The Wedding

"Today is the marriage day. Everyone gets happy on their marriage day but here I am. I'm not happy but it is far better than last time. I'm happy that I'm marrying Cho but still we both know why we are marrying. Her father and uncle are so happy that she is getting married to me and here I am, betraying both of them. I wish I could stop this." Standing before the mirror Soo was looking at himself and thinking this in his mind.

"Soo," mumbled his mother, Huwa. She made him turn and adjusted his tie. "Perfect. My son is looking perfect," said Huwa with a smile. Woo too came there and seeing him Soo smiled. Huwa told Woo to come inside. Woo got into the room. Woo hugged him tightly and said, " I missed you." Woo said the same thing. Huwa walked out of there and told them to talk for a while.

"Finally got to see you. Why is your face looking dull? Smile. This is your marriage day," said Woo with a smile. Soo smiled hearing this.

"You are so clever. You didn't even tell me that you and Cho are in love with each other," said Woo and glared at Soo. Soo smiled hearing this.

"Your bride is looking beautiful," whispered Woo in Soo's ear. Oh really, I thought she is….," murmured Soo and stopped speaking when he saw Yangmi at the door. Woo got aside of Soo. Yangmi walked inside and told Soo that don't create troubles in the marriage. Saying this he walked away from there.

Soo walked out from there to the aisle with his best man Woo. As he reached the aisle he saw that his father had called many guests, of whom mostly were their business partners.

The guests who arrived just then for the wedding were helped by ushers' by handing out the correct books, flowers and providing them with the correct order of seats.

Soo's groomsmen were also standing on the aisle. Minho, Ahn Ji Hyuk and Kyung Hyo were smiling looking at Soo. Soo climbed on the aisle with his best man.

"You really are something. You made a fool out of us and now getting married," said Minho. Soo smiled hearing this.

"Hey, he always used to say he won't marry and now he's the first one among us who is getting married," said Kyung Hyo looking at Minho. They all laughed while Soo was just faking the smile. The usher told them that the bride is going to come so they all adjusted themselves.

Cho in the other room looking at herself in the mirror. The wedding gown which she hasn't imagined that much, today she's in that gown, a long white gown with beautiful patterns in white intricate on it. She touched her gown and smiled.

"I never thought I would marry Soo. I'm afraid that he's thinking that I don't love him but it's not the truth. I only realized my love for him when I saw him with Myung four years ago but then I gave up thinking it's not the place where I should stand. I know I did wrong by telling him to marry me but if I weren't to do this then he might've died in that marriage. He never cared for himself once so it's my time to look after him because he has sacrificed himself in every other thing."

A knock on the door put a brake on her chains of thoughts. She turned behind and saw Huwa who was smiling at her. She clicked a photo of Cho and smiled looking at it. "Time to go Cho," said Huwa. Cho nodded and stepped forward. The helper girl put a veil on her head and then walked out from there. Picking her long gown slightly above that only her heels are visible, Cho took steps towards the aisle where her father gave a hand to her. She happily caught her father's hand.

Several young girls and boys were walking ahead of her with white flowers in their hands. Cho looked at Soo who was smiling at her. She walked towards him with the confident steps, holding the bouquet tightly. They reached near Soo. Gwi gave her daughter's hand to Soo. Soo gently held her hand and she stepped ahead. With teary eyes Gwi walked down the aisle from the left side and took a seat in the front row beside his brother, Hwi.

The priest came forward and told them the marriage vows. Soo spoke the vows, followed by Cho. The vows of togetherness, faithfulness, permanence and unconditionality were spoken by the two. After the vows were completed the wedding rings were brought forwards by a young girl and a boy. Cho picked the ring, so did Soo.

They exchanged the rings. The guests clapped seeing this. "Now the groom can kiss his bride," said the priest. Cho looked through her veil at Soo. Soo gently picked her veil up and leaned closer to her lips. He gave her a small peck at the cheek when his friend Minho said, "it's not the kiss. Kiss her properly." Ahn Ji Hyuk shouted .."Kiss, kiss, kiss…." Some of the guests started shouting.

Soo blinked his eyes but then he kissed Cho. Everyone clapped for them. After the ceremony got completed the two attendants came forward and took them away from the aisle to the side room to sign on the marriage papers. After doing all the formalities they were officially married.

Woo as the best man gave a wedding speech for Soo. "It's like we were kids yesterday. A friend like you is hard to find who always supported me and was with me in my hard times. There are so….so.." Saying this Woo became emotional when Soo patted at his shoulder.

"It's really an overwhelming feeling to see you as married today. I'm relieved finally that you've got the girl, the woman you've always wished for. I'm really happy for you. I wish you both a lot of happiness," said Woo. The guests clapped hearing this. The music started playing in the background because it was the time for the couple to dance.

Soo took the hand of Cho and they started dancing in the middle of the large podium. "You know how to dance," said Soo looking at Cho.

"Yes, I know how to dance. I'm surprised that you also know how to dance," said Cho. Soo smiled hearing this and said, "you're looking beautiful today. I thought you wouldn't look good."

"You always call me ugly so I thought to show you my real beauty today," said Cho and smiled. "You're accepting that you're ugly," said Soo and smiled. Cho hit his foot with her heel. He screamed a little but then controlled himself. "I'm now your husband, show some respect at least," said Soo.

"Haha, you should first respect your side," said Cho with a smile. For this short period of time Soo forgot about the bad things which were going on with him. Both just enjoyed the dance while talking with each other.

The reception was held in the garden where the relatives, friends and families clicked photos with the couple, ate and drank. Jun and Tae came to Cho and gave their best wishes to her although Jun didn't have that much talk with her. After the wedding ceremony ended Cho and Soo were made to sit inside a black car. Waving at their families they both left the venue.

"Ani must be missing this," said Tae looking at Jun who didn't say anything.


In the car Soo and Cho were talking with each other. "We have to leave for our honeymoon tomorrow morning," said Soo.

"Where?," asked Cho.

"Jeju. My father is controlling my life. We have to stay there for a week even if we don't want to," replied Soo and looked out of the window. Cho looked at him and said, "you got the time to spend on yourself. As friends we can have fun there." Soo turned to her and said, "My life is fun itself."

Cho touched Soo's hand and said, "Soo, every being faces difficulties which are worse for them. I know father is doing this to you but then it doesn't mean you should give up on your happiness. Ani is in more trouble than us still she enjoys every moment of her life. Your sister is a strong girl so you should learn from her….Now don't pull such a sad face, give a smile." Soo smiled hearing this and thanked her to be with him in this tough time.

After a while they reached a grand seven star hotel. Soo held her hand and they went towards their wedding suite. Cho looked at Soo who had a smile on his lips but internally he wasn't happy at all. "I'll bring happiness in your life Soo even if you will push me aside because I love you," thought Cho in her mind and gently held Soo's hand. He looked at her and smiled.