Happy or Sad?

Ani reached the office the next day. She was walking towards the elevator when Yeol Hye saw her and called out her name. Ani turned back and smiled seeing him. "Good morning, Sunbaenim (Senior)", said Ani with a smile.

"Good Morning, Ani. So finally, you've joined the company. I heard you're working under Jun. He's our senior here," stated Yeol with a smile.

"Yes, he is," replied Ani. Yeol Hye pressed the elevator button and they both got inside. "Well, my junior are you free today? I told you in your internship time that if you will get a job here then I'll treat you to dinner," asked Yeol.

"I'll be free after 6 pm," Ani answered him and pressed the button for the 6th floor.

"Give me your number. I'll call you after work." Yeol took out his phone from the pocket.

"Senior it's the same number. I didn't change the number," said Ani.

"Ahh…fine, " said Yeol. The elevator opened up on the fourth floor and Yeol walked out saying to her that he will wait for her in the cafeteria. Ani nodded and the elevator door's get closed. She walked out of the elevator on the 6th floor and walked inside the office. She smiled and murmured, "I'm early today...haha."

"What? You're late…," said Jun who walked beside her and then got seated on the chair.

"Good morning sir," said Ani with a smile.

"Hm….go you have many works to do. Go to your desk," said Jun and looked at her with his glasses slightly below on his nose.

"Ahh...He's looking so good and handsome. When he started wearing those glasses? I have to take a picture of his at any cost today then I'm going to upload it on his fan page," thought Ani in her mind and giggled.

"Ouch," mumbled Ani and touched her forehead. She saw Jun standing before her.

"Why are you giggling?," asked Jun, looking at her.

"Nothing," said Ani.

"Then go to your desk," said Jun and walked out from there. Ani sighed and walked to her desk. She started working on the desktop.

"Why isn't he coming? It has been two hours," murmured Ani. Her gaze was fixed on Jun's desk when the door fell open. Ani immediately got up from the chair thinking that it's Jun when she saw it was Min.

"Ani???," mumbled Min. "You work here?," asked Min with a raised brow.

"Yes…," replied Ani. "Sir isn't here. Do you have any important work?," asked Ani.

"Ah….well I came to give this to Jun," said Min and put the bag on the desk.

"You have to wait for him to come. ," said Ani. "Should I bring something for you to drink?," asked Ani.

"No thanks Ani. I've to go somewhere. Ani please tell him to call me when I'll be free," said Min.

"Yes. I'll tell sir, don't worry," said Ani. Min thanked her and walked out from there.

"Are they going on a date?," murmured Ani and went back to her desk when her eyes fell on the bag. "No, I shouldn't. But Jun isn't here and I've to see what she has gifted him. But it's bad….they are a couple. But then I'm his assistant, I should know what's there so that I can explain him in a better way," murmured Ani and then walked towards Jun's desk.

She quickly grabbed the bag and checked the things inside the bag. "Since when he started liking chocolates? And what's this ticket for? They're going to a movie tomorrow?? I wish I could be the one," murmured Ani when Jun entered the office.

Ani straightened herself and turned to Jun. "Good afternoon sir," said Ani and bowed lightly. Jun looked at her and then asked, "Why are you bowing 90°?" He walked to his seat and sat on the chair.

Ani quickly straightened up and said, "your girlfriend was here. She told me to pass a message to you. When you'll be free please call her. She has given these gifts for you." Jun took the bag from her hand and looked inside. He took out the chocolate box and tickets.

"Kid these chocolates are for you," said Jun and handed the box to her.

"It's your gift. How can I take it," said Ani and put the box on the desk.

"Then should I throw this? I don't like chocolates," said Jun looking at her.

Ani quickly picked the box and said with a smile, "we shouldn't waste food. I'll keep it...thank you sir."

"Have you looked into the nutritional content chart which we have to keep in our upcoming dishes for the project?," asked Jun.

"Ah yes sir. I've prepared a small report on this too," said Ani and went to her desk. She took the report file from her desk and then went near his desk. She put the file on the desk when Jun gestured to her to give him the file in his hand as he was laying on the chair with his head supported on it. Ani went to the left side of his desk, near the chair and handed him the file.

Jun started looking into the file. After 10 minutes he said, "show through charts and for computation talk with Dowa of our department." He handed her the file. Ani nodded and was ready to leave when her foot stumbled up on the fluffy floor mat and she fell on Jun's lap who was on the chair.

Ani looked at him and it was her first time looking at him so close. She smiled seeing this when Jun said, "till when you're going to sit on my lap?"

Hearing this Ani immediately got up from his lap. "Sorry sir. My foot got…," Jun didn't let her finish and said, "it's fine. Get back to work and give me the report after two hours."

Ani nodded. She kept the chocolate box on her desk and then walked out from there to meet Dowa.


It took her almost 5 hours to work on the report. She came back to the office and told Jun to check the report.

Jun, who was working on something on his desktop, told her to wait for 5 minutes. She stood there for thirty minutes when Jun finally shifted his eyes from desktop to her. He took the file from her and started reading it. "Hmm...now it's fine. Tomorrow there's a meeting at 10 am so be on time. Come two hours before as I've to explain something to you," said Jun. Ani nodded.

"You can go home..," said Jun. Ani thanked him. Carrying her bag from her desk she walked out of there. She saw 3 missed calls from Yeol so she called him back.

"Senior I got busy with work. Where should I come?," asked Ani.

"Come to the first floor and then from there we will go to the Sangma restaurant," said Yeol. Ani hung up the call and rushed to the first floor and from there they both left for Sangma restaurant.

They both were sitting around a table. Yeol told Ani to tell him what she wants to eat. Ani nodded and told him. Yeol ordered dinner for them. "Wanna drink wine?," asked Yeol.

"No no. I don't drink," said Ani with a smile.

"Well then I shouldn't drink too," said Yeol with a smile. "Jun is the youngest guy who reached GM level right after graduation. It's also because of his college and his brilliant work in internship," said Yeol.

"Where did he do the internship?," asked Ani.

"Well it wasn't disclosed but I heard that in his internship project he did a great job," said Yeol. The meals were put in front of them on the table and they started eating.

They were both eating when Ani's eyes fell on Jun and Min. He was smiling with her. "Seems they are dating," said Yeol.

Ani didn't say anything regarding this.

"I heard Kang Tae is also coming here," said Yeol.

"He works here?," asked Ani.

"Yes. He's in the food department. Right now he's in Japan for some project work," said Yeol.

"You don't know? They are your friends Ani," said Yeol with a smile.

"We don't talk that much," said Ani.

Jun's eyes fell on Ani. Min looked at him and asked, "What are you looking at?" She looked where he was looking.

"Ani is also here," said Min and looked at Jun.

"Yes. I thought she would've gone home. Her brother might be worried about her," said Jun and then looked at Min.

"Brothers always worry for her sister. My Oppa is also worried about me whenever I go home late," said Jun with a smile. Jun smiled and said, "he doesn't have to worry anymore. I'm here." Jun smiled and hugged him holding his right arm.

Ani who was drinking water from her glass saw Jun and Ani who were at three tables far from them. Min was holding Jun's arm and Jun was smiling looking at her. For a short period of time her heart ached seeing this but then she told herself that they both like each other and because Jun is happy with her so she should be happy for him because it's her unrequited love for him.