Entangled lives

Soo reached his house. After two years he is going to see his parents whom he actually doesn't want to see. He rang the bell when a maid came out. She told him to come inside. The maid showed him the way. They reached the garden and the maid walked away from there. Soo walked towards him, seeing that his father closed the book and told him to sit on the chair. Soo quietly sat on the chair there opposite his father.

"I heard you shifted here. You didn't even bother to get here?" asked Yangmi, his father.

"I told you two years ago that you ain't my father," declared Soo with anger in his tone. Yangmi looked into his son's eyes and said, "how much more trouble will you be going to take for that girl? You should be happy that I let you go that day with her but not anymore."

The maid came there with tea and put the tray on the table there. She filled the cups with tea and gave one cup to Yangmi and the other to Soo. Then she walked away from there.

Soo put the cup on the table and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Return home if you want her safety," stated Yangmi and sipped the tea.

"Dad I won't return," said Soo and got up from the chair there.

"You don't have an option if you want them to be safe," pronounced Yangmi and sipped the tea again. Soo looked at his father in disbelief. "What do you want?" Soo questioned him.

"You've to return back. I'm declaring you the next chairman of Sangma. You have to marry the girl I will choose for you. I have already chosen the girl for you. You will engage with Wang Shik's daughter Myung Hee. She is 19 and is studying at Seoul university. After her graduation you will marry her," said Yangmi and looked at Soo.

The colors on Soo's face went off hearing this. He sat on the chair and said, "you know that I love my profession. I always wanted to be a cardio surgeon and I'm happy with that. I will never take over Sangma which was never mine. I won't marry Myung. I do not even like her."

"I do not want to hear your opinions. Just come home by tomorrow if you want them to be safe and secure. I don't have any problem with Woo but that Ani she's the one because of whom I'm starting hating him too," said Yangmi. 

He put the cup on the table and got up from the chair. "Come home by tomorrow, give your resignation in the hospital," asserted Yangmi, looking at him.

"You never once thought of me as your son. All these years I thought you are the best father but what happened to you that made you like this? I will engage with Myung but I can't leave my job. I love being a doctor," said Soo with teary eyes.

"Come home by tomorrow," saying this Yangmi walked inside the house. Soo walked out of there in anger and thought to meet Myung.

Reaching her home, he waited for her. Myung came out of her house after a while. "You should come inside. Dad will be happy to see you." Myung Hee suggested.

"Myung, do you want to marry me?" asked Soo.

"What? Ahh...yes. I mean uncle and father have decided this already," said Myung and tucked the hair strands behind her ears.

"I do not want to. I don't even like you…..how can we marry then," stated Soo looking at her.

"Love can happen later too. Moreover, I cannot do anything about this. Our fathers have decided so you should talk with them," stated Myung with a smile and walked inside the house.

"What kind of girl is she?" Soo shouted at her. His phone started ringing and he saw Cho was calling him. He picked up the call and said, "he's coming." He walked out of there to the main road and got into a taxi to leave for the hospital.


Soo entered the hospital room and saw uncle Gwi and others around him. He wore a smile on his lips and walked towards him.

"Uncle how are you?" asked Soo.

"Ahh…..Soo, I'm good now. I was asking about you and they said you are busy at work," said Gwi.

"Yes, I was busy. The work is over now. Sorry for being so late," replied Soo and sat on a chair beside the bed.

"Woo what did Hu Jin tell?" asked Soo.

"Tests are done. His condition is good now. But uncle, you've to stay here for two days then you will be discharged," said Woo, looking at Gwi.

"Oh, tomorrow is your class. So let's go, I will drop you both at the apartment," said Soo looking at Cho and Ani.

"I will stay with dad," told Cho.

"I'm fine now," said Gwi with a smile.

"You can come tomorrow evening to meet him," Sung Woo advised her. Cho nodded hearing this and walked to her father. She told him to take care of himself and then left from there with Kang Soo.

"Thanks, Soo," said Cho as they got into the car. Soo told her not to be so thankful. Soo started the engine and drove away from there. After reaching the apartment he told Cho not to think about his father as he is safe and fine. She nodded and walked inside the apartment with Ani.


"Jun, you do not want to tell Ani?" asked Jae looking at him.

"No. Why should I tell her?" asked Jun and looked at his watch.

"But she will be sad if she will hear that you are left for the US," answered Jae.

"Then she should grow up. Why would I tell these to her when we are not even related. Jae, now please stop talking about her," stated Jun and hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you," he further said.

"Me too," said Jae and hugged him back. Tae and Myung too reached there. Seeing them Jun smiled and walked to them. "Jun take care of yourself," said Tae and gave a hug to him. Jun nodded and smiled. He hugged Myung too and told her to take care of herself.

"Jae, take care of dad, uncle, and aunty…," stated Jun looking at him. Tae's eyes filled with tears. "Ahhh something fell in my eyes. Go Jun, before my eyes got burst with tears," said Kang Tae emotionally. Jun smiled and hugged him again and said, "I will miss you the most there." Tae hugged him tightly when the announcement was made about his flight.

"Okay, time to go. See you then bye," said Jun with a smile and walked inside the gate terminal.

Tae wiped off his eyes and said, "I'm already missing him." Jae nodded at him. They also left the airport. Tae dropped Myung home and then left with Jae.

"He doesn't tell Ani about this," said Jae.

"Hm...He doesn't want to," asserted Tae while driving the car.

"She will feel bad. You know that she loves him," said Jae.

"Jun doesn't want this. Moreover, he doesn't like her so it won't be good to force Jun to do those things he doesn't want to," said Tae.

"But Ani is such a good girl. She is best for Jun," said Jae.

"Haha. Don't ever say this before Jun. He got irritated when someone talked about Ani in front of him," said Tae.

"Why?" asked Jae.

"Because according to him she is a kid who should focus on herself first rather than looking at him. He was pissed off last time by her when he got to know that she's the one who puts his photos on his fan page," remarked Kang Tae.

"But sometimes Jun seems caring towards her," stated Jae.

"Ah, that thing. It is because their fathers were friends. He does that as a responsibility. Don't take the other meaning of this," asserted Kang Tae.

"Okay…. then she has to realize that she can't be with him," said Jae.

"Hm. The soon, the better," said Tae and stopped the car as they reached the home. Getting off the car they walked inside the house.