
Everything has made this place their home, built something where there was nothing

Survived when conditions were harsh and managed to live and make the best of what they had

Some did it because they wanted to, others because they needed too

The rest found homes in our memories, and some didn't get the chance to last that long.

My home, your home, their home, our home built on the promise of a better life

For who? I'm not sure. But the answer surrounds me

I look outside my window and see stone, metal, neon, and plastic.

But to the right, I see a family giving thanks to a god for allowing them to be here

To the left, there are birds looking for food where memory says it used to be.

Below me, is life that struggles in the presence of death.

Everything, at its core, wants to live, to be safe, to be cared for in their time of need.

But we don't do that, our homes are built to be left, and our hearts beat to a sound that is not at home

Our lives are structured around the idea of a home but we don't know what that means

But they do

Our craving for home is so strong we cost the lives of everything else

We built houses where nests used to be

Schools on top of graves

Churches next to burrows

We gave everything a choice, adapt or die

Adapt or Die

Adapt or


It wasn't really a choice

I could go on and explain how the cost of our home was the home of everything else,

How they began to make our homes their homes,

How everything turned out okay in the end

But I can't

Everything, at its core, wants to live, to be safe, to be cared for in their time of need.

But we don't do that, our homes are built to be left, and our hearts beat to a sound that is not here

Our lives are structured around the idea of a home but we don't know what that means

So we burn our homes down,

Pollute the land with more than it takes

Destroy forests and turn fields into golf courses

We can move, pick up and start new somewhere else, make a new home

Everything else can't

They are stuck here until death

Adaptation or Death

Or Death
