Happiness Blooms

Cho came inside the room from the balcony and hit lightly at Ani's head....."Why were you asking Yun to come in?", asked Cho.

"Because he is a friend", replied Ani and get seated on the sofa.

"You never asked the others", said Cho looking at her amusingly.

"He is my childhood friend. His dad and my dad has started the company together. He went to China when he was a child and i almost forget about him....I remember we used to play so much", said Ani with a smile.

"Ok....btw where's that photo which you've placed on the fridge", asked Cho and went to the kitchen and brought freshly prepared juice in a glass for her.

"Don't ask me....", said Ani.

"Drink this I've prepared fresh juice for you and tell me now", said Cho standing with crossed arms.

"Jun came here last night", said Ani.

"What??? Why? Is something happened between you two?", asked Cho excitedly.

"Stop your imagination. Something huge did happen. He doesn't like me", said Ani and sighed.

"This thing I already know that he doesn't like you. Now tell me what happened actually?", asked Cho and seated beside her.

"When you left for your home Yun asked me if I could've a talk with him. So we went outside when he told me that he is my childhood friend and I forgot him. We were walking when we reached the girls dorm area. Then I saw something...", said Ani.

"What did you see?", asked Cho curiously.

"I don't want to remember that thing but I also can't forget. Jun kissed Myung", said Ani with a sad face.

"What??????? Kiss? Myung....

She is your birth enemy. Haha...Jun likes her....I can't believe this....what did you then?", asked Cho.

"What can I do? I cried because my heart ached so much", said Ani and sipped the juice from the glass. After a pause as she said,"Then I went to the cafeteria and told Jae and Dohwa that I want to go. Yun said he will drop me when Jun interrupted and take me out from there straight to here".

"Then?", asked Cho.

"Uncle wanted me to come on weekends so Jun told me to pack my bag. I first refused but he said he is doing this because of his dad. I get inside when he said he wants to drink water and directly budge into the kitchen for water. He then saw his photo and asked me why is it here. So I told him that it's your collection", said Ani and buried her face in a cushion placed on the sofa there.

"What?????my collection? I don't even like him.....how could you say this? You should've told him everything and asked him why did he kissed Myung", asked Cho shockingly.

"I've to lie because I don't want him to know that I still like him. You know that two years ago what he said to me. Whenever I tried he only calls me a KID or little girl", said Ani and sighed again.

"But when Yun was going to drop you home then why he stopped him? Maybe he likes you but is confused", said Cho and teased Ani.

"I also thought this but he told me that he is doing all this because of my dad. He doesn't see me as a woman", said Ani.

"Ani I've told you not to run behind him. It only hurts you", said Cho and hugged her tightly.

"I can't. I only love him and my love for him increase daily", said Ani making a pouted face.

"Then chase your unrequited love", said Cho. "But what if he still....."

"I've faith in my love that someday it will come true", said Ani with a smile. She released the hug and said, "Leave this topic now. I've purchased you a dress for tomorrow's party" and picked the bag from the table and handed to Cho.

Cho looked inside the bag and took out the dress. "Wow it's nice....so you went with Yun to buy this?", asked Cho.

"Hmm....but more importantly we met with two medical seniors so we gathered information regarding the assignment", said Ani.

"That's great. Tae and I will work on ppt and other materials", said Cho and got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Let's have dinner then. Dad has sent some kimchi and other dishes for us. Do you wanna eat?", asked Cho.

"Why not? I'm going to change till then you can set the table.

Ani came out of the washroom after 5 min.

"Wait a minute. I'm video calling Oppa", said Ani and called her oppa.

"Ani what's up?", said Woo and waved at her.

"Oppa look here the tasty kimchi. Cho's dad has sent for us", said Ani with a smile.

"Wait I'm also coming...Soo come here Ani is on video call", shouted Woo and Soo came on the screen.

"How are you both doing?", asked Soo.

"Great. Ani is happy here because a chimpanzee isn't here", said Cho looking at Soo.

"Hahahahhhaha.....", laughed Woo and looked at Soo.

"Ani did you have some beauty products?", asked Soo.

"why? I mean I have", said Ani.

"Give them to the girl beside you. She even didn't wash her face", said Soo looking at Cho.

"Soo stop it now. You don't know how famous I am. Many boys are after me", said Cho.

"Oh really. Congrats because they didn't meet me else I've told them about your bad habits of not bathing daily", said Soo and laughed.

"Soo I'm going to kill you", said Cho angrily.

"Ok kill me and then be ready to go to prison", said Soo and teased her more.

"You both stop now", said Ani loudly.

"Soo stop it. She is just a little girl why are you teasing her?", asked Woo.

"Woo oppa you only understands me. Thanks", said Cho with a smile.

"Ani there's a good news", said Soo.

"We are transferred to Seoul city hospital", said Soo with a smile.

"What? Really? I'm so happy oppa", said Ani.

"Woo oppa congrats. When will you then shift here", asked Cho.

"Maybe in 1-2days since we've to join as soon as possible there", replied Woo.

"Okay then will meet you soon. Bye ugly", said Soo and went away from the screen.

"Soo I'll kill you as soon as you will enter Seoul", said Cho loudly in anger. Woo smiled seeing her.

"Bye....take care", said Woo and disconnects the call.


Jae's parents has come for a week. Jun is also happy since it's been long since they've gathered together.

"Uncle aunty happy to see you after a long time", said Jun and gave them a warm hug.

"Son you've grown so much. Btw congrats on getting a good college", said Kim Seori, Jae's father.

"You all talk I'll go to the kitchen and prepare the dinner for you", said Eunhi, Jae's mother.

"Seori such a long time. Look our children have grown so much", said Dowan.

"Brother I think we should start looking for brides for them", said Seori and laughed.

"Dad uncle what are you talking? Brides? And above all an arranged marriage? We've just started our college", said Jae making a face.

"They're teasing us. We didn't built our career so just chill", said Jun.

"Our Jun was always this smart. Btw Brother I've a news for you", said Seori.

"What news?", asked Dowan.

"I've been selected as Yongsan High school President", said Seori.

"What a great news....means you're shifting here. I always said to you to come here. Finally you're coming", said Dowan and smiled.

"We're old now so it would be great if we live together as a loving joint family", said Seori and laughed.

"Dad you didn't even tell me", said Jae in utter shock.

"Because I thought to surprise everyone. Btw Ani is also in your college. How's she doing?", asked Seori.

"She is fine", replied Jae.

"I told her to visit here on weekends. She is such a grown beautiful girl now", said Dowan and smiled.

"Dad uncle I'm going upstairs", said Jun and walked away. She too ran after him.

"Seori do you remember Park Sungi always said to us that when we will be old then we will go daily for fishing", said Dowan.

"How could I forget? His absence still can be felt. His death anniversary is also near", said Seori.

"I never thought that this would happen", said Dowan.

Eunhi also came there and said," Dinner will be ready in half an hour. I'm going to my sons room.

Jun was doing coding in his laptop and Jae was also studying.

"Can I come in?", asked Eunhi.

"Aunty why are you asking? This is your home. Come", said Jun and got up from the couch.

"You've grown so much. Sorry that I wasn't there with you in your difficult times", said Eunhi and get seated on the couch.

"Aunty don't be sorry. You were in China at that time....so it's not your fault", said Jun.

"Mom you always forget your this son in front of Jun", said Jae and crossed his arms.

"Jae come here", said Eunhi. Eunhi hugged both of them and said, " You both are my pride. Now come and have a dinner".

The went downstairs for the dinner and the whole family ate the dinner together after such a long time. After such a long time Jun was this much happy seeing all of them.