Ani's Suspicions

Yun and Tae returned back in the night to the hotel. They were smiling and laughing while talking with each other. As they came towards their room Ahn Young passed by there. Seeing Jun he stopped and stared at him

Jun averted his gaze and opened the door when Ahn Young held his arm. "Jun," whispered Ahn Young. Before he could speak further Tae told Ahn to leave him. Ahn didn't say anything and let go Jun. Jun opened the door and went inside followed by Tae.

Inside the room there was no one except them. "Ahh, Yun and Jae decided to stay with Ahn Young." Tae stated. Jun nodded and told him that they should go to the pool. Tae nodded. "Swimming costumes will be there," murmured Tae and they both left for the pool.

"Yes, it will be fun," murmured Tae and put his arm around Jun when Ani and Jae came towards their direction. "Where were you two ?," asked Jae.

"Downhill. We had fun there," murmured Jun and walked away. Jae looked at Tae and asked, "What has happened to him? He's talking to me rudely."

"Jae, you know him. He always acts like this." Saying this he walked behind Jun. Ani turned to look at Jun but he was already gone. She went towards his room when she saw Min and Ahn Young.

"Who hurted you at the lip?," asked Min with concern.

"It's nothing," murmured Ahn Young.

The phone in Ahn Young's pocket started ringing. The ringtone was the same as Jun's phone, Ani thought. She walked to him and stopped in front of them. "The ringtone," whispered Ani. Ahn Young took out the phone and looked at the screen and it was his mother's number.

"It's Jun's phone. Why is his phone with you?," asked Ani in confusion. Min too looked at Ahn Young.

"He left it in the room and told me to bring it," lied Ahn Young and told them that he had to give the phone to Jun. Ani felt strange. "Jun never gives his phone to anyone. Maybe he told him to bring it but he's in the bath house," thought Ani.

"Min, I'm coming in a while," said Ani and went after Ahn Young.

Ahn Young was going towards the garden outside the hotel. He received the call. "What are you doing on his phone?," asked Min Seri.

"That's not the point. Just don't bother Jun," muttered Ahn Young and hung up the call. He turned to go when he saw Ani behind him.

"The bath house isn't here," murmured Ani.

"I know," said Ahn Young and smiled. "I had a call from the home so I came out," answered Ahn Young and walked inside. Ani got suspicious of him and thought to follow him.

"He's going to the men 's bath house. I can't go there but I've to tell Jun about this," murmured Ani. She looked around. Because it was late at night so no one was there. Ani stepped in and looking around herself searched for Jun.

Jun and Tae were inside the warm water when Tae said, "It's late. Let's go. Dinner is also prepared."

"I want to stay here for a few more minutes. You all should dine. I'll eat later," muttered Jun. Tae thought to give Jun some alone time so he left from there. As he came out he saw Ahn Young there.

"What are you doing here?," asked Tae.

"I came to return this phone to Jun," answered Ahn Young. Tae took the phone from him and said, "I'll give it to Jun. Let's go….I've something to talk with you," murmured Tae and they both left from there.

Ani who was following Ahn Young lost him and looked around. There were so many ways for different bath houses which made her confused. She scratched her head. "Where did he go? Where is Jun?," said in a low voice.

She then turned left and took that path while Tae and Ahn Young came from the right. She was walking cautiously looking at her front and back. She reached in front of a bathhouse and tried taking a peek. But she didn't find anyone there.

Ani then turned and came out from that path and went straight.


Jun in the water was thinking about the truth Ahn Young had told him a few hours ago. He jerked his hand in the water and water splashed out.

"Why did she leave me behind? Wasn't I her child? But then I hate her. She betrayed my father," murmured Jun and wiped his face.

Ani searched every single bathhouse but couldn't find Jun. "Did he go away?," thought Ani and turned to leave when her eyes fell on the bathhouse way which was on her right side. "I should check there," murmured Ani and stepped ahead.

She continued going when a man saw her and started following her. She felt someone was behind her so she fastened her steps and started running. Her heartbeat raised because she had no phone with her. She turned to look and the man was still behind her. Actually the man was stopping her but she took it the other way.

She ran as fast as she could when she saw Jun and then ran towards him. Jun saw her and got confused. "What are you doing here?," asked Jun angrily.

"Save me….there's someone...a man," stuttered Ani and before Jun could do anything Ani jumped in water. Jun swam towards her and grabbed her hand when he saw the shadow of a man. He immediately came in front of her. Ani hid herself behind Jun's back with their half bodies immersed in water.

The man came inside and said, "Did you see some girl here? I guess she doesn't know that it's a men's bathhouse and pool area. I was trying to stop her but she was running." Jun refused and shook his head in refusal.

"You shouldn't remain in the pool till late. Go to your room," said the man and left from there. Ani took a breath of relief and straightened her head when Jun turned to jet. She rolled her eyes big seeing him half naked so she immediately covered her eyes from her palms.

"Please cover yourself," whispered Ani.

Jun gave a slight laugh and said, "you are really strange. You first came to a men's bathhouse and then thought that man was chasing you." Ani peaked at him when Jun grabbed her hands and put them down.

"Are you this stupid? What if there would be someone else in place of me," shouted Jun at Ani. Ani lowered her eyes.

"Why did you come here?," asked Jun calming himself.

"Ahn Young had your phone. He was answering your call without your permission and when I asked him he lied saying it was his mother's call. He was coming here so I thought to tell you," murmured Ani.

Jun didn't say anything for a few seconds and then said, "I gave him. I told him to bring it here."

Ani looked at Jun and said, "you never let anyone touch your things." Jun glared at her and said, "Don't you wanna come out?" He swam to the side and took a towel from the cabinet there. Tucking it around his shoulder he told Ani to come out. He quickly wore the t-shirt then.

Ani nodded and came out of water when Jun covered her from the other towel. He then took the other towel, started wiping her face gently and hair. "You don't need to come after me especially to such places. You're a grown up now so act like a grown up not a kid."

Ani's face was visible only through the towel and she was staring into Jun's eyes. Jun kept telling her about being an adult but she was lost in his eyes. She unknowingly stood on her toes and was going to kiss Jun when Jun stepped back and said, "we are going now. Don't ever come here."

Ani sighed hearing this. Jun stepped ahead and Ani followed him.