Preparation for the future

Sun Jae dropped Ani home. She inserted the door lock password and got inside. She was smiling, recalling her kiss with Jun. She touched her lips and giggled. "Why are you giggling so much? Did he not say that I should forget him? So, should I forget him? No, I cannot after today. He gave me my first kiss and it is said the kiss with first love means you are destined to be together," murmured Ani. 

She did not realize when she reached her room. She sat on the chair there and kept smiling. She took out her phone and looked at Jun's photo. "Maybe one day you will start loving me. I should wait more," said Ani, looking at Jun's photo. Staring at it at for a while, she opened the contacts and looked at Cho's number. She dialled her number and put the phone near her ear. Cho answerer the call after a few rings. 

"Finally you remembered me. Finally you realized that you've a friend also. How are you?" stated Cho with a slight anger in her tone. 

"Forgive me. I missed you," Ani said and got teary eyed. 

"I forgave you. How are you? Tell me where are you in Daegu? I will come there to meet you. Tell me," Cho said from the other side. 

"I am good. You do not need to come here. Many things happened, Cho. Do not tell anyone as I do not want anyone to let know about this," asserted Ani. 

"What has happened?" Cho asked, panicking. 

"I mistakenly signed off the company's father and now it is under uncle's name. I had no problem in that but then he almost threw me out of the house but Soo oppa came forward for my rescue. 

We no longer with him but with Sung Woo oppa who is a close friend and a brother to Soo oppa. I have never thought in my dreams that uncle will do such a thing. It was dear to dad and he said many bad things about him," Ani said in a sad tone when her throat choked. 

"Ani, do not worry. It is good that Soo took your side. I also wonder why your uncle did something like this. Do not think too much, okay?" muttered Cho from the other side of phone. 

"Hmm. Soo and Woo oppa are really nice. I do not know what would I have done without them. By the way Cho, I met with Jun today," said Ani biting her nails.

"Ahh, yes. They three had gone to Daegu for the competition. Don't tell me-" Cho was utterly shocked hearing that. 

"Yes, I was also in that competition from my school. I met Jun there. And why did you give him my love letter?" asked Ani with a slight anger in her tone.

"Because he did not stop you from going to Daegu. Wait for a sec, he talked about this?" Cho questioned. 

"Yes, he knows that I like him. Firstly I lied to him so that he can't ask me further. But then he told me that I should look for some other guy from school or when I will go to a college," said Ani and sighed.

"What? I could not believe he talked about this with you. Ani, I have told you numerous times that cold jerk will never reciprocate to you. I wish I was there because if I would I would definitely punched him hard," Cho angrily said. 

"He kissed me too," Ani further said and giggled. 

"Kissed?? Ani, something is wrong with him. I mean he told you earlier to look for some other guy and then kissed you! Is he jealous or something? I guess he is missing your presence and now realized that he likes you," opined Cho. 

"He does not like me. I think he was just playing with me. After kissing he said I am not kissed by any guy that is why I am giving him that shocking look. He also told me to forget about him as he does not like me," asserted Ani. 

"He has confused you, I guess," Cho stated. 

"What do you mean?" Ani asked and told her to clarify. 

"I mean maybe he likes you secretly but he does not want you to know. So he said something like that. But then there can be this possibility that he was just playing with you. But kissing was random. Agh…. I am getting confused by all this," Cho said. 

"He was just playing because he told me to forget him and he does not like the my type of girls. Still I think I should not lose hope on my first love. It was my first kiss that too with my first love so I should keep my faith on my love. Maybe someday we both will be together," pronounced Ani. 

"You are really a kid. He was just playing with you. Guys are like that. Now, he also made clear to you that he doesn't like your types of girls then what's the use to long for him," stated Cho. 

"Ahh… let's not talk about this. I will start preparing for SAT. I want to pursue the career in food management and nutrition," Ani declared.

"Really? That's great but what about engineering?" Cho questioned. 

"I want to work in my father's company. It was his legacy and I also want to contribute in that," proclaimed Ani.

"You do not want to take back that company?" Cho questioned. 

Ani refused. "I do not think I should do that," Ani replied. 

"Why? It is your father's worship place. Do you not see how much hard work your father had put into that?" Cho suggested.

"I know but then it will arise conflicts. My dad never wanted that. My first aim is to get into Sangma which is going to be difficult as uncle is there," asserted Ani. 

"Indeed it is going to be tough but I know you will make into that. Keep working on your dream and you will be there in no time," stated Cho. "Ani, I have to leave for the restaurant," she further said. 

"Okay. I felt good after talking with you," declared Ani. 

"You should have talked with me earlier, girl. But I can understand. Talk with you later. Bye," said Cho.

"Bye," said Ani and Cho cut the call. Ani put the phone aside and looked at the photo of her parents. She looked at her father who was smiling. "Sorry, dad. Because of my naïve character, I lost your most precious thing," said Ani, looking at the photo frame. She shifted her gaze on the laptop and started reading the notes from it. 

Two years passed like this. She gave the SAT with full preparation and was waiting for the results. She was sitting in her room holding her parents photo frame in her hand. 

"I did my best and I am hoping for Seoul National University means I have to go back to my birthplace. But eomma (mom) – appa (dad), I will feel your absence there. But I cannot run away. Your company is also there so I have to go there," murmured Ani.