Broken Hearts

In the university after classes got over Cho and Ani left for the hospital. They were standing outside the college gate waiting for a taxi when Yun came in his car, stopped the car there and opened the window. "What are you waiting for?," asked Yun looking at Ani.

"Ahh we are going to the hospital. Cho's dad is admitted there," said Ani.

"Oh. Come I'll drop you there," said Yun.

"It's fine...we will go," said Cho with a smile.

"Get in. I don't want to listen to anything," said Yun, looking at them. Ani gestured to Cho to get into the car. They got into and left from there.

"What happened to uncle?," asked Yun.

"A heart attack," said Cho.

"Is he fine now?," asked Yun. Cho replied yes. Yun sped up the car and they reached the hospital in two hours. Yun too went with them to meet uncle. They entered the room and saw the doctor checking him. Cho smiled seeing her father. They sat on the sofa there. After the doctor was done checking, he told uncle Hwang about the patient's condition and walked away.

"Dad how are you feeling?," asked Cho and stood beside his bed.

"I'm've heard the doctor. He said I'll be discharged tomorrow morning. Who is this young man?," asked her father, Gwi looking at Yun.

Yun stood up from the sofa and introduced himself. "Oh so you are also in the same university. It's good. Thanks for coming," said Gwi with a smile.

They talked for a while when Woo came there and told Ani to follow him. "What happened Oppa?," asked Ani with a smile.

"Let's first go to the personal room of Soo. He has something to talk with you," said Woo. They reached near the elevator. Woo pressed the button and they got in. They reached Soo's room. Ani smiled looking at her oppa Soo.

"Ani how was the college?," asked Soo.

"It was good," said Ani. "What happened Oppa? You're not looking good," said Ani looking into Soo's eyes.

"Ani yesterday my father called me. He wants me to come home. So I will no longer live with you two. Apart from that he has made me the chairman of Sangma so I will no longer be a doctor," said Soo.

Ani got sad hearing that her uncle had called back Soo but she kept a smile on her lips. "Oppa they're your parents. Of course you should go. Uncle aunty must've missed you," said Ani. Woo caressed her head.

"Oppa my father will be happy when you will lead the Sangma. All the best oppa, " said Ani with a smile and hugged him tightly. Soo felt bad not able to do anything against his father. He gestured Woo to give a hug too. The trio embraced each other in a hug. "Take care of yourself. Ani forgive me not to be with you," said Soo.

"Oppa you're always with me," said Ani.

"Woo take care of yourself and Ani too," said Soo.

"Hm. You too…," said Woo. Releasing the hug Soo said, "I have to leave now. Car has come...see you then." Ani held her tears back and smiled. She waved at her Soo oppa. Soo walked away from there without looking back.

Ani hugged her Woo oppa tightly and started crying. "Uncle called him. But it's good, he's finally be with his family," said Ani. Woo patted at her back and said," don't cry. If he will know that you're crying then he will beat me. Stop crying now," said Woo, caressing her head.

Ani stopped crying and wiped off her tears. "Go've college too so you should go now," said Woo. Ani nodded and walked out from there. She texted Cho and said that she is waiting for her outside the hospital. After 15 minutes Cho came there with Yun and they left from there.

"Yun you live in the hostel than from where did you get the car?," asked Cho.

"Ahh.. My family shifted here a few days ago. I was at home yesterday so brought the car from there," said Yun while fixing his gaze on the road.

"Ani btw I heard Kim Jun has left the university. He has gone to US yesterday," said Yun.

"What?," mumbled Ani and looked at Yun.

"What are you saying?," asked Cho.

"You don't know?," asked Yun.

"No we don't. But how can he go? I mean he didn't tell me," said Ani.

"He didn't tell anyone I guess except Jae and Tae," said Yun and kept on driving. Ani immediately called Tae but he didn't pick her call. She then called Jae who picked her call.

"Why didn't you tell me that Jun is going to US?," asked Ani in anger.

"Ani I want to but….," murmured Jae.

"Jae you should've told me. Sorry for shouting at you," said Ani and hung up the call.

"Let it be Ani. He doesn't want to tell you so it clearly means that he doesn't even think about you," said Cho. Ani kept mum. She looked at her phone and then opened the message box of her Insta. But then Cho snatched Ani's phone and said," Ani hold yourself together. Jun doesn't care about you. Can't you see? If he had then he would've told you first….and now you won't ever message him. If you, then don't ever talk to me."

Ani looked at Cho and put her phone inside the bag. Yun looked at her from the front mirror. "Ani don't be sad. I think it's only an infatuation of yours towards him. Now focus on your studies and graduate with good marks," said Yun. Cho too agreed with him and held Ani's hand in her.

They reached the apartment and saw Tae and Jae there.

"Ani sorry we want to tell you but Jun told us not to tell anyone," said Tae looking at Ani. Ani didn't say anything and walked inside her apartment. She put the password and walked inside. She went inside her room and got into the bed putting a blanket over her.

"Don't ever take Jun's name in front of her," said Cho, looking at Tae & Jae. She thanked Yun for dropping them and then walked inside the apartment.

Tae and Jae looked at each other.

"I'm calling Jun,"said Tae and dialled Jun's number. He picked his call and told him that he had just entered his dorm.

"Jun talk with Ani. She is upset with us," said Tae, ignoring Jun's other talks.

"Tae please. It's not my fault that she's angry. Okay then I'll talk to you later. I've to check the things here," saying this Jun hung up the call. Yun looked at them and said,'' Jun should care for her feelings. He should at least be honest with her. He shouldn't have helped her just because their fathers are friends. Tell Jun not to come in front of Ani," said Yun and walked away from there.


Soo reached his home and saw his mother after two years. But he wasn't feeling happy at all because in his eyes his parents are murderers. He ignored her and walked towards his room upstairs when his father called his name.

"Soo meet my friend Wang Shik…," said Yangmi with a smile. Soo walked there and greeted him.

"You've grown so much in all these years," said Wang Shik with a smile and then looked at her wife, Hye Shin. Soo looked at them and saw Myung there too.

"Well it's a good occasion isn't it? Soo we've decided to engage you both privately today," said Yangmi and smiled. His wife Huwa Ri held Soo's arm gently and made him sit on the couch beside Myung. Myung smiled seeing Soo.

Soo couldn't hold his anger so he immediately got up from the couch and said, "I don't want to engage with a kid. I'm 26 and she's 18….are you all in your right minds?"

Yangmi said, "But she is a mature girl. She won't marry you now after 3-4 years," and glared at him. Soo understood if he tried doing anything right now then it won't be good so he held his emotions and sat beside her.

The rings were exchanged and both the families became happy except Soo. Myung looked at him happily and told him that they should click a photo of this moment. Huwa Ri and Hye Shin agreed on this. Hye Shin took her daughter's phone and clicked Soo and Myung's picture.

As soon as Hye Shin clicked the photo Soo walked away from there to his room upstairs and closed his room's door. He threw the vase which was on the table to the floor and it broke into pieces. Sitting on the floor he put his hands on his eyes. Tears started flowing down from his eyes because his father had snatched his dream and his happiness for him.

The phone in his phone rang. He threw it in anger and it stopped ringing. "Just once I get a proof against him, I won't spare him for killing my uncle," mumbled Soo.