I'm Jun's Assistant!

Today is the first day of Ani in the Sangma. She met with the Senior Manager of the food department. Knocking at his office door she walked inside the office.

"Good morning Sir. I'm Cha Ani the new assistant food manager".

"Morning Miss Cha", said the Senior food manager, Kang Suk Woo.

"Cha since you know our company is now also on a digital platform so I would like you to tell me that your major work will be in providing assistance to our new Technical Department general manager (GM)," said Kang Suk.

"Technical department GM? But sir I'm assigned the title of assistant food manager," said Ani.

"Yes I know but the decision is made so you can't back off," said Kang Suk. They were talking with each other when the technical department manager entered the office.

Kang Suk immediately got up from his seat and told Ani to follow him. They walked towards the technical department. They entered the GM's office. Kang Suk greeted the GM of the technical department. Ani looked at him and was shocked to see Jun there.

"Good morning Mr Kang," said Jun and shook hands with him.

"Morning Mr Kim Jun. Sir, Cha Ani will be your assistant". Ani didn't believe that she's going to work under Jun. She was shocked and stood there as a frozen figure.

"Okay, thanks a lot. She's new in this work I guess. Will she be able to assist me?," asked Jun looking at Kang Suk.

"She has done her internship here so judging all these factors it was decided by superiors to assign her as your assistant in the work," said Kang Suk.

"But sir, I'm supposed to be a food manager," said Ani.

"Ms Cha, I'll explain to you why you're my assistant," said Jun and got up from his chair. Kang Suk nodded and then walked out of the office closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing here? You should be in some big tech company as a software engineer....how could you be here?," asked Ani who was in shock to see Jun in the office.

"I didn't study Computer engineering in the US. I opted for business administration and management. I'll tell you many more things later," said


"What? You didn't study Computer engineering?," asked Ani.

"No. I studied business studies and management from Harvard. I didn't tell Jae about this ," said Jun.

"You're a Harvard graduate? Then why didn't you go for some other big companies?," asked Ani.

"Don't tell me you consider your father's company as a small level company. Indeed I could get a job in a big company than this but Sangma is a good choice for me as I want to make its food to reach everyone," said Jun.

"Now just don't stare at me. You're my assistant who will help me in a project. I didn't expect you to be my assistant but I think you've done great in your internship that's why they selected you as a part of this project. Your desk is already being placed here. You've provided a desktop computer. There are some files over there so go through them and make a report by tomorrow", said Jun and went back to his chair.

Ani went to her desk and sat on her chair. She opened the desktop and started reading the files. She jotted down important points and started preparing the report. It was almost lunch hour so she got up from her chair when Jun asked her where she was going.

"To eat," replied Ani.

"We've to go out", said Jun.

"Outside for work?", asked Ani.

"Yes. Do you think I will go out for fun?," asked Jun and picked his blazer and the keys from the table.

"Is he here to bully me? Why is he behaving like this? But it's good to see him again," thought Ani in her mind and smiled.

"We've to check out in the common restaurants why people prefer to go there? I mean only rich and high income people can afford to come to Sangma restaurants. This project on which we will work, is going to cover the general people too," said Jun.

"Okay sir," said Ani.

"Can you drive?," asked Jun. Ani replied a yes so Jun gave her the keys and told her to drive. He told her to drive to a nearby restaurant. She nodded and drove the car. Jun was sitting at the back seat talking with someone on the phone.

"Why is he making me work like this? Am I his driver? But, I'm lucky that I'll get to see Jun everyday…," thought Ani in her mind and giggled. Jun heard that so he hung up the call and asked her why is she laughing.

"Nothing. I recalled a joke," said Ani keeping her eyes on the road.

"Drive safely. Think about the jokes later," said Jun. Ani nodded and sped up the car's speed. After an hour they reached a restaurant. They got out of the car. Ani held his tablet and a notepad in her hands and followed him. Jun was walking really fast and it was difficult for Ani to keep pace with him. She's of small height so she has to run after him to reach his steps. Jun stopped when Ani got hit with his back and she stepped back.

"Ahh….sorry sir," said Ani, adjusting herself. Jun turned to her and said, "don't make noise from heels while walking." Ani nodded. He then turned back and they walked inside the restaurant. Jun saw a man on the right hand side of the counter. Ani's eyes fell on him and she recognized him immediately.

"Uncle Wook!," mumbled Ani.

"He's not your uncle here. Be a professional here," said Jun in a low voice. They walked towards the table and then greeted him.

"Mr Kim Jun, Ms Cha please have a seat," said Jian Wook. They both got seated opposite to him.

"The chairman, Mr Soo talked with me regarding the project. I liked the idea and I'll help you in this project. The founder of Sangma wanted to go with this project a long time ago but then he….." Jian Wook stopped midway.

"I'm happy the wish of my friend will be completed with this project. Ms Cha you must've known about this," said Jian Wook looking at Ani. Ani was unaware of this so she wasn't able to say anything.

"Yes of course she knows. She is his daughter. Sir wanted to make Sangma food available to all the people of Seoul," said Jun with a smile.

"Yes. I've brought some restaurant lists which can be considered under this project," said Wook and handed the file to Jun. Jun thanked him and told Ani to keep it.

"My team will look into this file and then accordingly we will start the project," said Jun. Wook smiled and said, "Sungi was right about you Jun. I want to see what he has seen in you that time." Jun smiled hearing this.

Ani looked at Jun in confusion because she wasn't able to get to the point.

"Ani you've grown to a complete woman. Happy to see that you're working in your father's company," said Jian Wook.

"Uncle….I mean sir, I'm also happy meeting you," said Ani with a smile.

"Haha….call me uncle. It's not the office so you can call me uncle," said Wook with a smile. They discussed the project while Ani was jotting down the important points on the notepad. After having discussion with Jian Wook, Jun and Ani left from there.

Jun was walking in that street looking at the small restaurants and crowd there while Ani was following him. The scorching heat made Ani tired but she had to keep up with Jun so she didn't say anything.

After looking around here and there in that street full of restaurants, Jun turned to Ani and told her that they will have lunch in one of the restaurants. Ani smiled hearing this because she was really hungry. They went inside a restaurant. Jun ordered tteokbokki and kimbap for them.

Ani's eyes glowed seeing the food and they started eating that. Ani was eating so fast that she choked her throat. "No one is snatching your food from you," said Jun and gave water to her in a glass. Ani took the glass and drank the water. She thanked him and continued eating slowly. After finishing their meals they left for the office.

"Sir why are searching markets? It's the work of the marketing team. You could've ordered them," said Ani.

"Because I want this project to be perfect," said Jun and rested on his chair. "Don't you know what's the dream of its founder?," asked Jun looking at Ani.

Ani silenced for a moment and shook her head in refusal.

"Have you prepared the report that I gave you?," asked Jun.

"Sir, I've some pages left to compile," replied Ani.

"Then do that work. I need it by evening and think about the goal of the founder that he wanted to achieve," said Jun and started working on the desktop.

Ani sat on her chair and started working on the report. The Secretary of Chairman Soo came there and told Jun that he had called for him. Jun nodded and told Ani to complete the work. Saying this he walked out of the office with Secretary Jang.