For Who?

To increase the quality of life

There were tools, food, everything we needed

We built machines, harnessed the energy of another

To make life better

For who? Everyone I supposed

To increase the quality of life

There were machines, animals under our control

Animals weren't enough, humans were better

Machines were still man-powered

They needed to be better

To increase the quality of life

We had slaves, to do the work that was too much

We were a society, a civilized society

Life was better

For who? Everyone who was touched by the snow

To increase the quality of life

Those touched by the sun rebelled,

centuries later what the sun blesses the snow covers

The machines are no longer enough, they were stealing our jobs though

Life was getting better

To increase the quality of life

A man faking the look of the sun came into power

He would bring back the jobs being stolen by those following the dream

Life was better

Only for those who had the privilege

To increase the quality of life

There are robots and A.I. doing everything to make things easier

There are people losing their jobs to a piece of metal

It can do everything they can do,

Faster, better, perfectly

Life is better.

For who?