Because you like me!

Jun was searching up for Ani. He kept walking in the lobby when he heard her voice. She was talking with her brother on the phone. Jun followed the voice and then found her. She was standing behind a pillar. He kept walking and halted beside her when Ani felt someone was beside her. 

She turned her head to see and found it was Jun. "Oppa, I will soon reach home," said Ani and hung up the call. She put down her hand and lowered her head. 

"How are you?" Jun finally asked. 

"Umm… I am good. What- what about you?" Ani asked him, still head was lowered.

"You still do not look into my eyes while speaking. Can you not look into my eyes while talking?" Jun questioned. Ani gulped the saliva in her throat when Jun put his index finger under Ani's chin and raised it up. Ani's heart was thumping loudly because of this gesture of Jun. 

"They must be waiting," Ani said, pointing back from her one hand and turned to go when Jun said, "I missed you." Ani stopped at her place. "Eh?" she was surprised by hearing those words of Jun. 

She turned at look at him when he said, "I mean dad missed you a lot. I have never thought that you will be studying here. Do you not want to come back? They all miss you," pronounced Jun. 

"I miss him and others too. A few days back I disturbed you by crying on phone. Sorry for-"

"You did not disturb me. I happened to call Jae that time and he suddenly told me that you were crying. Dad was also on phone as I had put it on speaker so dad told me to calm you down," Jun stated. 

"Okay," Ani replied. 

"Where are you living? With your uncle aunty?" asked Jun. Although he got to knew from Kang Soo still he wanted to know from Ani when Ani lied to him. "Of course with them. They are my family after all," Ani proclaimed and tucked the hair strands back her ear which were coming upfront her face. 

"My dad was asking about you as he wants to take care of you as his own daughter. If you want to come to Seoul then go with me," Jun offered Ani. 

"No, I am happy here. Oppa is nice to me and so are the others. Thank uncle for thinking so much about me," asserted Ani. 

"Why are you lying to me?" Jun wondered and further asked, "What will you do after you will get graduate from here?"

"Uhh… that day when you talked with me then I gave a thought to it. I think I will pursue a degree in food management and nutrition. Now, dad is no more so I think I should work on his dream," Ani declared. 

"Your uncle is running the company so it won't be a problem for you to get there," asserted Jun and thought maybe Ani would tell him the truth. 

"Well, my friends are waiting for me so I should go now," said Ani with a faint smile on her lips and turned to go when Jun asked a question which was unexpected for her. 

"Do you like me?" hearing this question of Jun, Ani stopped again at her place. "How come he know that I like him?" thought Ani when Jun again asked the same question. 

"I don't," Ani replied and closed her eyes. She cursed herself internally for lying to Jun. 

"That is good. Cho told me about this. She also gave me a Love letter written by you so I thought you might be into me. She was furious that I didn't take you back to Seoul despite our fathers were friends," said Jun. 

Ani turned to look at him. "I think Cho told me this lie to provoke me. Even I do not like you as you are a naïve kid to me. Well, you can find someone good when you will get into the college," Jun said while smiling.

Ani did not feel good hearing those words of Jun. "I am not a naïve kid. It is fine if you do not like me but do not tell me what should I do in college," Ani muttered in an angry tone. 

A chuckle escaped from Jun's mouth as he heard Ani speaking in front of him with that boldness for the first time. "What is my photo doing in your phone as the wallpaper?" Jun asked in a serious tone. 

"Wh-What are you saying? Why would I put your photo in my phone?" Ani muttered. 

"Do I need to tell you?" Jun questioned with a raised brow. 

"Huh?" mumbled Ani and gave a slight laugh. "What are you saying? Why-why I would put your photo as my phone's wallpaper?" Ani said and laughed. 

"Because you like me. You think I will never know. Your acts are sufficient to tell that you like me. Not only that you made it see to your new classmate! Naïve. Keep in mind that I do not like girls like you so you should find someone else for you. Got it!" pronounced Jun and looked into her eyes for the answer. 

Ani got angry hearing those words. "Who said I like you? A wallpaper does not tell anything. As I told earlier that you do not to tell me what I have to do." There were tears in her eyes when she further spoke, "Fine, I like you. So what? I will forget you soon. It isn't like there is only guy on this earth. I will find a better guy for myself later after forgetting you."

Jun scratched his forehead. "You can really forget me?" Jun asked. 

"Yes. Why? You think I cannot. I will. I swear," said Ani in anger when Jun smiled. He stepped towards her and said, "Try forgetting this then."

He circled his one arm around Ani's waist and then pulled her up. He placed his other hand on the crook of her neck and lightly kissed on her lips. Ani's eyes turned big in shock. Her heartbeats raised just by that touch. After that he pulled away and smiled. 

"Get shocked as never kissed by a guy. Forget me, okay," said Jun with a smile and walked away. Ani went to a shock as she never expected that Jun will kiss her. The phone ringing brought her out from the shock. She answered it. 

"Ani where are you? Tae wants to see you. Come in the cafeteria," said Jae.

"Okay, I am coming," replied Ani and cut up the call. She was still in shock due to the thing happened to her. "Jun kissed me and then told me to forget him. Why? Come to your senses girl he was just playing with you," murmured Ani and left for the cafeteria. 


"Ani can you give me your number? Btw have you met Jun. I didn't see him after he met with Sun Jae," asked Tae looking around.

"Nope. I did not," Ani lied and smiled. She gave her number to him and told him tha she felt good meeting them," said Ani.

"Keep coming to Seoul. Jun's father misses you a lot. By the way, your uncle is the chairman of the company he has to shift there, I guess. Then you will also come there," Tae stated. He also wanted to know truth from Ani but she did not tell him too. 

"Maybe after graduation we will shift there. I will try coming there," asserted Ani. Tae smiled and caressed her head lovingly. "You are strong girl, Ani. That is the thing which makes you different from others," he said. Ani smiled. 

He got up from the chair and said, "So I've to go Now. See you soon," stated Tae. Ani too got up and saw him off till the parking where the cab was standing in which they had come. 

In the parking Jae was still talking with Jun while Dohwa had left earlier as his part time job time had started. "Have you talked with Ani?" asked Jae from Jun.

"Why would I?" Jun questioned and lied to him. 

"She is your friend," answered Jae.

"What?!" mumbled Jun. "She isn't my friend. It's just that our fathers were friends," stated Jun. 

"She likes you," muttered Jae.

" what can I do?" Jun questioned again.

"You're always this rude and cold. I wonder why she likes you," said Jae making a pouted face. 

"Are you here to talk about her?" asked Jun angrily.

"Why are you getting angry?" chuckled Jae and again hugged him tightly.

"Jae take care of Ani. She is a kid who doesn't know anything," whispered Jun in his ear. "It is dad's message for you. Say hello to uncle aunty and take care of yourself," Jun further added. Jae nodded and the two pulled away from each other. 

Kang Tae came to them and hugged Jae before getting into the cab. Ani too looked at them when they all sat inside and after a while the cab moved away from there. Jun turned his head back to look at Ani from the window who was waving at them. A smile carved on his lips. "I will wait for you," he told himself.