Jun's emotions

Ani was working in her room when Yun knocked at the door. She looked towards the door and told him to come in. Yun came inside and sat on the sofa comfortably.

"What happened?," asked Ani while looking at the screen of her laptop.

"Jun has become the director of Sangma. My father has resigned from the post," mumbled Yun. Ani raised her head to look at him. "It's good. I always want him to be at top," murmured Ani and again started typing on the laptop.

"Tomorrow there will be some reshuffling. I think I'll be transferred to Seoul," muttered Yun. Ani stopped typing. "He's making transfers?," mumbled Ani. Yun nodded in acceptance. Ani became happy hearing this. "That means he can make me transfer there." Ani said excitedly.

But the next second her facial expressions were changed. Yun asked her why she had become sad. Ani lowered her eyes. "He told me that he's disappointed in me. Why would he make me transfer there. I destroyed his work. He was so angry last night at me," murmured Ani and got teary eyed.

Yun clasped his fingers together. "I'm calling Jun," mumbled Yun and took out his phone from his pocket. "Don't ask about me. It won't be good," murmured Ani and again started working on the laptop. Yun dialled the number of Jun but he didn't answer the call. So, he tried Jae's number.

Jae answered Yun's call and asked him about his well being. "Everyone is fine. What about you? Is Jun okay now?," asked Jae. Jae sighed and said, "well he's sick today after he has to pull all night. He didn't sleep last night because I deleted his work mistakenly. For now he's angry with me. You know Jun's nature. He's not ready to talk with me but I'm his younger brother so he can't be angry with me for more than two days at least." Stating this, Jae went towards Jun's room and looked at him from outside.

"He's resting for now so don't disturb him," mumbled Jae with a smile. Yun agreed with him and then hung up the call.

"What happened?," asked Ani nervously.

"He's sick because he didn't take any sleep last night. But he will be fine, don't worry. Jae told me that Jun is resting so we shouldn't disturb him," murmured Yun.

"He got sick because of me," mumbled Ani and started crying. "Is he okay?," asked Ani again. Yun nodded and said, "it's just a normal fever so there's nothing to worry about. Well I'm going to sleep. You should also sleep as it's late. Good night." Yun got up from the sofa and left Ani's room.

Ani looked at the time. "10:00 pm. I should call him as he's sick. I'll apologize to him and then tell him that he can punish me for my mistake. But, he won't pick my call. At least I should drop a message. But he's sick so I think I should ask him if he's okay," muttered Ani and picked her phone from the table.

She looked at Jun's number for a while and then pressed the calling button. Holding her phone tightly she waited for him to answer her call. The ring was going to end so Ani almost hung up when Jun from the other side said Hello.

Hearing his voice Ani felt bad because from his voice only one could tell that he's sick. "Speak," mumbled Jun. Ani came out of her thoughts. "Please forgive me for last night. Because of me you got sick and you weren't able to sleep last night. I'm really sorry," said in a worried voice.

"I'm fine. Woo checked me. It's not that serious, just a normal fever," murmured Jun.

"Please take a good rest. Sorry once again," mumbled Ani and was going to hang up when Jun asked, "do you want to come back?" A ray of light appeared in Ani's eyes but the next second it disappeared because she knew that she couldn't go there even if she wanted to.

"I don't think I should. Their lives are also important. It's fine...I'm good here," mumbled Ani with a broken voice and quickly wiped her tears.

"Do you believe me?," asked Jun.

"Of course, I believe you," answered Ani with a smile. Jun smiled hearing her answer.

"How is your family and how is Woo Oppa doing?," asked Ani in a low voice.

"Everyone misses you. Woo is also fine. Dad wants to meet you so when I'll be free then I'll think about that," mumbled Jun. Ani smiled hearing this.

"I'm hanging up," muttered Jun and cut the call. Ani wiped her the tears which were formed in her eyes. She put the phone on the table and continued the work on the laptop.


Jun took the post of director in Sangma and appointed Yeol as his personal Secretary. Yangmi personally called Jun and gave him wishes. "Sir, it was all because of you who gave me the opportunity to showcase my skills," mumbled Jun.

"I'm happy that I've such a unique talent in my company," murmured Yangmi.

"Sir, I'm thinking of making some reshuffles in the company. My project's main idea was given by Ms Cha Ani so I'm thinking of transferring her back here. Many restaurant owners know her and were asking about her at the event launch," stated Jun.

Yangmi thought for awhile and said, "Hmm...her work is good. Transfer her." Jun thanked him. Yangmi after talking for some time hung up the call. Jun smiled and called Yeol. Jun has already prepared the list and he handed the list to Yeol.

Yeol checked the list. "Ani is also on this list?," asked Yeol with a raised brow. Jun agreed on this and said, "make sure to implement this in a week." Yeol nodded and walked out from there.

Jun was working on the desktop when Tae knocked at the door and pushed the door to enter. Jun smiled seeing him. "So, congrats for this new post. Now you're the director so I think we should celebrate this moment," mumbled Tae.

"I'm working. Let's have such personal talks in the home," stated Jun while jotting down something on a notepad.

"Ahh, you are such an ideal professional person. Uncle Sungi if would be alive then I'm sure he would've made you the chairman," mumbled Tae.

Jun raised his head to look at Tae. "Hey, I don't want to be Chairman. I'm happy that I'm a part of this company and am fulfilling these little dreams of uncle," stated Jun.

"Do you think that Ani can handle such a big company? I mean you know she's like a kid although she's stronger than us," reasoned Tae.

Jun was chuckled to hear this. "She can be the chairman. I'll train her to that level," mumbled Jun.

"By telling her that she should forget about you?," asked Tae with a raised brow. Jun smiled and then clasped his fingers together. "Tae, for me, the definition of love is something else. I have known her since her childhood days. I want her best. That's why I'm pushing her but I know one thing that she won't forget me. If I tell her about my feelings then she will never be like the girl her father wants her to be. I want her to lead this company," murmured Jun.

"Jun, I can understand you. Well because we are talking let's celebrate your birthday this year. You'll turn 23 so I want your birthday to be a great occasion," muttered Tae and smiled.

A grim look appeared on Jun's face. He laid back on his chair. "That day can never be a great occasion. I hate that day," mumbled Jun. "Ahh, I'm working. Let's talk later," said Jun. Tae didn't say anything further and left Jun's office.

"After two days that day will come again. The day I want to forget and want to erase from my memory," murmured Jun with a sad look on his face. The phone on the table started buzzing.

Jun looked at the screen and that was an unknown number. He answered the call.

"Hello," mumbled Jun.

"Congratulations on becoming a director at such a young age, my dear son," said a voice from the other side of the phone.

Jun was going to hang up when the voice said, "at least say thanks to your mother, Kim Jun. Well, I'm in Seoul and I saw your photo everywhere. Dowan has raised you nicely. I will meet you soon on your birthday."

"How dare you to call me? I'm not your son and don't ever take my father's name from your mouth," muttered Jun in anger and hung up the call. His mother again called him but he cut the call. But his mother didn't stop so he threw the phone in anger and it was broken into pieces as it was banged against the floor.