Try forgetting me!

Ani has packed her things. After meeting Jun's family; Tae and Cho, she left with her brother Woo to the station. Jun too accompanied her to the station.

"Don't worry about me and take care of yourself there," said Woo. Ani hugged Woo tightly. Tears formed in her eyes. Woo caressed her head and said, "we can call each other so your uncle won't get to know that you are still in contact with me."

Ani nodded but in her mind, she thought not to call her Oppa because her uncle can do anything. "Oppa eat your breakfast daily and don't miss me," said Ani and released the hug. Woo smiled at her and said, "You've taught me how to cook so I don't need to worry." 

Ani smiled hearing this. The announcement was made. Jun grabbed Ani's bag when she said, "Why are you taking my bag?"

"Ahh...Ani I can't come because some emergency patients have come so Jun will drop you till Daegu," replied Sung Woo and kept on caressing her head.

"Woo, I'll drop her there don't worry," said Jun and told her to follow him. Ani waved at her brother and ran behind Jun. He put her luggage and then sat in his place on the window side.

"I want to sit there," stated Ani.

"My ticket number is on the window seat," said Jun and closed his eyes. Ani sat beside him and the train started running. "Why did you opt for the train?" asked Jun.

"Eh...ah because I want to travel by train," said Ani. She was sad because she was again parted from her family. On the opposite seat, a little girl of 6-7 years old was seated with her mother. He was staring at Ani.

"Why are you staring at me?" asked Ani from the kid with a smile.

"Noona( older sister), you look dumb," said the little girl. Jun opened his eyes and looked at the girl. He saw the girl's mother was sleeping.

"I'm not old. Look at a young girl," said Ani and touched her face. Jun looked at Ani and smiled because she was fighting with a little girl.

"Oppa, this noona has your photo on her phone. I saw it earlier when she was texting someone," told the little girl. Ani glared at the kid in anger and then looked at Jun who was looking at her.

"Kid, is she saying the truth?," asked Jun looking into Ani's eyes.

Ani turned to look at the little girl and said, "Kid, you shouldn't say a young girl noona. You can call me unnie (sister)."

"Why are you changing the topic?" asked Jun who was glaring at Ani.

"Oppa you look good," said the little girl with a smile. Jun smiled and thanked her. Ani glared at the little kid. "I'm not changing the topic. She is calling me an old sister," said Ani and again glared at the little girl.

The little kid's mother woke up and saw that the first stop was going to come. She held her child's hand and then walked towards the exit. The train stopped on its first stop.

"Why were you fighting with a little girl?" asked Jun looking at Ani. 

"She called me old," replied Ani with slight anger in her tone. She touched her cheeks and said, "I'm not old." Jun laughed looking at her and said, "that's why I call you a kid." He flicked at her forehead and said, "grow up. Don't fight with children for such stupid things."

The train again caught its speed. "If some kid will call you old then you will feel bad for you," said Ani.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm not like you," asserted Jun.

"What? What do you mean by this?" asked Ani while looking at Jun with an inquisitive look.

"Nothing. Now keep mum," said Jun and looked out of the window.

"Won't you miss me?," asked Ani with a sad look. Jun looked at her and said, "Why would I miss you?"

"Because we are friends," said Ani looking at Jun.

"Myung is also my friend but I don't miss her that much," stated Jun.

"But I am different," said Ani in a low voice. "What are you saying?" asked Jun.

"Ah...nothing," said Ani and turned her face away.

"Indeed you are different but then isn't it good that you won't irritate me anymore. I don't have to run after you now and then. Your lover will take good care of you," said Jun with a smile.

Ani immediately turned her face to him and said, "when did I trouble you?"

"In the office, in the theatre, and then yesterday," answered Jun and then leaned closer to her. "Don't say to everyone that you love me, you like me, and yes delete those photos as soon as possible else I'll sue you," said Jun.

"I won't say anything to anyone. Moreover, I don't like you now," lied Ani.

Jun gave a slight laugh hearing this. The coach from which they were traveling has many vacant seats. Jun leaned closer to her and pulled her chin up to look at him. Ani lowered her eyes and said, "What are you doing?"

"Liar," said Jun with a smile and released her chin.

"I'm not lying. I don't like you." Ani lied again but this time with affirmation. Jun chuckled upon hearing those words and then leaned his face closer to her. 

"Why are you getting nervous? It's clear you are still in love with me," said Jun.

"No, I'm not," replied Ani with a firm voice.

"Oh really. Then try forgetting me," said Jun and kissed her lips. Ani got shocked by his act. Her heartbeat raised and she recalled her high school time. Jun then leaned back on his seat. Wiping his lips from his thumb he smiled and said, "I think you are never kissed by anyone. Well, I just got to know that you're still into me."

Ani looked at him and smiled.

"But then again I don't like you so forget about me," said Jun and laid his head back on his comfortable seat. Ani felt bad hearing this.

"Why did you kiss me then?" asked Ani.

"To catch your lie," said Jun. Ani got a sad hearing this so she turned her face away. After hours of journey, they reached Daegu. Jun carried her bags and they got off the train. Ani turned to Jun and said, "I can also carry."

"Don't create trouble and call your lover," said Jun. Ani looked at him. "What? His number isn't on my face. Call him, hurry," said Jun and looked around.

Ani called Yun. "Ani, I've seen you. Just stay there," said Yun on the phone and hung up the call. Ani looked around and found Yun. She waved at him and he reached there.

"Ani," mumbled Yun and hugged her tightly. Jun turned to them and smiled seeing this. Yun released the hug and looked at Jun. "Hello Jun. Let's go home," said Yun and took a bag from Jun's hand.

"Ahh, I won't go. I have an important meeting this evening. I just came here to drop her. She's a kid after all," stated Jun.

"You're a busy man. Well, dad talks about you daily," said Yun with a smile. Jun looked at his watch and said, "I should leave now. Take care of her." Ani looked at Jun. Jun was going to leave when Ani held his hand. Jun looked at her and said, "Leave my hand."

"I'll be a strong girl. Thank you," said Ani with a smile. Jun didn't say anything and turned his face to Yun. "I'll call you later. I've some work with you," said Jun. Releasing his hand from Ani's grip he walked away from there. Ani watched him and a few minutes later he disappeared from her sight.

"Jun is a cold person only to those whom he doesn't know," said Yun and smiled. He turned to Ani and said, "Keep your faith intact. Maybe someday he will start liking you. Now let's go. Mom has been waiting for you since the morning." Ani nodded and they went to the opposite end of the station.


Soo was reading the files in his room when Yangmi came there. Seeing him Soo closed the file and got up from the chair. "You don't need to come here. Call me the next time," declared Soo.

"It was necessary, that's why I had to come," said Yangmi and sat on the sofa there. "I've decided to marry you off this Friday," said Yangmi.

"What? Why?" asked Soo with a confused look.

"The sooner you marry, the better. Your mother talked with me earlier. Cho is the best girl for you according to her. Before anything else, I want my son's happiness too. Although I am angry with you you've my blood," said Yangmi.

"Why did you kill uncle?" asked Soo with an angry look.

"I didn't kill my brother. Indeed I made her sign those papers but I never killed him," said Yangmi and got up from his chair. He walked near the door and before leaving he said, "I'll talk with her family. You both will marry after two days." Saying this his father walked out of the room.

"Is he telling the truth? Or he's acting? The things he has done with Ani, Sung Woo, and I only indicate that dad is involved in everything. He made her leave Seoul. I should not have come back. I should've sent her abroad. At least we will not be separated. I don't know how my little sister will live there," pronounced Kang Soo and went near his bed.