Chapter 7 What She Trying To Do

As I pull up to Tonya crib she called my phone. Hello where are you? I'm outside your house. Oh bring your ass in then. Alright I'll be in there in a minute. I hung up just to get a call from Juicy. Hey bae what's up? What you doing? nothing just chilling with my girls. Yeah you better not be with that girl Tonya. I sat quiet for a minute because I knew she didn't want me round her because she knew me in Tonya was messing around while she was locked up. Look Juicy Tonya my friend in it's nothing like that between us. But I'm about to go in her house to see what's up real quick so I'm going to call you back in a few. Don't bother calling me back because I know you still messing around with that girl. Well if you feel like I'm messing with her then why keep trying to fuck on me then? My point in cade shut the fuck up in let me do me. As long as you getting pleased don't even worry about the next mother fucker.

I hang up my phone because Juicy begins to piss me off about stupid shit. Hey Tonya I'm here what we got? I don't know I just want to have fun. Girl let go for some drinks in eat. Ok bet we can do that. Me in Tonya always have a great time together but it's something about her I couldn't let her go. She was the only person I had that really believed in me. I really never asked her for nothing because I know if I needed she was there. But she had her petty ways also but she don't believe she was petty. But in other eyes she was big petty.

We pull up to our spot El patron a Mexican restaurant where the drinks was the best. We get out to walk in we was greeted by the host. We follow our host to our seats in we sat down in started talking. Erica so you know I been chilling with in old friend. I'm thinking to myself like who could it be. But then it dawn on me on who it could be because that's the only person that was out. I said Its your old boo from a long time ago. Yeah girl I been chilling with him for the pass few days. Oh really that's why you been acting funny towards me. Girl no It's just I been busy working an hanging with him. Oh ok that's what up yeah. What have you been up too? Nothing but the same oh same oh chilling in making sure my pops good. Oh ok that's what's up. Yeah nothing major just trying to make a side Hustle. Oh ok that's what's up bm.

As the day got late we finish eating in chilling she gets a phone call. Shhh don't say nothing he calling he don't know I'm with you. I'm sitting there like why the fuck you got to hide the fact you dealing with me. After she hangs up I ask why you hiding that you hanging with me? Because he really don't care for you in I don't want no drama between you'll. I'm scratching my head like bitch I'm to old to be hiding that I'm fucking with my bm. The whole ride to drop me off was silent no conversation nothing just complete silence. As I got ready to exit her car she was like I'll call you later or text you. I closed the door like I didn't hear nothing she said. In from that day I knew that friendship and bond we had was over. I knew she was going to choose a nigga over her friends any day.

I knew it was time for me to just back away from her in let her enjoy her friend without having to hide that she hangs out with me. Later that night I get a text message from her in my phone she was under baby mama but it changed to her full government name. I read the message in I responded with a simple three words nothing long just short in simple. I knew she would put it together that I didn't want to talk at that moment. She ask me was I alright in I responded with a simple yeah. Tonya last text was I see you don't want to talk so imma let you go. I sent the ok hand emoji in ended the conversation.

I went in sat in the tube in started thinking to myself. Everybody ain't what they say they is in I see it for myself now. They say the real stay the fake will divide in that has been the realist thing I ever heard. I came to the conclusion ain't nobody I deal with kept it real.