Remembrance: Part 3

Ani got up the next morning early because it was her father's death anniversary. After freshening up she came downstairs and saw her brothers sitting on the couch in the living room. She smiled and ran to them. Hugging them tightly she said, "I missed you both."

"That's why we transferred here. Now we will also live with you happily," said Woo.

"Okay then we should now go there, to meet your uncle," said Soo looking at her.

"Hmm...where's Jun and Jae?," asked Ani looking around.

"They went home. They will meet us later….let's go," said Soo. They left the house and got into the car. Woo started the engine and drove away. After a two hours journey they reached the memorial grounds. Ani there saw uncle Dowan, uncle Seori, aunt Eunhi, Jun and Jae. Woo and Soo greeted them. After doing the memorial rituals Dowan and Seori offered Ani to come home along with her brothers.

"Uncle I'll come tomorrow. Today I've to go somewhere," said Ani with a smile.

"It's fine….You can come whenever you want to," said Dowan and caressed her head gently.

"Uncle thanks for coming," said Soo looking at them. Dowan told him not to thank them. After talking for a while they left for their houses. Ani and her brothers want to an orphanage and made donation there. After that they left for their home.

Ani was working on her laptop when Cho came there and hugged her from the back.

"Cho thanks for coming," said Ani and held her hands. Cho released her arms from her and sat on the bed.

"I heard Jun was with you yesterday," said Cho and picked up the teddy placed on the bed at the other end.

"Hm he was here, Jae was here too," replied Ani. "He said to me that I should be the girl which my father wanted me to be."

"Ahh he's so taking care of you these days. Telling you such things. Is your crush falling for you?," asked Cho looking at Ani.

Ani turned her chair and said, "I don't think so. Look I've searched for his name on Instagram with my original account and it's not showing his name. But when I created a fake account his name appeared here...Look at this screen," said Ani and picked the laptop and went to Cho and sat beside her.

"You're stalking him??? I thought you're studying something," said Cho, looking at Cho.

"I'm not feeling like studying and stalking him is my hobby," said Ani and smiled. Cho shook her head in disbelief. "I think he has blocked my original account. Look he has added 3 friends: Tae, Jae and Myung. Look at his followers…..more than 100K. He blocked me Cho?," said Ani with a damped face.

"Why is he following Myung? Only girl he's following is Myung," said Cho. Ani sighed looking at the screen.

"You followed him with a fake account?," asked Cho.

"Yes. I also want to get updates of him….ahhh when will I be added in that friend list?," said Ani and laid down on the bed looking at the screen.

"Did he find out you've been stalking him for a long time? You're lucky that he doesn't know that you're administering his fan page," said Cho with a smile.

"I don't know if ever he will look at me with those lovely eyes. He sometimes acts as if he cares for me but then he's doing it because of dad and uncle. He has no interest in me," said Ani and closed the laptop and put it aside on the table.

"Btw Ani I heard he's going to the States for his studies," said Cho.

"Why would he go there? I mean he can't go…..Jae told me," said Ani.

"It's the news in the air in university," said Cho and hugged the teddy tightly.

"He won't go. He would've told me yesterday about it but he didn't," said Ani.

"I wish so. But at least think what if he will go to the U.S. for studies?," said Cho with a questionable look.

"Then I will feel bad because I won't be able to see him," said Ani and looked at Cho.

"Don't be sad. I think it's a rumour in the air. If he's going to the US then Jae and Tae must've told us," said Cho and smiled.

Cho got a call from her uncle so she picked it up. After hearing her phone fell from her hand. "What happened Cho?," asked Ani and got up from the bed.

"Dad has got a heart attack?," asked Cho and jumped out of the bed and went outside. Ani ran after her.

"Soo Soo," shouted Cho while running down the stairs. Soo and Woo came out of their rooms.

"What happened?," asked Soo with a worried face. Cho stepped down the last stair and with teary eyes said, "My father got a heart attack." Ani too reached there and held Cho's arm.

"Did your uncle call for the ambulance? Which hospital?," asked Soo looking at Cho. "Yes he did. Seoul city hospital," said Cho.

"Don't worry let's go to the hospital first," said Woo and they all ran out from there. After an hour they reached there. Soo inquired at the reception and the receptionist told him that he was taken to the floor 5th emergency ward. Doctor Ho Jin is operating on him.

Soo told them that he's admitted to the emergency ward. "Soo be here, I'll go there. Who is the doctor in charge?," asked Woo

"Hu Jin," said Soo. Woo walked away from there. Soo took Cho and Ani into the waiting room. "Cho, uncle will be fine. Hu Jin is the doctor and trust me he's the best cardio surgeon here," said Soo and caressed Cho's head.

After thirty minutes Woo came there and said, "he's fine now. Your uncle called for the ambulance at the right time. He's being shifted to the general ward and will gain consciousness after a while. You can meet him later, don't worry." He patted Cho's head gently.

"Thank you so much Oppa…," said Cho.

"It's fine. Let's go, your uncle is waiting for you outside the private room where your father is kept," said Woo. Cho nodded and they walked away from there.

They reached there.

"Uncle how's father?," asked Cho with a worried face. Her uncle, Hwang Hwi hugged her and said, "it's fine now….nothing serious. Don't worry." He patted at her back.

"Uncle will be conscious in 1-2 hours," said Soo and looked inside the room. "Well we are going to meet Doctor Jin….Ani take care of her," said Soo and walked away from there with Woo.

Ani made Cho sit on a chair and told her that everything is fine. After waiting for one hour the nurse told them that they can meet him after doctor Jin will be done asking a few things from him.

Hu Jin came there with Soo and Woo. He went inside and checked Dwi Jang, Cho's father.

After checking him he came out and told them, "He is fine. He needs rest for a week at least. Rest things will be explained by Soo. On then.

Hwang Hwi and Cho thanked the doctor. Cho went inside the room to meet her father. Ani and Woo too followed her.

"Soo, you took care of all the expenses. Brother will feel bad hearing this. This private room is also costly so please accept the money…," said Hwang Hwi.

"Uncle what are you saying? He's like my father. Don't even talk about this…..I'll talk with him about this. Don't worry," said Soo with a smile.


"Uncle go inside. Meet uncle and talk with him for a while. I'll meet uncle later since urgent work has come, " said Soo and smiled. He then walked away from there. Hwang wasn't able to refuse him so he walked inside the room.

Soo came out of the elevator and picked his call. "I told you not to call me," said Soo with a slight anger in his tone.

"Should I come to your office then?," asked Yangmi, Soo's father.

"It's my workplace...Don't ever step here," said Soo with anger. Other junior doctors were passing by him and were greeting him. He was just nodding at them.

"Then come home quickly," said Yangmi and hung up the call. Soo kicked at the dustbin placed there. Others looked at him but he didn't pay heed to them and walked out from there. He came out of the hospital to the roadside and gave a hand to a taxi. A taxi stopped before him and he got into that taxi, left for his father's house.