I wish I could tell you!

Jun kept on walking while Ani was just behind him following his footsteps. They came out of the bathhouse and told her to go to the room. Ani nodded and went inside her room.

"Ani, what happened? Why are you set?," asked Min and got up from the mattress.

"I fell in water," replied Ani and took out the clothes from her suitcase and went to the changing room. Min turned on the heater for Ani as she thought she might've been cold.

In the other room Jun got into his room and saw Jae, Tae, Yun and Ahn Young there. He put the towel away when Jae said, "should I order something for you?"

Jun then thought that about Ani. He picked his phone and called Ani. Ani was in the changing room so she didn't hear the phone ringing. Jun tried again when Min answered the call. Jun walked out of the room and told him that Ani is changing clothes as she fell in water.

"Send her out once she will be done," said Jun and hung up the call. After 20 minutes Ani came there and asked Jun Why did he call her.

"Don't you want to have dinner?," asked Jun. Ani touched her belly and said, "but it's late. I think everything will be close."

"It's a hotel. They have to provide service to us no matter what. Let's go," stated Jun and started walking. Ani ran after him and walked beside him.

They reached the restaurant where Ani saw many people eating and drinking. "Woah! There are many people here. I thought this floor would be empty," murmured Ani.

Jun held Ani's hand and took her inside. Seeing this Ani smiled and grabbed his hand gently but gently. They walked in and chose a table which was quite far from the people's sight. He ordered hot soup for them. They both drank the soup and then Jun ordered a proper meal for them.

Ani looked around and saw some people got drunk and dancing weirdly. A laugh escaped from her mouth as she saw them. "Why are you laughing?," asked Jun.

Ani turned her eyes to look at Jun and said, "those drunkard people are dancing weirdly." She again laughed seeing them.

"I think when you'll be drunk then you'll also do the same dance as them," murmured Jun. Ani glared at him and said, "you can't say that."

"You also can't say to them they are dancing weirdly. It's their way of expressing happiness," murmured Jun when their meals came. He told Ani to start eating.

Finishing their food Jun told Ani to go back to her room but Ani didn't go. "Are you upset because of your mother?," asked Ani. Jun looked at her and then took a deep breath. Jun held her hand and took her out of the hotel. They kept walking until they reached the garden beside the hotel.

He made her sit on the bench there and asked, "Don't you miss your mother?" The question was random and out of nowhere for Ani so for a few minutes she stared at him.

She then lowered her eyes and said, "I do miss her. How can't I? I was 5 when she left me. The beautiful moments of mine with my mother were captured by my dad and he made an album of that. As I grew up I looked at those photos to interpret the emotions in those photos.

Xian looked at her and said, "uncle used to tell me that you are like a second copy of your mother. You have acquired every single thing from her so he never missed her. Because he was happier whenever he used to see her. He said your mother left behind the most precious thing for him and he will always protect you."

Ani smiled hearing this. After a pause she said, "It's really difficult when your mother isn't around. The children around us always get to see their mother but for us that was never the case."

"Hmm. Everything was good till I turned 10. I was the happiest child, I used to think but now I think about that I got some memories where my mother wasn't with me. I always used to think why my mother wasn't with me for any of my birthdays.

I was excited when she told me that she will come to my 10th birthday. I was really happy but then the night turned into a nightmare and I turned to the most unluckiest child on this planet," muttered Jun and turned his face away.

"This time only you can understand my pain more than anyone else. It's really tough and it's really heart wrenching," murmured Jun with a broken voice.

Ani lifted her hand and then put it over Jun's hand. "You should think about uncle Dowan, Uncle Seori and Aunt Eunhi who always were there for you. Aunt Eunhi is really sweet. She gave me motherly love when I was in Daegu and it was really an overwhelming feeling.

It's more difficult for uncle Dowan than you,-like his wife left him. But he tried his best in giving you a mother's love as well as a father's love. If you will cry like this then it will hurt him the most, more than you. Don't you think?" Said Ani in a gentle and loving way.

Jun wiped off his tears and turned to look at her. "You're indeed more mature than any of us. That's why everyone falls for you," murmured Jun. Ani smiled hearing this and asked, "Did you also fall for me?"

Jun smiled at her question. "Kid, don't think too much. You don't want to sleep? Go inside," muttered Jun.

"Are you feeling sleepy?," asked Ani.

Jun refused. "Me too. Let's talk more. It's my first time talking with you," murmured Ani.

"What? Don't we talk daily?," asked Jun with a smile.

"We do but then you only talk rudely. It's the first time you're talking so nicely with me. I'm happy," whispered Ani and giggled.

Ahn Young was there listening to their talks. He decided to leave from there when he saw both of them smiling.

Jun was smiling hearing Ani's talks. "I guess we should sleep," murmured Jun and almost got up from the bench when Ani pulled him holding his hand. Jun looked at him with a raised brow. "I'll give you one thing then you will always be happy."

"What?," asked Jun with a raised brow.

"Close your eyes," said Ani.

"Why?," asked Jun in confusion.

"Just close your eyes," said Ani again with a smile.

"Okay. Be quick else I'll leave," said Jun and closed his eyes. Ani waved his hand before Jun's eyes. "You're not watching right?," asked Ani for confirmation.

"I'm going," said Jun when Ani kissed him lightly on the cheek and ran away from there as fast as she could. Jun opened his eyes because of Ani's sudden act and looked around.

"Is she a sprinter?," murmured Jun and touched his cheek. A smile escaped from his mouth. "I wish I could tell you that I love you more than anyone else," murmured Jun and left from there.


In the room Ahn Young was thinking about the talks that he heard a few minutes ago.

"Why did mom leave him behind? Why does she only care for her one son while for another son she has only hatred? They hid the truth from me also until I saw that day with my own eyes. She was telling him he's an orphan. Why? Seeing him today crying I felt a different kind of pain.

That's why people say that twins heart's are always connected. He had indeed gone through many things and is still going through that pain. I have to end those pains. I have to ask my parents why they left behind Jun when he was their own son?" Ahn Young was thinking this looking at the ceiling and then touched his lips.

"His punch was so hard. I'm still feeling the pain. But then I also felt good because this was the first time someone punched me. And that someone is my brother," thought Ahn Young and smiled. He then closed his eyes and the sleep engulfed him a few minutes.

Ani in her room was giggling when Min asked, "What happened? Why are you so happy?"

"Nothing," murmured Ani.

"Did Jun propose to you?," asked Min randomly. Ani looked at her and said, "What are you saying? He doesn't love me."

"I think you're naive to see this. I think he likes you. Ask him," murmured Min.

"No no. He doesn't like me. I asked him many times," murmured Ani.

"Then you'll look at him from far and smile. If you love him then don't let him go," said Min. Ani looked at her.

"Let's sleep. It's quite late," murmured Min and laid down on the mattress on the left side. Ani nodded and turned off the lights before getting onto the mattress.