
Ani was walking in the street which connects with the main highway. She wants to control her tears from falling down but isn't able to. She walked ahead with her bowed head. The people crossing by her were looking at her as her tears covered her entire face. She wiped off her tears and thought to take a taxi to reach her home. She stretched her arm out to stop the car when Jun came there. He grabbed her hand and took her away from there. In that street it seemed like only they two were walking while Ani was just following Jun.

"Leave me," whispered Ani. But Jun didn't listen to her and kept on walking holding her hand. He reached near his car and opened the door. He made her sit on the seat besides his. "Put on your seat belt," said Jun and closed the door. He then walked towards the driver seat's door and got inside the car. Leaning close to her to wipe off her face he said, "Just forget about me." Ani looked at him but didn't say anything. Jun adjusted himself, put on his seatbelt and started the engine.

"I'll go home myself," said Ani but didn't look at him.

"Why did you lie inside that Woo is here? Do you want to create trouble by going home alone at night?," asked Jun while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I can go alone too. For four years I did everything alone. You don't need to do this," said Ani and looked out of the window.

"I told you to forget me but I think you are still holding your love for me when you clearly know that we can't be one. I know you can go alone everywhere but when I am around I can't let you go alone. Six years ago when I once told you to go alone you lost the path for home. I was frightened that day thinking weird things in mind," said Jun.

Ani looked at him with her innocent eyes. "Don't stare at me. Your father was very frightened that day. I felt guilty that day not to pick you up from the school. Now he's not here so it's my responsibility to ensure your safety whenever you are around me," said Jun. He increased the car's speed. After half an hour he stopped a car before a hotel.

"Why are we here?," asked Ani looking outside the window.

"To stay here for a night," said Jun and told her to get off the car. Ani looked at him with a shocking face.

"Kid, I'm jet lagged that's why. Home is quite far away from here," said Jun and opened the door.

"I can go home. You can take rest here," said Ani.

"I called Woo and told him that you won't come home today. Moreover he has to leave for the hospital urgently so no one is at your house," said Jun and told her to follow him. They walked inside the hotel.

"Sir I can give you a single room as other rooms are pre booked,"said the receptionist.

"Give it," said Jun and gave her the card for the payment. She gave him the keycard. He told Ani to come with him.

"I can go home. It's not a good idea to stay together. Min will get angry if she will get to know about this," said Ani. Jun looked at her and said, "you don't have to think about that. We have a good understanding between us." They reached outside their room. Jun pressed the keycard against the lock and it got open. They got inside the room.

Jun looked around the room. He put off his blazer and opened the tie. Unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt he turned to look at Ani and said, "you can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on this sofa."

"You can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa," said Ani.

"Do you want to eat something?," asked Jun. Ani nodded. Jun called the room service number and ordered dinner for them. Jun went inside the washroom. Ani looked around. The room was quite spacious but the only thing lacking in the room was one more bed." She put her wallet on the table and then sat on the sofa.

Jun came out of the washroom. He was wiping his face with a towel.

"Kid you can freshen up too," said Jun and put the towel on the chair. Ani nodded and went inside the washroom. After ten minutes she came out. She tied her hair and then sat on the sofa.

Jun was sitting on the bed and looked at her. "So where will you work now? Did you get a job in the Sangma?," asked Jun.

"Yes. I'm an assistant food manager there. I've to join tomorrow," said Ani. "You will do the job in the U.S.?," asked Ani looking at him.

"No. I will do the job here," said Jun.

"Okay. Where will you be working then?," asked Ani.

"I can't tell now," said Jun. The doorbell rang so he went to open the door. Their dinner was brought by the room service staff member. He put the dinner on the table and left from there. Jun thanked him and closed the door. He walked inside and sat beside Ani.

"Start eating," said Jun to Ani. He put the food on his plate and started eating. Ani too started eating with him. After finishing their meals Jun went to the bed and laid down. He told Ani to take the blankets out from the cupboard. Ani nodded and took out a blanket for herself and laid down on the sofa.

Ani wasn't able to sleep because she was alone with Jun. She got up from the sofa to look at Jun and found he had already fallen asleep. She saw that he hadn't taken the blanket so she walked towards him with the blanket and put the blanket over him. She quietly climbed on the bed and sat beside Jun. She put Jun's head on the pillow rightly and then laid beside him maintaining a meters distance from him.

"Why do you care for me when you love someone else? I wish I could be on your list as your everything but I think it won't come true now as you are already in love with someone. I'll be happy to see you like this….," thought Ani in her mind. She fell asleep just looking at Jun.

In the late midnight Jun's sleep broke and he saw a blanket over him. He raised his head slightly and didn't find Ani on the sofa so he immediately got up when his eyes fell on Ani who was sleeping on the bed but slightly far from him. He put the blanket over her and turned off the lights. He laid down beside her and the sleep engulfed him in a few minutes.

The ringing sound of the phone broke the sleep of the two. They looked at each other when Ani realized she was lying close to Jun. She immediately got up and said, "I'm sorry...I…."

"It's okay," said Jun and came out of the blanket. He looked outside the big glass window. "Let's go...I'll drop you to your home," said Jun and turned to her. Ani came down from the bed and picked her wallet. Jun picked his blazer and tie and walked out of the room. Ani wore her heels and ran after him.

"You could've at least combed your hair," said Jun and with his hand caressed her hair. "Let's go. I've to go to work too," said Jun. Ani nodded and they left the hotel. Dropping Ani to her house, Jun then drove away from her house.

Ani quickly went inside the house. Opening the door with a spare key she rushed to her room. She went to the washroom to freshen up. While brushing her teeth she recalled the party day where Jun entered with his girlfriend, Min Young. Tears started flowing down from her eyes as she was disheartened.