Heart Hurts

"Sir we've completed the work....will come tomorrow...ok then bye", said Ani.

"Here's your wages of today", said Choi.

"But it's our first day", said Cho.

"I know....but my sales also hiked today and you both really worked hard", said Choi with a smile.

"Thank you sir.....", said Ani and Cho in unison.

Yun has called Tae and he also reached there.

"You both don't have to rest?", asked Tae looking at Ani and Cho.

"We aren't that much tired", said Ani.

"Don't you have to change?", asked Tae.

"No....these are comfortable and since it's engineering faculty party so no one will notice", said Ani.

"We've bicycles so we can ride those", said Cho.

"Fine...", said Tae.

"Ani sit behind me....", said Yun.

"Why? I'll come with Cho", said Ani.

"Don't misunderstand....it's just you both are tired so we should peddle the cycles...", said Yun.

"Okay okay....", said Ani and sat behind him and they left for the University. They reached earlier than the suggested time. So they decided to rest till the rest reach there. They sat on the benches in the front garden of engineering department. Jae and Dohwa too came there.

"Who are you?", asked Dohwa.

"I'm Yun So. I'm in Food management and nutrition science", replied Yun with a smile.

"We didn't invite you", said Dohwa.

"I took him here since he is our friend", said Tae.

"I'm here to meet Jun", said Yun.

"What?? Why?", asked Dohwa.

"I heard about him from lots of students that's why", said Yun.

"You are here to meet that cold jerk. You know guys he is in my branch but ignores me as if he doesn't know me", said Dohwa.

"He is like that since childhood days so don't blame him for his behavior", said Jae.

"Don't take his side....didn't you see every girl in engineering department and he was ignoring them intentionally", said Dohwa.

"In our department too I know a girl who wants him since childhood days", said Cho.

"Who?", asked Dohwa.

Ani looked at Cho.

"Its someone you don't know", said Cho.

"He is an idiot....who thinks he is almighty", said Dohwa.

"Hey he isn't an idiot...", said Ani.

Everyone looked at her.

"I mean he topped SAT so how

can he be an idiot", said Ani.

"This is the only reason I respect him" , said Dohwa.

"Hey stop now...he is my best friend", said Tae.

"I'm just saying the truth", said Dohwa looking at him.

"Okay stop Dohwa....we aren't here to talk about Jun only we're here to enjoy", said Jae.

"Let's go party has started. We've to introduce ourselves to the seniors", said Jae.

They went inside the auditorium. It is decorated beautifully. Suddenly Cho got a call from her home. She took the call and after talking she came to Ani.

"Ani I've to go home. Dad has some work with me. Since tomorrow is Sunday so I'll come by evening tomorrow", said Cho.

"I'm also coming...", said Ani.

"No need....my uncle came here. He is waiting for me outside the college. You enjoy here", said Cho.

"Let me drop you at the college gate", said Tae.

"Okay....", said Cho and they both left.

"Where's Cho?", asked Jae.

"She has some work at home so she went", said Ani.

"Alone?",asked Jae.

"No her uncle has come...", said Ani.

"Okay it's good then", said Jae.

"We've to sit at front so Dohwa and I are at front. We will come after introducing ourselves. Yun take care of her", said Jae and went to the front.

"Ani didn't you recognize me", asked Yun.

"Means?", asked Ani.

"I'm Yun So...who went to China when I was 5. My dad is the director of Sangma foods. Our fathers were friends since childhood days. They both started the company", said Yun.

"Ohh....Yun So, that little kid. We used to play a lot in childhood days. I'm so sorry I forgot you....you've changed completely that I almost forget", said Ani and pulled his cheek.

"Look you were so chubby when you were a child", said Ani.

"You were also used to be chubby. Now you've become pretty girl", said Yun and smiled.

"Don't joke with me. I remember you told me that I'm ugly", said Ani.

"You took it serious. I was just kidding at that time....you were always pretty, are pretty and will always be pretty to me", said Yun with a smile.

Jun was sitting in front of them so heard their entire conversation.

"Welcome our dear juniors. Happy to see you all here....Since we don't know about you guys so we start with a small introduction", said a senior in Mic.

"So let's start the introduction...."

Engineering department was so large that it was almost impossible to remember names of everyone. But engineers of brilliant minds study here and most of them already knows many freshers.

"Wooh....it's Jae's turn", said Ani.

Ani screamed loudly for him. He is also great looking so many girls cheered for him. He introduced himself and came down the stage. Jae came to Ani and sat beside her.

"You were looking so dashing", said Ani and hit at his arm with her elbow.

"Thanks....Where's Tae?", asked Sun Jae looking around.

"He went to drop Cho to the gate....here he came", said Ani.

Dohwa also came behind after introducing himself. Jun was feeling bored so he was leaving without introduction when a girl noticed him and screamed his name.

Everyone looked at that direction. A senior came running to him and told him to first introduce. Loud noises of screaming Jun's name can be heard in the auditorium.

"Hello I'm Kim Jun from faculty of Computer science engineering".

Everyone started screaming. The entire atmosphere was cheering his name. Ani was also looking at him without loosing the focus.

"He is my prince...", murmured Ani.

He then came back to his seat. Tae went to him. Introductions went for another 2 hours.

"Guys there is a small dinner arrangement also....so you all have to go in cafeteria", said a senior.

Everyone started leaving the auditorium.

"Guys let's go....", said Jae.

They reached the cafeteria. So many drinks and varieties of food is on the serving tables.

Ani saw her favourite choco shake and grabbed that.

"I'll drink this only...", said Ani.

"I'm hungry so I'll eat", said Dohwa.

Tae came there with Jun and Myung.

"Jun he wants to meet you", said Tae.

"Who?", said Jun.

"Me. I'm Yun So from food management and nutrition faculty".

"So what can I do?", asked Jun.

"You cold je..", said Dohwa when glared at him.

"I heard about you so wanted to be friend with you", said Yun.

"But I don't think we can be friends. I don't want to", said Jun.

"What a cold reply?", said Yun.

"Jae dad told me to bring you home today", said Jun.

"Okay....after party will go with you", said Jae.

"Ani do you want more shake?", asked Yun.

"Yes....", said Ani with a smile.

"I know how much you love choco shake", said Yun.

"Still drinking milkshake...KID", said Jun.

"It's not milkshake.....Don't You have eyes. Stop calling me kid", said Ani in a low voice.

"Jun I'm feeling sick so I'm going to my dorm", said Myung.

"Let me take you there", said Jun and they left from there

"He always thinks about Myung", murmured Ani.

"Guys I'm full....I'm going to dorm. Jae you're going with Jun?", asked Dohwa.

"Yeah uncle wants to meet me", said Jae.

"Okay then I'm going....drop Ani to her apartment", said Dohwa and went away.

"Ani let's go outside. I've something to tell you", said Yun.

"What do you wanna say? Say it here", said Tae.

"No it's personal", said Yun.

"Guys....Don't worry we know each other since childhood days", said Ani and went with him.

They were walking slowly slowly.

"What do you want to say?", asked Ani.

"Ani I heard uncle passed away 2 years ago when my father came here. He told me you signed the papers and made your uncle the chairman. Dad also asked about you from him but he didn't tell him. Dad told me that there was a conspiracy behind all this", said Yun.

"I don't know it's conspiracy or not but I want to fulfil my dad's dream now", said Ani.

"I hope you will lead the company in future", said Yun and smiled.

They reached in front of a building saying girls hostel 1. They turned behind when they saw Jun and Myung there.

"Seems they're dating", said Yun and smiled.

"What? It's not like that. Myung is his close friend", said Ani.

"Do you like him?", asked Yun.

"Wha..t? No I mean", murmured Ani when they saw that Myung kissed Jun. She actually misunderstood.

The ground slipped beneath Ani's feet. Yun put his hand on Ani's eyes. Tears start calling from Ani's eyes.

"Ani let's go....", said Yun and took her from there. They were sitting on the park in a bench outside the cafeteria.

"Stop crying", said Yun.

"I'm not crying", said Ani and wiped off her tears. "I thought wrong that he'll fall for me. It hurts me seeing him but couldn't able to do anything", thinks Ani in her mind.