A gift of mother

Ani woke up next morning. She quickly took a bath, got ready and leave for the kitchen.

"Ani why are you here so early?", asked maid aunty.

"Well I'm here to prepare the breakfast. I've learnt a few breakfast dishes...so you take rest today.....", said Ani.

"Okay then....I will do other work then", said aunty and walked out.

Ani prepared the dishes which she has learnt from Soo hyung. While working she unknowingly put some flour her cheeks.

Jun came to the kitchen for juice. He saw Ani there.

"Where's aunty", asked Jun.

"She is outside....maybe...", said Ani. "Hhhh...preparing breakfast", said Jun and went to her.

"You're making us a breakfast by putting flour all over your face", said Jun.

"What....where?", asked Ani and start wiping her face with her bare hands which were already in flour.

"Wait....kid.....this is how you're going to run a restaurant", said Jun and took a tissue and start wiping her face. Ani's heartbeat again rose. She fell in her fantasy world where Jun is going to kiss her. She start laughing thinking about this...

"What? Why are you laughing", asked Jun and with a finger hit her forehead.

"Ahh...", screamed Ani and came out of her fantasy.

"Nothing....You go", said Ani.

She prepared the breakfast and set the dining table.

Jun's dad was waiting for her.

"Ani....you've prepared us breakfast....hurry children let's eat...", said his dad.

"Let me call aunty", said Ani and walked away.

Ani also brought her and made her sit on the chair. She served the breakfast to uncle Dowan.

"Ani you should also serve me", said Tae.

Ani served the food to Tae and Jae and they start eating.

"Don't you know you should serve all", said Jun.

"Let me serve you", said Tae.

"Don't with your dirty hands", said Jun and slapped his hand.

Ani stood up and served him the breakfast.

"Lovely.....the breakfast is so delicious", said Dowan.

"Ani your hands have a wonderful taste...", said Tae with a smile and Ani thanked him.

"Ani thanks for such a delicious breakfast", complimented Jae.

"What's this.....hair???? You cooked hair too with the breakfast", said Jun by pulling hair strand from his rice bowl.

Ani got shocked seeing this and said, "Sorry I....I....but no one get this".

"Because I've a good eye in catching bad things", said Jun.

"Sorry. Leave it. I'll give you in the other", said Ani.

"My stomach is full", said Jun and got up from the chair.

"Son didn't you see that how much effort she has put in this. You should eat", said Dowan.

Everyone praised Ani except Jun.

"I don't think it was that great.....She first should learn some manners", said Jun and went to his room.

"Don't take his words to your heart", said Jun's dad.

"I understand uncle...I've to go uncle", said Ani.

"Here's your gift for making such a nice breakfast", said Dowan.

"What's this?", asked Ani.

"You should see yourself", said Dowan.

She opened the gift box. It was a beautiful hand watch. "Wow it's so beautiful", said Ani with a smile on her lips.

"This is of your mom. Your dad told me once that when you will grow up he will give you this. Since he is not with us so I'm giving you on his behalf", said Dowan.

Ani was happy to see that. She hugged his father....."Thanks uncle ".

"I'll tell Jun to drop you at your apartment", said Dowan.

"Uncle that's okay....I'm also going so I'll drop her", said Tae and got up from the chair.

"Okay then Ani come again here. Don't get shy", said Dowan and caressed her head.

Ani and Tae left for their houses. Ani reached her room. She looked at the clock. It was showing 12:30pm.

"I should start working for the assignment", murmured Ani.

She decided to go to university's medical department so that she can consult with senior students.

Ani changed her clothes, took her bicycle and left for the University.

She reached at the front of the building and parked her cycle there.

"Oh no...today is Sunday....how could I forget?", murmured Ani.

"Ani what are you doing here?", asked Yun.

"Yun....", mumbled Ani.

"I thought to consult with some medical students so", said Ani.

"You should've called me", said Yun.

"You can accompany me as I'm also going to meet them", said Yun.

"Okay let's go", said Ani with a smile. She accompanied Yun and reached his dorm area.

"Ani you wait here.....till then you can order something to eat", said Yun.

Ani seated on the chair and looked at the menu. Yun came with his two seniors. Ani stood from the chair and greeted them.

"Hello my name is Ani from faculty of food management".

"Hi Ani. I'm Jei Park and she is Min Seri. Don't need to be formal with us treat us like your friends".

"It's a pleasure to meet you both", said Ani.

"Park Jei, Seri do you want something to drink?", asked Yun.

"Just order cappuccino for us.....", said Park Jei.

Yun came with drinks there. He brought choco shake for Ani and him and cappuccino for the seniors.

"Yun has already discussed with us regarding the assignment. First of all you have to study about nutritional pattern for various age group people", said Seri.

"You can also add about the nutritional pattern for people with common diseases such as for anaemia what nutrition can be supplemented to the patient etc", said Park Jei.

They discussed with them many things related to the topic. Ani was jotting down everything in her notepad.

"Thank you sir for giving us such useful information", said Ani.

"It's our pleasure to share our views with you guys", said Seri and smiled.

"Okay then time to leave", said Yun and got up from the chair.

They left from there. It was 2:30pm. "Ani dad wanted to meet you but he is in China so he told me to call him when I'll be with you", said Yun.

"So you should call him", said Ani.

Yun called his dad. "Are you free Dad? I'm with Ani....", asked Yun.

"Yeah I'm free Yun", said his dad.

"Hello uncle. It's been a long time I'm talking to you. How are you?", asked Ani.

"Hello Ani. I'm good. I'm so happy. You don't know how hard I tried to find you. Please forgive me not to be with you", said Yun's dad, Park Saeho.

"No issue uncle. I know you transferred here 2 years ago just to find me. I'm lucky to have such a nice uncle", said Ani.

"Ani I'm coming tomorrow then will meet you", said Yun's dad.

"Okay uncle....", said Ani and handed phone to Yun.

"Dad I'm dropping her to the home...talk to you later", said Yun.

"Okay then son bye....take care", said his dad.

"Ani tomorrow is our welcome party....have you done with shopping?", asked Yun.

"Well no as Cho is not here....when she will come then I'll think", said Ani.

"Ani then let's do shopping. You can purchase a dress for Cho too. Tomorrow In the morning there will be general introduction to seniors so you both wouldn't get time for shopping", said Yun.

"You're right. Let's go then", said Ani and they left for shopping.

Ani purchased two dresses one for her and other for Cho. Yun too bought a dress for him. After that Yun dropped Ani at her apartment. Cho was at the balcony saw both of them coming there.

"Do you want to come inside? Wanna drink some water?", asked Ani turning to Yun.

"Thanks Ani. I will come next time. I've to go since my roomie is calling me...see you tomorrow", said Yun and walked away waving at her. Ani too waved at him.

Ani went inside her apartment and rested herself on the couch and started thinking about Jun again. "Why that hair has to fall in his bowl only?", murmured Ani and pulled her hair..."my hair ain't falling.....aghhh.. He must be thinking that I'm weird". saying this she again fell back on couch and tossed around.

She then looked at her wrist and the watch over it...."Mom's watch is so beautiful. But how uncle get this?", murmured Ani.