Love or No Love?

Soon Ji was signing the files when Ani came there with some report files. "Sir, these need your signs," said Ani and put the files on the desk. Soon Ji looked at the files and grabbed them from the desk. Opening one of the files he asked, "Did you read it thoroughly?"

"Yes, I've checked everything. It's a food quality analysis report of Sangma restaurants in the entire Daegu city," replied Ani. Soon Ji signed on the files and handed them to Ani to which Ani thanked him. She was ready to leave when Soon Ji said, "Ms Cha, there's a party in the evening. Please accompany me there."

Ani curiously asked, "What party sir?"

"Well it's the party organized by the head chief of our company, Mr Dae Hyun. You know that Daegu branch has generated quite a good amount of revenues for the past one year. So, it's like an encouragement to all the employees. Don't you get the mail regarding this?," asked Soon Ji looking at her.

"Sir, I've received the mail," replied Ani. Soon Ji observed her expressions and said, "Please have a seat." Ani looked at him and then nodded. She sat on the chair. Soon Ji put the pen on the desk. Clasping his both hands' fingers together he said, "Ms Cha, actually I know you. The day you told you to introduce yourself I recognised you."

Ani looked at him in confusion.

"Ahh don't be afraid. I mean my father used to work in Sangma. He was there too when your father died in the accident. My father was accompanying him too so he also died that day." Ani got shocked hearing this.

Soon Ji then with a smile said, "my father has seen you many Times. He used to say that Park Sir has a lovely daughter. I'm working here for four years because my father always wanted to serve this company. Now he is no more so I thought of joining the company. I was surprised to see you here because I thought you'll be in Seoul. But then your uncle I guess took over the company because you were young that time."

Ani thought not to say anything so she said, "Yes. I was young that time. Isn't it a coincidence that we met? I mean I got transferred here and met you."

"Hmm...It's like destiny wanted us to meet each other. It must be hard for you that time….actually I was not in the right condition that day…"

Ani cut his words and said, "Sir, I can understand. It might be difficult for you too. It was really difficult for us." Her eyes became teary but then she controlled herself.

"Sorry to make you…," murmured Soon Ji with teary eyes.

"Eh...It's fine...It's fine," muttered Ani and smiled. "Sir, I'll come to the party. My friend Yun also works here so I'll come with him in the evening." Soon Ji nodded and said," you've grown up to a strong woman. I like your positive attitude. Be like this always." Ani thanked him.


"Jun….I mean Jun sir," said Yeol. Yeol has been selected as the assistant of Jun for the project. Jun got seated on his chair and said, "don't call me sir. Call me Jun."

"Still you're my boss at work," said Yeol. Jun smiled and said, "it's fine. It doesn't matter. You can call me Jun. Well, the idea which you've put forward is great. I would like to go with that. In a month we've to complete this project."

Yeol nodded and then handed Jun the report which he prepared in an hour. Jun was surprised to see his work efficiency. "You're too fast to do the things. I like that," said Jun with a smile.

"I've been working here for two years so I have built this habit eventually," stated Yeol. Jun read the report and said, "give this to Ms Eunja and tell her to start the phase 3 of the project." Ordered Jun and then handed the file to Yeol after signing on it. Yeol walked out of his office.

Jun was working on his desktop when the phone started ringing. He answered the call, putting the Bluetooth on his left ear while typing on the keyboard. " Yun. Any important matter," mumbled Jun.

"Jun, Why Jae isn't picking up his phone?," asked Yun. Jun stopped typing on the keyboard and said, "Yun, you called me to ask these stupid questions??"

"He's not picking my call, that's why I'm getting concerned. Moreover it's the lunch hours so we can talk right?," said Yun from the other side of the phone.

Jun rubbed his forehead from his fingers and said, "Yun he must be busy somewhere and even if it's lunch hours I won't talk to you because I've got a lot of work to do. If you weren't in Daegu and weren't the Director's son then I would not even talk with you. I'm hanging up, hope that from the next time you won't call me for asking such stupid questions."

Before Jun could cut the call Yun said, "don't be so cold. I was just having fun with you. Dad told me to tell you that he's being shifted to Seoul as the director and there are talks going on that you will be shifted here as the director. The previous chairman has decided this in the last meeting. After the project I guess you would be transferred here."

"Thanks for telling this," said Jun and got back his focus on the computer screen.

"Talk with Ani tonight. She is missing everyone there," said Yun.

"I can't. Tell her to forget about me. Tell her that I've already talked about this on the train," said Jun while scrolling down on the screen.

"What thing?," asked Yun but Jun hung up the call. Yun looked at his phone and murmured, "do you love her or not?" He scratched his head and looked out of the cafe window.


Soo and Cho checked into the hotel on Jeju island. Yangmi and Huwa have already booked the honeymoon suite for them. Their luggage was already being taken to the suite. Soo took the keycard from them and told Cho to follow him.

They entered the suite. Soo opened his shoes and quickly went to the bed and laid down. Cho went near him and said, "you came here to sleep??"

"Yes. It's better than home. I don't have to see their faces for sometime," muttered Soo with closed eyes.

"But you already slept so much in the plane. Let's go out and take a stroll in the nearby area," said Cho and tried pulling Soo up.

Soo opened his eyes and said, "leave me. I don't want to go."

"Then you will sleep here for one entire week??," asked Cho with a surprising look. Soo looked at her and thought to tease Cho. With a smile he said, "No. I'm not going because everyone outside will ask me how can such a handsome man have such an ugly wife whose face looks like a monkey and whose hair smells bad" He again closed his eyes, turning his back to her.

Cho made a face at him and then climbed on the bed. Soo opened his eyes when he felt that Cho climbed on the bed. He got confused seeing her because she was fuming in anger.

"Cho, get down. I want to sleep. Help me pull this blanket up," said Soo. Cho laughed hearing this and then with an angry expression she sat on the bed and started beating him.

"Ahhhhhh, Cho stop it….You're hurting me," shouted Soo and tried to catch her hand. She then pulled his hair and said happily, "you insulted me the day you met my father too….I'll teach you good lesson on how to respect your wife. How can you say my hair smells."

"Ahhhhhh Cho, my hairs are pulling out….are you out of your mind? Leave me, screamed Soo but Cho didn't let go of his hair. Soo grabbed her waist and then made her fall on the bed. He pinned her on the bed and climbed over her. "You're really a monkey. How can you pull my hair? My scalp is aching….now I won't take you anywhere. That's why I don't like getting close to women," said Soo in anger. Hearing this Cho felt bad and kicked at his leg. Soo started screaming and released her.

Cho got up from the bed. Without looking at him she walked out from there. "Why did I agree on marrying her? Ahh my head….How can your temper be still with you after so many years has passed," murmured Soo and laid down on the bed. Cho on the other hand walked out of the hotel in anger.

"How dare he say that to me? I would've killed you if I wouldn't have loved you," murmured Cho. She stomped her heel on the floor and got out of the hotel.