
Ani was standing outside the house of her uncle. She thought whether to ring the bell or not when the door opened. Ani quickly stepped behind in fear. She was lucky as her oppa, Soo, came out.

"Ani," mumbled Soo and took her from there. He told her to get into his car. Ani did the same and they left from there to a nearby cafe. Soo ordered a Chico shake for her sister, Ani and for him a coffee latte.

He sat on the table along with Ani and told her to have her shake.

"What were you doing there?," asked Soo.

"Oppa, I want to ask something from you," said Ani.

"Yes," said Soo.

"Oppa you're engaged to Myung? Do you like her?," asked Ani. Soo thought to lie because if he doesn't know what his father will do if he comes to know about this. "Yes Ani. You know that we have known each other since our childhood days. Although we won't marry this early as you know that she's still studying," said Soo and sipped his coffee.

Ani smiled hearing this but somewhere she was feeling that Soo was lying to her. "Oppa you don't have to do anything for me. You've already done many things for me. Think about your happiness first," said Ani. Soo nodded and said, "Ani I'm happy. Who won't be happy after meeting his parents after such a long time. Although I'm really sorry for what he did to you. So complete your studies and then come to join Sangma."

"Oppa don't apologize for the things you never did. That was entirely my fault. Yes Oppa after my studies I'll work on Sangma," said Ani with a smile. They talked with each other for a while and then Soo dropped Ani to her apartment. She rested on the couch for a while and then went to her room to study for sometime. Cho came at 5pm from her part-time job and asked her where she went.

"I was gone to meet Oppa," said Ani.

"Does he like Myung?," asked Cho.

"Yes. I asked him and Oppa told me that he likes her. They have known each other since childhood time but I'm feeling like he's lying. Maybe uncle has told him something that he's lying like this," said Ani and told her to freshen up. Cho nodded and went inside the washroom.

They got ready for the gathering when Cho said, "Ani I think your uncle is blackmailing Soo with something. I mean Soo left his house to take care of you so he must have told him that he would harm you or something. You know Soo more than me. He is the brother who can do anything for his sister."

Ani nodded and said, "you're saying right. I must talk with my uncle."

"Don't. I mean he can seriously do anything," said Cho. Ani didn't say anything and picked her wallet from the dresser. She put her mother's watch on her hand and thought, "Soo oppa has to sacrifice his dream job because of me. I've to talk with my uncle." Tae came there to pick them up and they found Jae was in his car too.

"Sorry Ani for that day. I should have told you," said Jae looking at Ani.

"It's fine. Jun must have his reasons not to tell me. It's okay," saying this she got into the backseat of the car with Cho. Tae started the engine and they left for Myung's house.


Soo entered his house with stumbling steps. He has drunk a lot of drinks that he wasn't able to walk properly. He supported himself from the wall and then walked inside the living room where his father was sitting with his mother and smiling. Soo couldn't bear that sight and held a glass vase which was out at the table beside the pillar and smashed it on the floor. Hearing the voice his parents looked at his direction. His mother Huwa Ri ran to him and held his arm. "Son what's wrong with your face?," asked Huwa. She called for a maid to clean the mess there.

Soo jerked her hand and started laughing. Seeing this Yangmi shouted at his son. "Soo have you gotten mad? You never drank before. Do you want to cut my nose in front of everyone?"

"Yes I have gotten mad. Didn't you make me like this? You snatched my dream of being a cardio surgeon. I was happy in my job but what did you do? You destroyed those dreams of mine. Not only that you are forcing me with a girl whom I don't even want to look at." Soo snapped these words looking at his father and then with trembling footsteps walked to him and said, "I wish I would never have been your son."

Yangmi slapped Soo hard that made him fall on the couch there. He touched his cheek and just smiled. Ruwa ran to her husband and said, "stop now. He's our son."

"Then tell him not to act dumb in front of me," said Yangmi in anger. "Jing Si, prepare the hangover soup for him," said Ruwa loudly to the housemaid. Soo got up from the couch and walked upstairs. He went straight to the washroom and turned the cold water knob of the shower. He couldn't believe that his father has made him like this. After a few minutes he came out of there and went to the cupboard to pick some clothes. He changed the clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. His mother came there with the soup and told him to drink that but he refused saying that he's fine now. Ruwa didn't say anything and walked out of his room. After an hour they left for Myung's house.

Wang Shik welcomed them and told them to come to the garden where the arrangements are made. They nodded and walked there. Myung too came there with her mother and greeted them. Their other friends start coming and give their wishes, especially to Soo who is the new chairman of Sangma.

Ani too reached there with her friends and smiled seeing her Soo oppa. Soo went to her and pinched her cheeks lovingly. "Ahhh Oppa…," said Ani. Soo released her cheeks and said, "my sister is looking the most beautiful and pretty girl here."

Tae and Jae smiled seeing this. Myung came there and asked about Woo oppa. "Ahh he's busy at work. So he couldn't come," replied Ani. Myung told them to have the seat.

"Cho you should've dressed nicely at least for today," said Soo. Cho hit lightly at his arm. "At least don't say such things in front of these people," said Cho. Myung looked at them.

"Hey I didn't even tell them that you don't even was...h….," before Soo could complete his words Cho again hit him at his arm and he started acting as if he was badly injured. Ani, Jae and Tae smiled seeing this. But Myung was feeling uncomfortable by their friendship.

"Cho you should be in your limits. Many eyes are watching you. It's not like a roadside party where you can play with your friends. Here people might have the wrong idea about this," said Myung and then smiled.

"Myung you don't have any right to say such things to her," said Soo.

"Soo we're now engaged so stop playing like this. Many businessmen are here so I'm just telling her to behave," said Myung and then looked at Cho. Cho apologized for her mistake.

"Myung, don't be over sensitive about this thing. They are friends," said Tae.

"Tae you won't understand this. Well Soo, father wants you to introduce you to some of his friends so let's go," said Myung and walked away from there holding Soo's arm.

"Myung is acting like she's married. If Jun hasn't forced me to come here then I would never have entered here, " said Jae and told Cho not to think about her words. Cho smiled and said, "it's okay."

Ani looked at her uncle and thought to meet him so she excused herself and went to him. She greeted her uncle first and told him if they could talk alone. Since there were many people so no one noticed them and they got inside the house to a room. Yangmi told her to say things fast.

"Uncle Soo oppa isn't happy with his current position so please don't force him," said Ani.

"Why? You can't see him as the chairman?," asked Yangmi.

"Uncle I don't want that...he loves being a doctor that's why I'm saying that," said Ani.

"You snatched my son for two years from me and now you don't want his progress," said Yangmi.

"Uncle you get me signed those papers. I trusted you that day. Do you think I'm after the company? I just want my elder brother's happiness," said Ani.

"I helped my brother day and night. But what did he do with me? He didn't make me the board of directors. I was useless always in his eyes. But not anymore. I should've my share in that company too which I have finally gotten," said Yangmi.

"And you killed father?," said Ani with teary eyes.

"Hh….I'm not that cruel. Now don't act as if you care for your brother, " said Yangmi.

Soo who happened to hear this came there and asked his father what he was saying to Ani.

"Oppa we were just having normal talk," lied Ani. Soo took her out from there to the backyard and said, "Ani don't get involved in this. I chose this because of my uncle. He loved the company more than his life. It will be good to lead it for a while then to give it to wrong hands. About Myung I would like to say I'm just engaged to her, not married. I've 3-4 years to convince my father. So just focus on your graduation. You don't have to think about elderly things. If you do this again then I won't ever talk to you."

"Oppa," mumbled Ani.

"Ani we've to give justice to uncle too. It's just a 3-4 years time span. I want to see you in Sangma. Let's not make decisions in a hurry. Trust your elder brother," said Soo. Ani nodded at him. Soo caressed her head lovingly and told her to go inside with him.