College First Day

"Cho let's hurry...we're gonna be late", said Ani while putting her books in the bag.

"Coming....let's go", said Cho. "Ani I've purchased two bicycles for us since campus is so huge...Jae and Do helped me in buying these", said Cho.

"That's good let's hurry", said Ani.

They reached the class where Tae was also waiting for them.

"Come here....", said Tae. "Are you fine Ani? Sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have called her", said Tae.

"Its fine. You invited her as a friend so need to be sorry", said Ani.

The professor of Nutritional science came in the class. Since it is first day so he clarified the course to them.

"Students since you're also going to study nutrition science so it's better to also consult with some medical students and seniors too. So here's your first've to prepare a food report including all nutritional elements necessary for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You've one week to submit the report. Along with this, a presentation is also you all have to prepare. So form a group of 4 and present the ppt too", said the professor.

"Also remember getting grades isn't enough you all should've sufficient knowledge too so don't take the first assignment lightly".

The class got over and there was chaos in the class. Everyone start forming a group. Ani, Tae and Cho needs one teammate.

"Guys can I be with you? I'm Yun So", said a student.

"Yeah you can be our teammate. I'm Tae, they are Ani and Cho", said Tae.

"Well I know some students from medical department so I'll consult them. You guys can work on other things....", said Yun.

"Okay then....", said Ani.

"Btw we've a welcome party tomorrow. Do you guys know?", asked Yun.

"Nope.. But how do you know?", asked Tae.

"I'm allotted a room with a senior so he told me", said Yun.

"Have you heard about Kim Jun from faculty of engineering. He is a fresher but everybody is talking about him in the dorm that he is so handsome and intelligent. I heard he scored the highest marks in SAT", said Yun.

"He is our friend...", said Tae.

"Oh really....can I meet him? I wanna see why he is so famous", said Yun.

"Because he is my Jun. His charms can flutter anyone's heart. His eyes can give you hypnosis", said Ani without realising what she is saying.

They all stared at her when she realized what she has said. "I mean he is described by these features in our school days", said Ani.

"Okay. So can you guys can introduce me to him", said Yun.

"Sorry we can introduce you to him but he rarely talks with people who he doesn't know", said Cho.

"But I'm different. People automatically get friendly with me", said Yun.

"That's can then come to today's welcome party of engineering faculty. I'll introduce you to him there ", said Tae with a smile on his lips.

"Why are you so interested in Jun?", asked Ani curiously.

"I told you already....", said Yun.

"I've to go....this is my number if you need me call me", said Yun looking at his watch and went outside the class.

In next classes too the professors only gave the idea about subject courses. Finally it was lunch. They went to cafeteria.

"What do you both want to eat?", asked Tae.

"Anything light....I'm Coming with you....I also want a juice", said Ani and went with him.

Jae and Dohw were also there.

"Cho where's the other?",asked Jae.

"They are bringing some snacks...", said Cho.

"I'm going there to help them....", said Dohwa

"How were the classes?", asked Jae.

"It was okay....only general introduction....", replied Cho.

Ani, Tae and Do came with snacks and juice.

"'s your classes?", asked Ani.

"It was fun....", replied Jae.

"Where's Jun...", asked Ani.

"Don't know....You know that he rarely talks....Btw have you guys heard that Jun is already famous in our faculty", said Jun.

"So it's true. Yun was saying right", said Cho.


"He is from our faculty", said Tae while drinking a cold drink.

"Let's eat the lunch then.....Ani Cho call me at evening I'll pick you both", said Jae.

"Its ok Jae. Since I'm also coming I'll bring them", said Tae.

"Fine", said Jae.

"Guys I'm done....I'm going....I've some you at the party", said Do and went away.

"Engineering students have lots of pressure. Guys since there are no classes after this so I'm also going. Meet you at the evening", said Tae.

The trio have their lunch. "Jae ok then will meet you at evening", said Cho and Ani.

"Ani since its our first day of part-time job so it would be good if we go there early", said Cho.

"Let's go then", said Ani smiling.

They rode their bicycles and reached the cafe shop.

"Sir we've applied here for the part time jobs", said Cho.

"Yeah I remember. You both have to work till 7 pm and wages I've discussed already. Also you can call me hyung as I am like older brother so don't need to say sir", said the owner.

"Yes sir. We will work hard. Thank you hyung", said Ani.

"Here is the changing room and these are the aprons", said Choi.

( Owner's name: Choi yook)

He told them about the work.

They both start working. Since it is close to university so many students came there. Suddenly Jun entered the cafe. Seeing him Ani hide behind Cho.

"What are you doing?", asked Cho.

"Jun is here...", said Ani.

"Yeah but we can't ignore him. Don't worry I'll take his order. You can go to the cake area as he will not order cake", said Cho.

"Hello sir what you wanna take?", asked Cho.

"A cappuccino and an Americano", said Jun. Cho gave him the card after deducting the amount.

Cho brought theie orders and gave him. Cho looked who is the other one with him. It was none other than Myung. "Is he out of his mind? Sitting and eating with Myung after he himself yesterday saw how she was accusing Ani", murmured Cho.

Ani on the other hand taking pastries and shakes orders.

"Ani you works here?", asked Yun.

"Oh Yun. Yeah....what do you want?", asked Ani.

"A chocolate pastry", said Yun.

"You love chocolates?", asked Ani happily.

" also?", asked Yun.

"Obviously....chocolate is my second love", said Ani.

"Who is the first love?", asked Yun.

"Can't's a secret. Here's your pastry enjoy" , said Ani.

Since this was evening time so customers are also little.

"Ani would you like to eat with me?", asked Yun.

"I'm at work....", said Ani.

"I'll ask from your boss....", said Yun. He saw his boss coming there so he asked him if he could eat with Ani as she is her friend.

" issue", said Choi.

"Ani from my side one chocolate pastry for you...", said Yun.

They sat on one of the seats and start eating.

Ani enjoyed the pastry. After such a long time she ate the chocolate in Seoul. A small cake piece stuck over her mouth tip.

"Ani there is cake over here", said Yun.

"Where?", said Ani.

"Wait....", said Yun and wiped her mouth tip with his finger.

"Ani when will you be free?", asked Yun.

"Oh just in half an hour....any work", asked Ani.

"No work but you guys told me that you will introduce me to Jun", said Yun.

"Yeah I almost forget....we will meet you at the party", said Ani.

"I can accompany you.....", said Yun.

"That would be great but Cho is also here so we both can come with you", said Ani.

"Cho also works here?", asked Yun.

"Yeah....see on that side...", said Ani.

"Wooh that's great then we all will go then there....", said Yun.

" I've to work for 30min so you can either sit here or wait outside", said Ani.

"I'm fine here....I'll drink a coffee till then", said Yun and went to Cho.

"Cho I'm sorry....I didn't notice that you're also here", said Yun.

"Its fine. What would you want to order?", asked Cho.

"A coffee", said Yun.

Ani completed the remaining work and dusted the tables.

At 7o'clock they left the cafe.