Jun is Back

Ani was seated in front of the dresser. Tonight is the graduation ceremony which her college mates and some old friends from schools have organized. She wore earrings which are long enough and touching her shoulder tip. She then put a pink lip gloss over her lips and combed her hair. She stood up and looked at herself. She's 22 now but she still has the kid look on her face. She has worn a pink, knee length dress as it's her favorite color. She then took out the matching heels and wore them. Carrying her wallet she walked out of the room, downstairs, where Tae and Jae were already waiting for her.

She walked down the stairs and smiled seeing them. "You're looking beautiful Ani," said Jae and smiled. Tae also complimented her. She thanked them and turned to her Woo oppa and told him that she can get late. "Brother I'll drop her, don't worry," said Tae.

"Okay," said Woo with a smile and told Ani to enjoy. She nodded and they left the house. After two hours they reached the hotel. Showing their invitation card they went inside. Ani got stunned by seeing so many classmates of her from high school. Cho too came and told Ani that she's looking pretty. Ani told her the same.

"Ani...how are you?," asked her high school friend, Eunja. They hugged each other. "I'm fine...What about you?"

"I'm good. It's good to see you after 6 years Ani," said Eunja and smiled. Her other classmates too came there and asked about her well being. Tae and Jae left from there to meet their other friends. All the girls laughed while reminiscing the old days. "Ahh girls Myung is the first one among us who is going to marry, that too with the chairman of Sangma," said Boh Nara. All the girls laughed and started teasing her.

But Ani wasn't feeling happy because her brother, Soo, doesn't like Myung. But she can't say anything now. Myung told them to stop teasing her.

"Btw is there any news about the prince charmer of our school Kim Jun?," asked Yura with a smile. All the girls started screaming and laughing talking about him except Cho, Ani and Myung.

"Do you remember he doesn't even use to look at anyone in the school. Even senior and junior girls used to propose to him and what he used to do," said Shin Ja.

"He ignored them and then threw their gifts in the dustbin. I remember once he made a girl cry by saying some harsh things to her," said Eunja.

"Still he was the everyone's prince charming of every girl," said Jingsi. All the girls started laughing.

The boys, some from the high school and some from the college were seeing the girls whose laughs can be heard in the entire hall.

"Jun isn't here, still the girls are mad for him," said Yun and smiled. Jae too smiled hearing him.

"Btw Tae, Jun must've told you about him. When is he returning?," asked Yun sipping the wine from the glass.

"Ahh...He didn't tell me. He said he will give me a surprise," said Tae and drank the wine.

"My brother didn't even tell me. When I asked him he hung up the call," said Jae and sighed. Tae smiled and said," Jun is a private person. You know his nature….He gets irritated if someone keeps on nagging him."

"If he will return then Ani will be the first one who's going to hurt," said Yun and looked at Tae. Dohwa too came there and said, "guys sorry. I got struck in the traffic."

"Ahh it's fine…," said Jae.

"Where's Ani?," asked Dohwa looking around.

"She's with her high schooler friends. Let her enjoy," said Tae and asked him if he wanted any drink. But Dohwa refused. Tae shifted his gaze to Yun and said, "I've already talked with her about that. I mean I didn't tell her the truth so don't worry she will be fine."

"What are you talking about?," asked Dohwa.

"Jun has been in a relationship for the last one year," said Tae. Dohwa couldn't believe what he heard so he again asked.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth," said Jae.

"Ani doesn't know?," asked Dohwa.

"Not now," said Yun.

"Why didn't you tell her? What if he comes here with his girlfriend?," asked Dohwa.

"Why would he come here? He isn't in Korea," said Tae and smiled.

"That's good if he won't come," said Dohwa. Their university friend, Kang Soori came there and asked them if they had seen Kim Jun.

"He isn't in Seoul," said Jae looking at Soori.

"He has returned back this morning. I called him an hour ago and asked him if he's coming or not to which he said he's coming," said Soori looking at them. Tae immediately took out his phone and called Jun when he heard the ring from the fall. They all saw that Jun is coming with a girl.

"Oh no…," murmured Jae. Yun walked towards Ani but before he could reach there, Myung saw him and called his name. As the word, Jun, fell out of Myung's mouth everyone turned to look at him. A smile appeared on Ani's face as she saw Jun after 4 years.

"Myung how are you?," asked Jun with a smile. Myung stepped towards him and asked him, "when did you return?"

"Ahh in the morning. I was in the hotel near the airport," said Jun.

"Who is she?," asked Myung looking at the girl who entered with Jun in the party hall. All the eyes fell over him. Tae and others also came there. Dohwa stood beside Ani and Cho.

"Meet my girlfriend, Min Young," said Jun and looked at Min with a smile. Everyone gets shocked hearing this. Myung smiled and said, "I never thought that you would ever date someone." She then turned to Min and said, "you must be unique because you're the first girl for whom Jun agreed to date. I'm happy to meet you Min Young."

Ani got teary eyed seeing this so she turned back to leave the party. Dohwa looked at Ani so he thought to take her away from there. He held Ani's hand and took her away from there. Yun too followed them.

Everybody from their high school started gathering there. Jun started talking with everyone. Tae and Jae looked for Ani but she wasn't there. Cho too walked away with Tae and Jae to find Ani.

Ani controlled her tears and said to Dohwa, "we should go back. It's not good to leave like this."

"Ani you won't go there," said Yun looking at her. Ani looked at him and said, "Yun I really want to. My other friends are there too so it won't be good to leave like this. About Jun I can handle that, don't worry."

Dohwa and Yun didn't say anything. Ani walked inside when Cho came in front of her. She asked her if she is fine. Ani nodded and they walked towards the food arena.

"What do you want to eat?," asked Cho.

"Ahh...I want to drink my favourite choco shake," said Ani and smiled holding that. Yun too came there and grabbed the choco shake for him. Ani smiled seeing him.

"Okay then let me join you too," said Cho. They took their choco drinks and sat on the table.

"I thought you would break into tears seeing them," said Cho.

"I'm a strong girl. I love him but it doesn't mean I will let this thing know to everyone," said Ani and continued drinking her choco drink.

"You didn't change kid in these four years, not even a bit," said Jun who was standing behind her chair with Min. Hearing his voice Ani put the glass on the table and turned to him.

"Hello I'm Min Young." Ani got up from the chair and shook hands with her. Cho too got up from her seat. Min shook hands with Cho too.

"You still drink that kid's drink," said Jun with a smile and looked at Ani.

Min gave a slight laugh.

"Ahh that…," Ani was lost in words in front of Jun. She didn't even properly look at him.

"Jun you should tell your girlfriend not to laugh. She should know where to laugh or where not to laugh," said Yun with a smile. Cho smiled hearing this. Dohwa, Tae and Jae too came there after searching for them for a while.

"My mistake Ani," said Min and apologized to her. Ani told her that's fine and she shouldn't apologize to her.

"Ani let's go over that table," said Yun. Ani nodded when Jun said, "so youve finally given up on me. It's good, kid. I thought you wouldn't be able to forget me." Tae told Jun to stop.

"Ani you used to like you?," asked Min with curious eyes.

"A lot Min," said Jun looking at Ani.

"Shut your mouth Jun," snapped Dohwa at him. Min's phone buzzed and she saw the message of her older brother. "Jun I've to go as my brother is here," said Min.

"Ahh let me drop you," said Jun.

"Nahh...it's fine. Enjoy your graduation party," said Min. She then turned to Ani and said," Ani I'll see you later then, bye." Ani nodded and gave a warm smile to her. Min walked away from there in a rush as her brother was waiting for her.

The situation became tense there after Min left from there.

"My oppa has messaged me so I've to go," lied Ani to escape the situation.

"Ani let me drop you," said Tae.

"Yes Ani, Tae will drop you," said Yun looking at her.

"Oppa is here so don't worry. Bye, I really enjoyed the night. Cho see you later," said Ani and walked away from there. She ran from there and wiped her eyes. She walked towards the main road with tears in her eyes when Jun grabbed her hand and took her away with him.