Jun is sad!!

Soon Ji was signing the report files when Ani knocked at the door and entered the office. She greeted Soon Ji first and then told him about the transfers. "Kim Jun is the new director? Interesting. Just from one project he was made the Director," mumbled Soon Ji.

"He's really hard working. He was working on this project for a month," muttered Ani. Soon Ji smiled and said, "I know that. I'm just impressed with him." Ani smiled and said, "he used to work till late in the office. In the home too he used to work till late for the project and the results are coming good. He really deserves to be the director."

Soon Ji was chuckled to hear this. So he asked, "Did you know him personally?" Ani looked at Soon Ji.

"Yes, we studied in the same school. My father and his father were friends," muttered Ani. Soon Ji was startled hearing this. "Then you're friends. It's good then," mumbled Soon Ji.

"No no. We aren't friends. I mean we don't talk much," murmured Ani. "Sir, we've to be there in a week. I'm also transferred back to Seoul. It has not been a week here and now I'm returning to my home," muttered Ani with a smile and then handed Soon Ji his transfer letter.

"Hmm, I'll see you there too. I'm joining as the general food manager. It's good that my Secretary will be you," mumbled Soon Ji, looking at the letter. Ani told him that she has work in the other office so she left from there.

Soon Ji laid his head back on the chair. "Kim Jun, my father used to talk about him a lot. I've to befriend with him as I'm sure that he must be searching about uncle Sungi's murder. I'm happy that my name is also on the transfer list," muttered Soon Ji.

Ani was going towards the second floor when she met Ahn Ho. "Ani, I heard you're transferred back to Seoul?," asked Ahn Ho.

"Yes. Well, I miss you a lot," mumbled Ani. Ahn Ho smiled. "Let's have a farewell party for you today after work. Yun will be there and some other colleagues too," mumbled Ahn Ho. Ani nodded and told him that she will meet them in the evening then. Saying this she left for the manager Jang office.

After Ani completed her work she was resting on the chair in her cabin beside Soon Ji's where. She looked at her watch. "It's 4 pm. Well, I'm so happy that I'm returning back," mumbled Ani. She opened her phone and then looked inside the gallery. She has created a separate folder of Jun where she has all his photos.

"I'm lucky that I've transferred these photos to my phone. I've not taken a picture of his for a month. Now I'm not his Secretary anymore so I can't take his pics. Well, he's my neighbour and I can take as much as photos I want to take. Yayyyy," mumbled Ani and giggled.

The next second her expressions were changed thinking about her brothers Soo and Woo.

"Why did uncle transfer me back? I mean he doesn't want to see my face. Is he going to do something again with my brothers or just with one of them? No, he can't. Should I call oppa and ask him," murmured Ani.

He's chain of thoughts stopped when her phone started buzzing. She immediately looked at the screen and it was Woo. She smiled seeing his name and immediately answered the call. "Hello! Oppa. How are you? I missed you so much and I'm returning back tomorrow." Ani told her brother in one go.

"Relax Ani. I got the news just now from Soo. Well, I'm coming there to bring you back. I'll reach there by 8:00 pm. I'll call you at that time," murmured Woo. Ani agreed and told him that she'll wait. After talking with him for a few minutes she left the office.


Jun returned home early and saw his father and uncle in the living room talking with each other. He went there and greeted them.

"Jun, you came early today. It's good. Are you fine now?," asked Dowan. Jun nodded and told him not to worry. Jun sat beside his uncle, Seori.

"Well, Woo is going to bring Ani back. She's transferred back to Seoul. Soo must have done this. I also saw you on the TV. Congratulations son on becoming the director of Sangma," mumbled Seori and smiled. Dowan too congratulated Jun.

"Ahh well it's not that big of an achievement," murmured Jun.

"Sungi must be happy seeing you like this. He always wanted you to be there," muttered Dowan. Seori agreed with Dowan.

Eunhi came there and caressed Jun's head lovingly and sat beside him. Jun put his head on Eunhi's shoulder. Dowan understood that something was off with Jun.

"Is there something bothering you?," asked Dowan looking at Jun. Jun looked at his father and then refused. "I'm just tired," stated Jun.

"Are you thinking about your birthday?," asked Dowan. Jun shook his head in refusal. "Why would I think about my birthday? Don't worry," murmured Jun. Eunhi petted at Jun's back lightly and said, "let's go to my room. Let's talk for sometime."

Jun raised his head. "Hmm, let's go." Saying this Jun left with Eunhi to her room. Dowan got concerned looking at his son. "Brother, don't worry. Jun is fine," stated Seori.

"I hope so. You know that what he did to himself when he was a kid. I don't want such a thing to happen to him again." Dowan said with worriedness.

Jun was laid down on Eunhi's lap. "Did something happen?," asked Eunhi. Jun looked at her. "Aunt, nothing has happened. I just want to sleep on your lap for a while," mumbled Jun.

Eunhi smiled and then caressed Jun's head lovingly. After a few minutes Jun fell asleep but Eunhi remained in that position. She recalled the time when Jun was 10 years old. He was hurt badly that doctors too gave up their hopes on him.

"My son has to suffer a lot at such a young age. How can his own mother do such a thing to him when he was a kid. I'm happy that Jun is safe now," thought Eunhi in her mind. In the late evening Jun's sleep broke and he saw his aunt still at the position. He immediately got up.

"Sorry for making you uncomfortable for two hours," mumbled Jun.

"You're my son too. I feel happy when you talk with me. Well, Jae was here a few minutes ago. He wanted to talk to you desperately but seeing you asleep he left for his room," stated Eunhi.

"You should've woken me up," murmured Jun and rubbed his eyes. He then walked out of Eunhi's room and went upstairs to Jae's room.

Jae was laid down on the bed while Tae was sitting beside him on the bed in Jae's room. Jun knocked at the door and then entered. Seeing Jun, Jae ran to him and hugged him tightly. "What are you doing?," asked Jun and pushed Jae.

"Let me hug you, big brother," mumbled Jae and stepped ahead. But Jun put his palm on his face stopping him. Jae gave up and sat on the chair. Tae smiled seeing them.

"There are three occasions to celebrate. First, your birthday is after two days. Second, you've become the director and third, Ani is coming back, " muttered Jae with a smile.

"Haha. Let me correct you," said Jun and sat on the chair there.

"I don't like my birthday and Ani's return to home has nothing to do with this celebration," mumbled Jun.

"Hey, but you can't do this," murmured Jae and pulled up a face. Jun smiled and said, "if you want to celebrate then you can but after three days."

"But I want to celebrate it on your birthday," mumbled Jae. "I know that you don't like that day but you should come out of that thing. We all care for you and love you a lot." She said in a low voice.

"I know. Well, that day I've to go somewhere so we will celebrate the next day," muttered Jun. Tae looked at Jun and understood that he's hiding something.

"I'm going to my room," said Jun and got up from the chair. "I'm also coming," said Tae and came down off the bed.

"I want to be alone. I mean I've some work so don't want to get distracted," mumbled Jun and walked out from there. Tae and Jae looked at each other. "I think something bad has happened," murmured Jae looking at Tae.

Tae smiled and said, "No. He's fine. You know him. Don't tell his family about this. I mean they'll take it another way." Tae sat on the bed again. "Hmm, I know. Well, try to talk to him. He will tell you." Jae told Tae to which he nodded.