Smiling faces!!!

Ani reached her home and Jun also reached there. She was opening the door when Jun came in front of her and said, "Let's talk." Ani looked at him. This was the first time she was looking at her trying to convey through her eyes to go away. She opened the door and walked inside. She was going to close the door when Jun put his hand between the door and the wall. He sneaked inside and said, "kid, don't be stubborn. Talk with me."

"You should be in office. I'll talk to you in the evening," said Ani and faked a smile.

"In the evening? I've to go somewhere in the evening," said Jun. He grabbed her hand and took her inside. They both forgot to close the door behind them. They sat on the couch in the living room.

"Tell me what happened there? Ahhh before that I would like to tell you that I know what your uncle has done to you in the past. So, tell me everything he has told you in that house," said Jun looking into her eyes.

"I can't meet my brothers any more. I'm shifting to Daegu. He told me that I'm a jinx, that's why my mother and father died," said Ani and turned her face away. She wiped her tears which were formed in her eyes and started pouring down her eyes.

Jun back hugged her and said, "you ain't. Why do you take the words of those who are not important in your life." Ani started crying and said, "you can't understand. No one can. I miss my father and mother so much, every second, every minute. If I'm not jinx then what am I."

Jun turned her towards him and tightly hugged her. " Ani my words should be most important to you. Don't think like this. It's good that you can at least work in Sangma. You should focus on your father's dream," said Jun and then wiped her tears off. Jun kissed her forehead. Min who just entered the house saw them.

"Ani," shouted Min. Jun and Ani got up from the couch. Min walked towards them when Jun said, "Min what are you doing here?"

"Myung told me what Ani's friend did to her. I thought you won't be like her but you are on the other level. Clinging to my boyfriend like he's yours," said Min angrily.

"Min, shut up. Don't assume the things when you don't know anything," said Jun. Min looked at Jun and said, "Jun don't talk between the two women." She then looked at Ani and said, " Ani I thought you are a kind girl but you're letting my boyfriend kiss you."

Jun grabbed Min's arm tightly and said, "don't speak to her. Talk with me."

Min looked at Jun and said, "you like me right? So let me talk with her." Min then turned her gaze to Ani and said, "you don't have parents so you will do things like this. Eying the man of some other girl. It's good you know that your parents ain't here to see such cheap things for their daughter. Jun what were you saying that she's kind like her mother. It seems she has inherited these skills from her mother….How to woo a man who is already in a relationship." Jun was going to say something to her when Ani threw a slap at Min's face. Min glared at Ani.

"How dare you to say something like this to my mother? I never once eyed your man. Is it my fault that he came behind me? Get out of my house before I will throw you out," said Ani angrily. Min was going to say something when Jun grabbed her arm and took her out from there.

They came out of the house. "Jun what's this? You were kissing her?," asked Min with an unbelievable look.

"Let's break up," said Jun.

"What? Why?," asked Min with an utter shock.

"Because I don't like you. You know very well why I started dating you. I never wanted to but then you made so much effort to make me your boyfriend. I told you that time too that if I feel like breaking up then I'll do it without much thought. But then you said I will start liking you after dating. I like you as a friend but not as a woman. Let's not see each other," said Jun.

"Is it because of her?," asked Min with teary eyes.

"No, it's because you trusted Myung. You didn't ask me and just came here to say trash things to her," said Jun.

"You kissed her, Jun. You like her and you are giving me excuses," said Min with teary eyes.

Jun gave a slight laugh to her and said, "Min, we are done talking. You should've controlled yourself inside. You will regret it once you will know the truth. Let's not see each other anymore." Saying this, Jun walked inside Ani's house. Min walked away from there in anger.

Ani was in her room, packing her bags. Jun knocked on the door. Seeing him Ani straightened herself and said, "you shouldn't be here. Wait how did you get in?"

"You kept the door open." He went near and stood before her. "Sorry, because of me you've to hear those things from her. I'm really apologetic for her behaviour."

Ani looked at him and said, "you shouldn't have done that. Any girl would take the wrong meaning if her boyfriend kisses some other girl." Jun got close to her and said, "kid, but our relationship is different. You're just a kid to me, not a woman. Min listened to Myung's words rather than asking me. Let's not talk about her. Let's focus on you. So where will you live in Daegu?"

Ani looked at him and then put the clothes in the suitcase. "Yun is leaving there. I mean his father is the director of Sangma so he's looking after the business in Daegu. I'll live at his house for a few days," said Ani.

"Yun, the guy who is your lover," said Jun with a smile. "How can you say that? He's not my...lover. He's my childhood friend. You shouldn't say such a thing," said Ani and then told him to go away as she has to pack her bags.

"Woo is coming home in a while," said Jun and sat on the chair there.

"Why did you tell him?," asked Ani with a sad look.

"Because after that I don't for how much time you won't see him," said Jun. Ani became sad hearing this. She sat on the bed. "Six years ago when my father passed away I was all alone then Soo oppa took me away from there and I met Woo oppa. I was devastated because of my father's demise and no one was there. My both brothers did so much for me, especially Soo oppa. Today I saw his condition, he must be going through a lot because of me."

Jun looked at Ani but thought not to speak. After a while he said, "Will you wait for me?"

Ani looked at him. "Ehh..What?"

"Will you wait for me? I'll come to Daegu after some time...Wait for me then I'll not let you feel alone. I will make you work a lot," said Jun. Hearing this Ani started laughing. "You want me to be your assistant? But why will you come there?," said Ani and laughed. Jun smiled seeing her and said, "I don't want a naive assistant. I'm just kidding. Well let me tell you of your father's dream once again which he had seen for Sangma. He wanted to outreach the people through his food. He wanted everyone to taste the recipes that he has created himself. In short his dream was to take all the people needs in his mind and accordingly set the prices, not just profit. This is the dream of uncle Sungi. Keep it always in your mind and when I see you next time, I wanna see a different girl, not a naive girl but keep your heart always kind and innocent. That's the only thing I like about you."

Ani looked at him and got teary eyes because she never knew that her father had dreamt of this.

Jun got up from his chair and walked to her. He pulled her up and hugged her tightly. He caressed his head lovingly and said, "Kid, you're a precious child of your parents. I want you to understand this world and fulfil your father's dream. I want you to see Sangma's chairman and I know one day you will be there making your parents proud of you. Keep your faith and belief intact. Even if in this world no one will be with you then you will find me always beside you. Never ever feel that you are alone because you will always find me beside you." Jun then released her and looked at her.

Ani touched by hearing these words of Jun. For the first time they were looking into each other's eyes. She smiled looking at him. She nodded and said, "I will always hold my faith and belief intact. I will fulfil my father's dream one day. Thanks for believing in me." Both looked at each other and smiled looking into each others eyes.