good on all that I rather be safe then sorry. You right that's why I don't fuck off on a lot of people. That's why I know I can fuck on you any time I please. Bol girl you so goofy. I know it wouldn't be me if I wasn't. In that is not true you can't have me any time you want. So you telling me I can't fuck you right now if I want to? Nope you can't have nothing unless I give you it too you. Oh really so you telling me I can't fuck with you if I want too? Nope unless I say yes. Ok we will see when you come from your friend house. Lol girl don't play you know we will box.

Yeah yeah I'm going to box on that pussy that's what I'm going to box. Lol girl you ain't boxing on nothing but these hands. Yeah yeah I got to go I'm at my friend house right now. Ok baby daddy see you later. Alright boo see you in a few. I hang up right before Juicy came to the door. Hey bae who you was talking too? Oh my friend that I known for some years. Oh you ready for our therapy session today. I nodded my head up in down like let's get this rub down going. She grab my hand in lead me to her room. I sat on her bed while I waited for her to come in out of the shower. In of course I always do my thirty minute wait because you don't know if that pussy might be smelling. See when you jump in when they get out the shower you smell soap. If you wait you'll know how the pussy smell without that strong soap smell. As I kiss her I started sucking on her nipples she starts to moan. I went to kissing her down to her belly button. My phone rings it's Tonya so I ignored it while it still rung. I keep on kissing her down until I reached her clit. She grabbed my head in went to settling on my face. She pulled my hair in rode my face like a horse. My phone rung again in it's Tonya again. I didn't stop what I was doing to answer. I'm gripping Juicy wrist to keep her in one place.

She kept trying to run from me in I'll pull her ass back. Don't run you talked that shit like you was ready. Don't run now keep riding this face. She went to shaking like dam stop. But she couldn't say nothing out her mouth. I had her stuck an I knew she was coming to her peek point. She tried to release her wrist but couldn't. She lifted up off the bed where I knew I had her ass. She went up in came down in released all that pressure all over my face in bed. I knew then she didn't want nobody to touch it not even her panties. She laid there balled up under the cover. I looked at her like my job was done. I got up in took a shower real quick. Washed my face real good in was getting ready to leave. I get a call while I'm sitting next to juicy in it's Tonya again. I got up in went out the door. What's up Tonya why you ain't answer my call the first two times. Because I didn't have my phone on me it was on the table in I was outside.

Oh well I don't have to work tonight are you still coming over? Yeah I'll come over but ain't nothing going down. Mmmhmmm ok we will see when you get here. Ok we will see watch me. As I walked back in to tell Juicy bye she was knocked out. I gave her a kiss good bye in left. I knew when she got up she would call me. I left to go to Tonya house but before I could get to Tonya Juicy called in. Hey bae why you left without letting me know. You was sleeping good so I thought I'll let you sleep. Oh bae well I'm going back to sleep I'll call you when I get up. Ok bae talk to you later kisses love you bye.

I never thought in a million years I would be back fucking Juicy. But hey it's life in I enjoyed her every little bit. But hey Tonya won't get right so I bounce back n forward between the both of them. See what Tonya fail to realize I ain't no duck when it comes to the game. I can do the same thing you doing but better. But I wonder what Tonya got in plan when I walk in.