Fight and Care....

Soo was getting ready for work when his mother, Huwa Ri, came there.

"Son, your father wants to talk to you," said Huwa.

"I'm busy. I've to attend some important meetings," said Soo without looking at her. He picked his phone and bag.

"You can delay the meetings too. Your father will get angry if you won't go to him," said Huwa and held his hand.

Soo gave a laugh and then turned his face to her. "What do you want? I did every single thing you told me to do. Tell your husband that I'll meet him in the evening," said Soo and jerked his mother's hand. He called his secretary and walked out of his room.

As he was coming down the stairs he saw Myung and her family. He ignored them and started walking, still talking on his phone. He almost passed beside them when Myung held his arm and said, "Soo, we are here." She smiled looking at him.

Yangmi came there and greeted them. "Soo is busy these days. Forgive us for his behavior," said Yangmi and told them to come towards the living hall.

"I've an important meeting and I've to go urgently," said Soo trying to escape the situation.

"Son, I've cancelled your today's schedule. You don't have to go today. Now let's go inside," said Yangmi and smiled. Huwa Ri came there and told Wang Shik, Hye Shin and Myung to come to the living room. They walked towards the living room.

Myung sat beside Soo who wasn't feeling comfortable with her at all. They all were laughing and talking with each other.

"Soo, I'm really surprised that you managed the Sangma despite being from another profession," said Wang Shik. Soo smiled hearing this and looked at his father.

"Well we are here to discuss your marriage with Myung," said Yangmi. Soo looked at him with a shocked face. "But we ain't ready yet," said Soo.

"Son, don't be shy. Myung told us yesterday evening that you both should marry now," said Huwa and caressed her head lovingly.

"Next week Friday will be perfect for their marriage," said Wang Shik looking at Yangmi.

"You are saying right. They both have dated each other for four years so now it's time for their marriage," said Yangmi.

Hye Shin said, "Means we have only a week to be with our daughter."

"What are you saying? You can come anytime here. Same with our Myung. She can go whenever she feels like to go," said Huwa with a smile. Soo was looking at them in disbelief. He thought if he will say anything then his father will harm Ani & Woo and if he won't say anything his life will be destroyed. He was feeling to cry and shout at them loudly to stop these talks but he was unable to do so.

After two hours Myung's family left from there. Soo looked at his father who was happy with this marriage alliance.

"I don't want to marry her. I'm your son. Don't you want my happiness?," asked Soo looking at Yangmi. Huwa Ri looked at Soo with a worried look.

"I'm doing all this for your happiness because she's the perfect woman for you," said Yangmi looking at Soo.

"I don't even like her. How is it my happiness? I tried hard to get along with her in these four years but I never felt once happiness with her. It feels like a burden to me," said Soo.

"Who do you love then?," asked Yangmi.

"I don't love anyone because my life is already a mess. I just don't want to marry," said Soo.

"That's why Myung is best for you. She knows you better and you will eventually start loving her once you will marry her," said Huwa with a smile.

"You both are unbelievable. Should I die? Tell me should I die?," asked Soo angrily.

Yangmi looked at him with a grim look and said, "don't even think about this. Ani and Woo are still alive." Soo looked at his father and got what he meant. He got up from the couch and walked away from there.


Ani was working in the office on the desktop when Jun called her name. She immediately went to him.

"Call Eunja and Dowa. Tell them to bring their work progress report," said Jun while working on his desktop. Ani nodded and walked out from there.

After a few minutes she came there with Dowa and Eunja there. They both started explaining Jun about their work. "Fine. Tomorrow there will be a meeting regarding this. Let's start phase one of this project, " said Jun looking at them. They both nodded and walked away from there.

"Sir I want to say something," said Ani.

"Yes," said Jun and looked at her.

"Sir, Sangma is known for its quality food. We can't make the price cheap just to cover all the people. The food of Sangma is known for its uniqueness and if we will go like this then it will affect the company," said Ani.

Jun put the pen on the table and got up from the chair. He walked towards her and asked, "What's the goal of Sangma?"

"To give the best quality food. A taste that can't be found anywhere," said Ani and looked at him.

Jun gave her a slight laugh and stepped closer to her. "I didn't ask for your uncle's goal who was the ex chairman of Sangma. I asked about your father's dream which he saw when he started this food company."

Ani looked at him and then bowed her eyes down. "How can a daughter not know about her father?," asked Jun and stepped back. Ani felt bad hearing this so she spoke up. "You can't say this. I know him better than you."

Jun looked at her and said, "you don't even know the dream of your father and now arguing before me."

"I'm not arguing. I'm just saying that you can't say to me that I know nothing about My father," said Ani putting stress into her words.

"Grow up first and then talk with me with those eyes. You let your father's company go just by signing on the papers. Your father's life was his company which you just threw away without even looking at the papers. Such a naive girl doesn't deserve to work here. If I were to recruit an assistant for me then it wouldn't be you. Soo wants you to be a part of this project that's why I didn't say anything and let him do a favour to you," said Jun while looking into Ani's eyes.

Hearing these words Ani started crying. She doesn't want to slap Jun for saying this but she couldn't herself and raised her hand but then Jun grabbed her hand tightly.

"You don't have any right to say such harsh words to me," said Ani angrily and was going to hit him with her other hand but Jun grabbed that hand too. He put her hands behind her back and pulled her towards him.

"I can fire you this instant but then your hard work will go to waste. Argue with me when you will have the answer. And stop acting like a naive girl," said Jun. His gaze was intact with Ani's gaze. He released her and told her to get out of his sight. Ani ran out from there.

"Naive and stupid girl," murmured Jun and got back to his work. Ani on the other hand went towards the stair cases and sat there. She wiped her tears off but Jun's words weren't leaving her mind.

"How can he say that to me? I won't work under him…..," murmured Ani and wiped tears off her face. "Wait why should I run away from his sight? I will show him that I'm Park Sungi's daughter," said Ani and walked towards the office. She pushed the door slightly when she saw Min kissing Jun at his lips. She immediately shut the door.

"Why am I hiding? I mean they are shameless to do such a thing in the office," murmured Ani and pushed the door lightly and entered inside.

Min immediately released Jun and turned behind. "Oh Ani,how are you?," asked Min. Ani looked at Jun who wasn't looking at her.

"I'm good Ma'am. Well you both should be aware of your surroundings before doing such a thing," said Ani.

Jun looked at her and then told Min not to come to his office. Min nodded and walked away from there. Ani made a face and then walked towards her desk. "I told you not to show your face to me," said Jun to Ani.

"Why? If you don't want to see my face then close your eyes. Aghhh...just say the truth you said those words to me because you want to spend time with your girlfriend," said Ani angrily and turned to face him.

"Indeed that was my mistake but remember my words what I said to you earlier. To put in a gentle way I was just saying that you should be aware of your father's dream," said Jun. Ani looked at him and said, "sorry. I was at fault. I should be aware of this. I never asked dad about this because I never thought that I would be in this field. Whenever I asked him, he said that I don't need to know about this. But I saw my father wants to make a big name for this company to outreach to everyone I guess."

Jun stepped towards her and said, "I won't say sorry because I said the truth to you. When the time will come I'll tell you about your father's dream." He smiled and caressed her head. Ani's heart skipped a bit with his gesture and she smiled seeing this.