Overwhelming Emotions

"So why these tears?", asked Yun seeing Ani's face.

"You know I love him like crazy...since my childhood days...he never looked at me with love. I thought it's his nature but he just did that...look at my phone his wallpaper I've put it 3 years ago. I thought one day he will look at me with love but he thinks of me  as a KID. The only thing that I want after my dad is Jun. He is like an unrequited love who I want to make true....", said Ani and started crying.

Yun hugged her and wiped her tears.

"Stop crying....I know he is your first love. How will you make that love true if you give up right away so stop crying", said Yun.

"I just felt sad. I will never give up on him...", said Ani.

"Let's go inside...They're waiting for us", said Yun.

They went towards the cafeteria where others were waiting for them.

"Ani have you both talked?", asked Jae.

"Hmm....I think I should go home", said Ani.

"We're also leaving. Wait for Jun he is coming too", said Tae.

"Ani I'll drop you...I've my car so you can come with me", said Yun.

"But she doesn't know you", said a voice and it was Jun.

"I know him", said Ani looking at Jun.

"Tae, Jae I'm going. Jae thanks for inviting. I had a lot of fun....", said Ani.

"Ani come here", said Jae and took her on the other side.

"You know him? Should I trust him?", asked Jae.

"Don't worry I know him. I know him since my childhood days", said Ani.

"Ok then....", said Jae.

"Let's go then", said Ani to Yun So.

"Hey kid....don't make trouble for me. I already told you....", said Jun and held her hand and dragged her away from there with him.

"Jun stop", said Yun and went after him.

"Yun don't....its not that we don't trust you but she is Jun's responsibility so don't interfere", said Tae. Yun didn't say anything hearing this.

"Jae you can come with me since I'm also going to Jun's house", said Tae and they all left from there.

Jun pushed Ani inside the car.

"Put on your seatbelt", said Jun looking at the seatbelt.

"I don't want to go with you", said Ani.

"What's this change?", said Jun."I already told you not to be bold in front of me.....Don't be a trouble seeker", said Jun.

"I didn't tell you to help me", said Ani angrily.

Ani came out of the car and started running. "This girl....", murmured Jun and came out of the car. He held her hand and pulled her towards him and this made her fall on his chest. He hold her chin up and make her to look at him. Ani turned her face away.

"You still can't look at me", said Jun. "Why are you acting strange?", asked Jun.

"Nothing I want to go to room. I'm missing my Oppa that's why", said Ani.

"Do you know that guy?", asked Jun.

"Hmm.....He is my childhood friend. My dad and his dad started the company together", said Ani.

"Ok then from next time you can go with him", said Jun and told her to sit in the car. They get into the car.

"Put on your seatbelt", said Jun. But Ani didn't listen so Jun has to lean to her to take the seatbelt and put it on her. Seeing this Ani's heart start racing.

"Why are you red? Monkey...." , said Jun and smiled.

"I'm not monkey", said Ani and looked out of the window. Jun started the engine and they left from there.

They reached the apartment in 15 minutes.

"Cho isn't in the room so it's not good to leave you here alone", said Jun looking at her.

"No there's nothing to worry about", said Ani.

"Go and bring clothes for tonight", said Jun ignoring her previous sentence. Ani didn't say anything and got out of the car.

"Wait I'm also coming....", said Jun and get off the car.

"Why?", asked Ani turning to him. Jun ignored her question and said her to open the door.

"You can wait here", said Ani while putting the passcode.

"Kid....don't misunderstand...its that I'm thirsty so want to drink water", said Jun and went inside her apartment.

He went straight to the kitchen and was going to open the fridge when he saw his photo on the fridge.

"What's this?", asked Jun looking at his photo.

Ani looked at the photo and lied it was of Cho.

"But it's me....I'm taking it", said Jun and was going to put it inside his pocket when Ani ran to him and screamed, "What.....no....".

He stretched his arm up in the air. Ani tried to reach there but because of her small height it was in vein.

"Please don't do this....it's of Cho", said Ani.

"Why are you lying? I remember two years ago she gave me that love letter of yours so it's possible that you're still inside with me", said Jun smiling at her.

Ani stopped fighting and said, "wh...What are you saying? We're getting late for your house. So let's stop".

"I've no issue. You've two rooms I'll sleep in one room", said Jun.

"What? Noooooo.....give me back that photo", said Ani.

Jun didn't give her the photo. Ani took water jug placed beside the wash basin and poured over his head getting up on her toes to reach his height.

"Ahhh....what did you do", screamed Jun.

Ani seeing his released arm snatched the photo and ran to the other side and put it inside her pocket.

"I'm all wet now...give me the towel", said Jun while wiping his head.

"I don't have....Let's hurry it's 11pm. Father must be waiting for us", said Ani.

"I don't want to go...Give me the towel", said Jun angrily.

Ani quickly ran to her room and brings a towel for him. She threw the towel at him. Jun started wiping his head. Since water also went to his back he started opening his shirt.

"What are you doing?", asked Ani turning herself back and hiding her eyes from her palms.

"Drying myself.....because of some idiot I'm all wet. Water went in my back too", said Jun glaring at her. "You can go to your room till then".

Ani ran to her room and closed the door. She started having weird thoughts." I should took a glimpse of his back....", murmured Ani. She opened the door slightly and looked at him. He was drying himself opening his shirt when his eyes fell on Ani who was peeping him from her room's door opening it slightly.

"Are you done watching me?", asked Jun looking at her. Ani quickly closed the door. "Did he see me? Oh no....", murmured Ani.

"Hey I've dried myself. We're getting late. Let's Go", said Jun.

Ani put on her night clothes by then into a bag. She came out of the room and said, "Let's go".

He drove the car away from there. Ani was so tired that she fell asleep. They reached the house after 2 hours. Jae was waiting for them outside the gate. Jun looked at Ani who was sleeping peacefully so without disturbing her sleep Jun carried her in his arms and told Jae to close the car.

Jun put Ani in her room in the bed and left to his room.

"Where's Tae?", asked Jun sitting on his couch.

"He is sleeping. He was tired", replied Jae.

"You should also sleep", said Jun.

"I want to sleep here", said Jae with a smile.

"Why?", asked Jun.

"I want to talk to you....it's been a long time", said Jae. "Uncle's health is not so great these days".

"Hmm...I want him to rest now. So I will try to get a job as soon as possible", said Jun.

"My dad and mom is coming tomorrow for a week", said Jae.

"That's great. Dad feels alone now a days", said Jun.

"How's your mom? Did she come to meet you?", asked Jae.

"She is in China and got married with Cheobol's group chairman", said Jun with disinterest.

"When did this happen? When did she got married?", asked Jae.

"They were in a relationship for past 10 years. It was an affair. She got married 5 years ago. I don't regard her as a mom", said Jun and started reading the magazine which was on the table.

"Nobody told me about this", said Jae.

"Because you were young at that time", said Jun and looked at him.

"Ani's dad's death anniversary is on next Friday. We've to be there with her", said Jae.

"Hmm...her brothers are coming too?", asked Jun.

"Soo hyung told me that he and Woo hyung couldn't be able to make it due to some surgeries. He asked me for a favour to be with her on that day", said Jae.

"Then you should", said Jun.

"Actually Ani doesn't like to talk on that day. She only prefers to be alone. This time she is in Seoul so it would be more difficult for her", said Jae and sat beside him.

"Don't worry I'll handle this", said Jun.

"Btw Jun-aa do you like Myung?", asked Jae.

"Yeah....She is a close friend", said Jun.

"Not as a friend...but", asked Jae.

"She is like a sister to me. I like her as my sister", said Jun flipping the pages of the magazine.

"Why this sudden question?", asked Jun and looked at him.

"Nothing...", said Jae.

"Because Ani likes me that's why you're asking this", asked Jun.

"Wait how do you know she likes you?", asked Jae.

"Isn't it obvious", said Jun with a raised brow.

"Means you like her", said Jae.

"What? She is a kid....I don't like her", said Jun. "Wait why are we talking about my love interest?", asked Jun and looked at him.

"No no it's not like that....", said Jae.

"Let's play this game which we used to play in our childhood", said Jun and puts the magazine on the table and went to the other side of room where he switched on the video game.

"Yeah it's been a long time. This time I'll defeat you", said Jae and went towards him.

"Better watch your words", said Jun and smiled.

"What if I win?", asked Jae.

"Then I'll work for you for a day", said Jun.

"Okay same for me", said Jae.

They started playing the video game and Jun won.

"Look I've told you....You will never able to defeat me", said Jun and put the console at the table there.

"I'm sleeping.....You should too", said Jun and went to his bed and laid down.

"Let me switch off the lights", said Jae. He then laid beside him and after sometime they fell asleep. After such a long time two brothers spent time together.