
"Why are you shouting? I told you earlier to lower your voice", said Jun and came inside her room. "Why is your face wet?"

"I can't find the towel", said Ani.

"It's here....did you forget", said Jun and pulled out a towel from the small cabinet there.

Ani took towel from him and wiped her face.

"Ani lunch is getting cold....so I took it upstairs", said the maid aunty.

"Sorry aunty to trouble you", said Ani and put the food on the table.

"Jun will you eat it here or should I...", asked the maid aunty.

"That's fine...I'll eat here", said Jun and the maid aunty went away.

"You're eating here?", said Ani while blushing.

"The house is mine", said Jun. "I can anywhere I want to".

"Let me serve then", said Ani with a smile.

"Oh you've learned some etiquette", said Jun looking at her.

"What? When didn't I show proper etiquette", asked Ani.

"Earlier.....when You were a kid but you're not grown still....KID", said Jun teasingly.

"Serve yourself then....", said Ani and put the spoon on the plate.

"Will you treat your customers like this? You're going to do food management so you shouldn't be aggressive, loud", said Jun.

"Okay here eat this....", said Ani and put the rice in a bowl and gimbap with soup in the other.

She was feeling so hungry that she didn't realize that she is eating so fast and was throwing food on the table.

"Wait....how are you eating? You threw most of the food on the table. Since when you became like this", said Jun.

"I was like this....you never noticed me....I'm getting late also I'm hungry so don't stop me", said Ani.

"I'm done....", said Jun.

"But there is still some food in your plate",  said Ani.

"I can't eat in such an atmosphere", said Jun.

"Look I'm done...I will clean the table", said Ani.

She took tissue paper and start cleaning the table.

"Now it's looking clean.....have your lunch comfortably", said Ani.

"you sit here...", said Jun.

"Why?", asked Ani.

"First sit...", said Jun.

Ani sat on the chair when Jun came close to her.

"What are you doing?", asked Ani.

"Here wipe your mouth. Food is all over your mouth.....", said Jun and gave her the tissue. Ani wiped her mouth thoroughly.

"I'm going....it's going to be late", said Ani.

"Wait let me finish the lunch first", said Jun.

He went to his room and took a jacket and told her to wear it.

"But it's so long...", said Ani.

"So you gonna work in your dirty clothes", said Jun.

"What?", said Ani and looked at her t-shirt. While she was eating some food fell on it and a stain occur over there.

"Wear it....and give me your number", said Jun.

"Number???But why", asked Ani while smiling.

"Earlier you used to be so shy in front of me and now you've become bold.....kid. I'm asking because dad always asked me when will he talk to you so whenever he will miss you I'll call you.", said Jun.

"Okay...", said Ani and gave him the number.

"Don't dream that I asked for your no. because I'm interested in you", said Jun.

"I know...", said Ani and sighed.

"Where should I drop you?", asked Jun.

"Let me ask Cho first", said Ani and called her.

"Hey Cho where should I come for work?", asked Ani.

"Ani the owner said to join there from tomorrow", replied Cho.

"Ani I'm not at the room right now. I'm with Jae and Dohwa in the University. So you can spend some more time with Jun", said Cho teasingly.

"Cho okay then bye", said Ani smiling and hangs up.

Ani thought to lie from Jun and said to him that he should drop her at the cafe near the University.

"Why are you lying?", asked Jun.

"Lying? Who?", said Ani.

"You....no one is here except you", said Jun.

"Tae texted me just that your part time job is from tomorrow", said Jun.

"I didn't say that I'm going to work....I just said that you should drop me at the cafe", said Ani.

"But I'm not going now", said Jun.

"Why???", said Ani.

"I don't want to...", said Jun and went to his room.

Ani went after him. "Okay then I'll go myself....well thanks to take me here....", said Ani and went downstairs.

She booked a taxi and was ready to leave when Jun hold her hand and pulled her towards him. Her back was touching his chest.

"I said I'll drop you....I'm tired so just taking a nap....You should also rest in your room...KID. Also you've changed a lot. The shy little kid has become bold....it's good to be bold but not in front of me because uncle will be upset if I leave you yourself here.....", said Jun and released his grip.

"Hmm.....I've not...changed....", said Ani and ran to her room. She started screaming in her room with palms on her mouth. She turned and tossed on the bed thinking about the recent moment with Jun...."Hhh My heart will burst I think...", murmured Ani and then touched her cheeks.

Jun took a small nap and woke up after an hour and went to Ani's room.

"Ani should we go then?", asked Jun.

"Yeah...I'm ready let's go", said Ani. Jun dropped her at her apartment and without saying anything drove away. Ani went inside her apartment building.

"Ani....", said Cho.

"Cho finally I'm here", said Ani happily.

"Why? Did something happen between you two?", asked Cho curiously.

"Nothing....it's just uncle wanted to meet me. He again said me a KID but then he pulled me and I felt his chest on my back.....ahhhhhhh", screamed Ani and started jumping.

"I think he feels something for you. He took you home and also talking with you.....Jun never behaved like this", said Cho crossing her arms and went to the fridge to take out a cola drink.

"Its because he said my dad would be unhappy if he leave me like this.....btw he became more handsome and manly", said Ani and smiled.

"Call Jae and Dohwa. They were worrying about you", said Cho.

"Okay", said Ani and dialled Dohwa's number.

"Dohwa...", said Ani.

"Ani are you alright?", asked Dohwa.

"Hm I'm good. Where's Jae?", asked Ani.

"Here he is just beside me", said Dohwa.

"Jae I want to talk to you about something", said Ani.

"Hmm say...", said Jae.

"Jae please don't tell Jun that I love him dearly....he still thinks of me as a kid", said Ani.

"You're thinking about this thing Ani. You're amazing. Don't worry I won't", said Jae.

"Btw there will be a  small welcome party for us(freshers). In our faculty seniors told us we can bring our friends from other faculties too. So you and Cho can accompany us.....I also told Tae to come", said Jae.

"Don't worry. We will come. When is the welcome party", asked Ani.

"Its tomorrow night....", said Jae.

"Okay...I'll Call you...Okay then bye", said Ani.

Ani turned to Cho and said, "Cho in the Engineering department there is a welcome party tomorrow night so Jae has invited us. Our part time job will end by 7pm so we can go there".

"Yeah....but we will be there for an hour...I don't even have something good to wear", said Cho.

"We will just wear our casual outfits...also it's welcome party for engineering students...we're just their friends so no one will say anything to us", said Ani.

"That would be fine....", said Cho.

Ani get seated on the sofa there.

"Cho I think Myung was saying right. Soo oppa has to leave his house because of me. I want him to be happy",said Ani.

"Soo knows what's right and wrong. Don't stress yourself over this.....", said Cho. "Ani I'm making dinner for us".

"Let me help", said Ani.

"It's fine.....just sit there and look at Jun's Insta profile you'll feel happy", said Cho teasingly. Ani smiled and hugged her tightly..."I think he will fall for me", mumbled Ani smiling.