
Cho knocked at Ani's room's door but Ani didn't open the door. She told Cho that she wants to be alone. Ani looked at her phone and thought to call Jun. She called Jun but he didn't pick her call. "Maybe he didn't hear my call," murmured Ani. She called him again and this time her phone got cut. Ani put her phone on the bed.

"He doesn't like me at all. But in this life I can't fall for anyone. I can't give up on him….Maybe he will start seeing me as his woman," said Ani and smiled. "He will return after four years so till then I have to study hard and then I'll get into Sangma. Then I will again confess to him and he won't refuse me," murmured Ani with a smile.

She got up from the floor and walked outside. Cho got happy seeing her.

"I thought you will do something bad," said Cho looking at her in concern.

"Ehh...Why will I do that? I love myself more than anything. Yes I love Jun but I love myself too," said Ani with a smile.

"I've made your favourite meal today. Let's eat," said Cho and took her to the dinner table. They ate dinner and then studied for sometime. Ani took her phone from the table and called Woo oppa. But he didn't pick the call.

"I think he's in the hospital for night shift," murmured Ani and then called her Soo oppa. But his phone was unreachable. She looked at Jun's photo which she saved as her phone's wallpaper. "Should I go to US to see you in the summer vacation?," mumbled Ani and then thought that she should go there. She again got back to her studies and studied till late night.

Cho came to Ani's room to see if she is asleep or not and saw she has fallen asleep on the study table. She woke her up and told her to go to the bed. Ani in her sleep went to the bed. Cho covered her from the blanket and then switched off the lights. She walked out from there to her room and call Jun.

Jun picked her call after a few seconds. Cho started bashing out at him so he hung up the call. Cho couldn't believe this and called him again. He picked it up and said, "Listen Cho if your friend is crying and is saddened because of me then sorry I can't help. She should understand herself that I don't like her. One more thing you don't have any right to bash at me."

"Jun you started this. She could've forgotten you but then you kissed her two years ago," said Cho.

"That kid even shared this with you. Ask her what did I say to her after kissing. I told her to try to forget me. Now she's not giving up on me then what can I do," said Jun.

"Why did you help her in the college event?," asked Cho.

"I would've helped of any other girl like I helped her….the seniors were doing too much so I helped her," said Jun.

"You picked the calls of everyone. But you never once pick her call. Why?," asked Cho.

"That's because she will only kept on saying useless things to me," replied Jun. "Now if your questions are over then I would like to say not to call me again and tell your friend not to tell everyone that she loves me because in the end she will hurt herself," saying this Jun cut the call. Cho put the phone on the table and went to the bed.

Next morning Ani woke up early with new enthusiasm and read some news first and then prepared breakfast for them. Cho came there and told her to take a bath and till then she will do the other chores. Ani nodded and walked towards her room.

Cho set the table for the breakfast and then packed their college bags. Ani came there after a while and they started eating. "Ani why are you happy?," asked Cho.

"I've decided something. I'll study hard, graduate with good marks, get into a good job and then after four years when Jun will be back then I'll confess to him," said Ani with a smile.

"Ani you should give up on him. He's not the made for you. He doesn't even look at you unless you will be in a trouble. What's the use in holding feelings for him," said Cho and drank the milk.

"Cho because in this life I can love only him," said Ani.

"Ani if you consider me as your best friend then you will agree on this and will forget about him. Why can you love him only? There are many good guys out there who can love you more than him," said Cho.

"Cho I first transferred to that school when I was 11. I used to be sick those days. Dad was so worried about me. Then one day uncle Dowan came with Jun to meet me. Jun smiled at me that day, the smile he never showed me after that day. He even talked with me a lot and told me that a spell that can make me healthy. And trust me that worked. I was no longer sick after that day. It's like a first love for me. I can't give up on him. Maybe one day he will show me the same care and that smile. It's like an unrequited love but who knows it might come true in the future. That's why I can only love him in this life because he was the first one who made me smile in a different way," said Ani and ate the omelette on her plate.

Cho looked at her. "That was almost 7 years ago. He has changed so much in these years," thought Cho in her mind. Ani snapped her fingers before Cho and she came out of her thoughts.

"Let's go. Today we've so much classes," said Ani and put the plates in the washbasin. They washed her hands and after getting ready they left for the university.

The classes went by till the mid noon and they got break of one hour after that. Ani, Yun and Cho were eating lunch in the canteen when Myung and Tae came there.

"Hii Ani," said Myung and sat beside her. Cho felt weird seeing this because Myung was acting good. Tae took the chair beside Yun.

"Well she's in our class. She is in the different batch first but then today she got shifted to our batch," said Tae. Ani smiled hearing that.

"Myung why there's a ring on your ring finger?," asked Cho out of curiosity.

"Oh. I got engaged," said Myung. Tae,Cho and Yun looked at her in shock.

"When?," asked Tae.

"Yesterday. It was private so I couldn't tell you," said Myung with a smile.

"Ain't you just 18?," asked Myung.

"Yes I am. It's like a family relation since long. Ani I'm happy that we are related now," said Myung. Ani who was busy in eating looked at her and asked,"what do you mean?" She drank her the water.

"Ah well I'm your Soo oppa's fiance," said Myung. Ani's throat get choked and she started coughing. She turned to Myung and asked," what are you saying?" Cho and Tae looked at Myung in surprise.

"That I'm his fiance. After 3-4 years we will get married. I'm happy Ani. You know that I liked him for a long time. Well today is a party in my house for celebrating that. I want you to come too. Soo will be happy to see you. Well I don't know about Woo oppa but you can call him too," said Myung with a smile. She then turned to Tae, Cho and Yun. "Well you are invited too. Please come and it's mandatory. I don't want to listen any kind of excuse. Tae please tell Jae you to come. Jun isn't here and I'm missing him so much," said Myung.

Ani recalled the day she saw Myung and Jun kissing and then she thought she must have seen wrong. But then she started thinking about Soo and Myung.

"Myung does oppa like you?," asked Ani and looked at her.

"Of course. That's why we are engaged. I think Soo didn't tell you," said Myung.

"Hmm...He must be busy," said Ani and smiled. Myung nodded and said," now he is the chairman of Sangma so he will be busy. You know that he's new in this field."

"Soo left his dream of being a doctor. Unbelievable. He always wanted to be a cardio surgeon. How can he opt for chairmanship of Sangma?," said Cho in disbelief.

"Cho his father wants to retire so he wants to give the company to Soo. What's wrong in that?," asked Myung.

"But Soo never wants to work in a company. You said you like him but it seemed the other way to me. You don't even know about his dreams," said Cho.

"Girls calm down. Brother has decided to opt for the chairmanship because of some reason. Cho don't say such things…," said Tae.

Ani thought to talk with her oppa about this so she excused herself from there and without telling anyone she left to meet Soo to her uncle's house.