The In-Between

There's not much I am bad at,

Or much that I am good at.

I'm just good, just okay, just enough to get by.

It looks like a lot, the hours spent, the times alone,

But it is nothing.

Nothing compared to anything.

I can hear them,

With their false compliments, and fake smiles.

I know it's a lie.

They've done more, gone farther than I ever could have

It's okay, right?

Life's just like that sometimes,

They're still my friends, really.

Not really.

In the beginning, never the end

I met someone else, they would be great together,

Without me? No.

Without me.

I'm there for the pick me up, never the truth

I say; I love you, I'm proud of you.

They say; Wow, that's amazing, You've done so much.

It's the same, but not the same.

I'm not average, but the smallest star

Not forgettable, but memorable when needed

Not the best, but maybe second place.

Not me, but who's needed