Jun's Pledge

Ani in the house was talking with Tae about the wedding. She was feeling bad that she wasn't able to attend the marriage of her brother and best friend Cho. "Cho was missing you so much. The photos will come in one-two days then you can have a look on them," said Tae.

"Okay. Did you see Woo oppa?," asked Ani.

"Hmm, he was very emotional," said Tae. "Tell her not to cry every time. They both love each other so they will take care of each other," said Jun from the back to Tae. Ani listened to him and said, "Ask Jun if he can talk with me?"

"Jun, Ani wants to talk to you," said Tae.

"I'm busy. I don't want to talk," said Jun to Tae. Tae turned to his mobile and putting on his ear he said," Ani he's busy."

"Okay...bye," said Ani and hung up the call.

Tae turned to Jun who was lying on the couch in his room. "Why did you lie to her?," asked Tae.

"She nags too much. Moreover, I've many things to think about for now," said Jun with closed eyes.

"Hey, then why do you show care for her? You clearly know that she has feelings for you. If you keep on caring about her then she will take another meaning of this," said Tae looking at Jun.

Jun opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Tae. He said, "Tae, I am doing this because of her father. Now, don't talk about her. I'm really thinking about something."

"What are you thinking about?," asked Tae.

"Why is there no evidence left? Uncle was murdered by Yangmi and there's no evidence of that. It was portrayed as the accident. You know that our high school friend, Han Ji Wook is in Daegu Metropolitan police. I told Yun to go there and meet him. Yun told me that opening a case which is already solved can't be open that easily. Above all there's senior pressure too so Ji Wook can't do the things fast. Now, how will we find the evidence?," said Jun.

"When he will open the case," said Tae.

"Tae, uncle Sungi's postmortem wasn't done that day. Ji Wook talked with me and said that it's quite difficult to find everything related to this case when his senior officers are involved in this. He talked with his senior but he told him that the case won't be reopened. If Yangmi will find out that I'm behind all these things then many lives will get in danger. So the option left with us is to find evidence which is actually difficult to find out. But then I've to give justice for uncle. This is the pledge I've taken a long time ago," said Jun.

Suddenly Jun's phone started ringing. He looked at his phone and saw Min's number was appearing on the screen so he took the call.

"Jun, please forgive me," said Min while crying. Jun sighed hearing this and said, "I can't. Sorry, Min. Let's not cry over such a thing when I already told you a year ago that no one will bother others if there will be a breakup from anyone's side. Calm yourself and take rest. I'm hanging up as I'm not feeling good," saying this Jun put the phone on the table, putting it on silent.

"Your girlfriend.....I mean ex girlfriend is head over heels with you. If you wanted to break up then you shouldn't have dated her," said Tae and smiled.

"I'm sleepy. Let's talk tomorrow," saying this Jun walked towards his bed ignoring Tae's words.

Ani was looking at Jun's photo on her phone when Yun knocked at the door and came inside her room. She closed her phone and put it aside on the table.

"Yun," mumbled Ani and smiled.

"Ani what were you doing?," asked Yun and sat on the sofa there.

"Ahh nothing," said Ani and smiled. Yun took out his phone and asked, " do you wanna look at the wedding photos of Cho?" Ani's face glowed hearing this.

"But Tae was saying that...," murmured Ani.

"Woo Hyung has sent these," said Yun. Ani smiled hearing this and took the phone from her. She looked at the photos and smiled. Tears formed in her eyes.

"They both are looking good together," said Ani and looked at Yun. "Some things are unexpected. Who thought they would both get married? Same with you, may in future Jun start loving you and you both will get married unexpectedly."

Ani smiled hearing this and said, " I don't think so. He said I'm a kid so he doesn't like me at all."

"I'll ask him what kind of girls he likes. Then I'll tell you. At least you will know what's in his mind," said Yun with a smile.

Ani smiled hearing this and said,"make sure to ask him when I'm around." Yun nodded and they both talked with each other till late.


Soo and Cho got inside their honeymoon suite. Cho looked around and whispered, "it's such a big room, I mean hall."

Soo smiled hearing this and told her to come inside. Cho put off her heels and carried her long gown, walking inside. They stopped when they saw a king size bed in the middle with red roses heart made on the white mattress and rose petals were spread all on the bed. Soo quickly walked there and cleaned the bed. "You can rest here, I'm going to the washroom to change my clothes," said Soo and walked to the closet. Taking his clothes from there he went inside the washroom.

Cho got seated on the bed and looked around when her eyes fell on the drinks there placed inside the basket on the white table there. "Ahh I've not drunk for a while," murmured Cho and got up from the bed. She picked the glass and poured the champagne into the glass. She drank it in one gulp and kept on drinking then because it tasted good.

After fifteen minutes Soo came out and saw Cho on the bed giggling. He walked to her and said, "go in and change this gown."

Cho looked at him and said, "I won't.....I won't." She started banging her hands on the bed. Soo looked at the bottle which was in her hand. He immediately snatched the bottle from her and asked in surprise, "you drank the entire champagne???"

Cho started laughing and said, "Yes...I wanted to because I haven't drunk for so many days. It was good." Saying this she again started laughing.

"You won't sleep with this heavy gown on," said Soo and pulled her up by grabbing her arm. She hugged him tightly and said, "you're smelling nice. You showered this quickly." She was giggling when Soo tried to release her hands from him. But Cho tightened her grip around him.

Cho rose her head and looked at Soo. "Cho, leave me," said Soo.

"No I won't leave you. You always call me ugly," said Cho and placed her head on his chest. "Your heart isn't beating," murmured Cho.

"What??," mumbled Soo.

"Nothing. Ahhh....I'm feeling warm now and this gown is irritating me," said Cho. She released her hands from Soo. Cho looked at Soo and then held his face in her hands. Soo tried releasing her hands from his face.

"Soo, I love you a lot," saying this she crashed her lips on his. Soo looked at her in shock and pushed her but she fell unconscious. Soo quickly held her in his arms while Cho lost her consciousness.

"Why?," murmured Soo looking at Cho and then carried her in his arms. He put her on the bed and looked at her face. "Why didn't you tell me before the marriage?," murmured Soo looking at her in confusion.

He then went to the other side of the bed and laid down. "How can you sleep soundly?," murmured Soo and turned his back on her. He closed the lights and sleep engulfed him in a few minutes.

In the morning Cho's sleep broke due to phone sound. She gradually opened her eyes and saw Soo's face. She looked around and found she was lying close to Soo's arm and his head was touching hers. She tried getting up when her head banged with Soo's and because of that his sleep broke.

Soo looked at her and then got up and got down the bed. "Sorry, I don't know.....," said Soo when he realized that he was on the left side but Cho shifted there at night. "It's a big bed so why were you sleeping close to me?," asked Soo.

"I don't know....I don't even remember when I fell asleep," said Cho. Soo looked at her and thought," this girl is giving me headaches."

"Okay, go now. Take a quick shower. Look at your hair, it's smelling," said Soo, closing his nose. Cho smelled her hair and said they are perfectly fine.

Soo grabbed her arm and pushed her inside the washroom. "Just stay here. I'm bringing your clothes," saying this Soo went to the closet. He grabbed the floral dress from there and then handed her the dress and closed the washroom's door.

"Is he out of his mind? ," murmured Cho and raised her hand to hit him but she was inside the washroom so thought to give him a good beating later.

Soo looked at his phone. He read the message from his father and turned the phone off.