Fraternal Twin!!

Reaching at Deokjeokdo island they first went to the hotel which was situated on the hillside. After walking there watching the panoramic view of the island and hills they reached pension.

The rooms had traditional sleep on floor mattresses furnished with bathrooms, kitchenettes and sea-facing balconies. There were pine cabins also where four to five people can sleep with their own barbecue facilities.

"Woah!! Ani you have to be with Min in a room because the rooms are limited here." Stated Tae. Ani nodded and left with Min.

Jun got a call so he excused himself from there. He went to the outside balcony and took the call. The call was from his mother, Min Seri. Hearing her voice Jun was going to cut the call when Min Seri told him not to hang up.

Jun thought to ask about the truth from her. "Why did you lie? You think that I'm a kid. Why are Ahn Young and I the same age?, " asked Jun.

Before Min Seri could speak from the phone, Ahn Young took the phone from Jun and cut the call.

"What are you doing? Give me my phone back," muttered Jun and gritted his teeth.

"Let's talk," said Ahn Young.

"I told you I don't want to talk with you." Jun took a deep breath and said, "we are on a trip so let's not create any nuisance. Now give my phone back." Jun demanded.

Ahn Young put the phone inside his pocket and looking straight into Jun's eyes asked, "Don't you wanna know the truth?"

Jun didn't say anything and turned to go away when Ahn Young held his hand. "I'm your fraternal Twin, Ahn Young." The only thing Jun didn't want to hear. He jerked his hand but Ahn Young held it tightly.

"Jun, do you hate me?," asked Ahn Young. Jun turned to face him and said, "I hate you all. Especially that woman." Jun had pain and hatred in his voice. The eyes were clearly showing that he hates them.

"I'm your brother, Jun. We both shared the same…," Before Ahn Young could say anything Jun stopped him and said, "I'm not related to her. According to her I'm an orphan. You aren't my brother and you'll never be." Muttered Jun.

"You can't deny the fact that we are brothers. You can't deny that our mother is the same," murmured Ahn Young. Jun couldn't control himself and threw a punch at him. There were 2-3 people who were standing there but quite far from them.

Ahn Young touched his lips and saw blood coming out from them. "Stop saying this. Stop saying that she is my mother. Stop it else I don't know what I will do." Jun said in a growled voice and left from there. As Jun was going, Tae happened to see him.

"Jae, I'm coming in a while. Take care of the things here," murmured Tae and went after Jun. He called his name but Jun didn't listen to him and kept walking. Tae ran after him as Jun was descending the hill. After following Jun for an hour, he reached downhill. He saw Jun was sitting beside a small pond on a huge rock.

Tae went behind him and then placed his hand on Jun's shoulder. "Tae, why do you always come?," asked Jun. Tae sat beside him and saw tears on Jun's cheek. He wiped them off from Jun's cheek.

"What happened? Who's Ahn Young? Is he…." Tae stopped saying further.

"He's my twin. How dare he tell me that we have the same mother? I'm not the son of Jok Wang. I don't want to associate my name with them. What kind of things are opening up?," murmured Jun and sobbed.

"Did Ahn Young reveal everything to you? Isn't it weird that woman was saying that you're an orphan and Ahn Young is saying that you're his twin. How did he know? I mean you should clarify things with him," advised Tae.

"I don't want to clear anything. I should've never come here. I'm going back home tomorrow. If I will see him I won't feel good," murmured Jun and then looked at his reflection in the pond.

"If you will go back then they will ask hundreds of questions, especially Jae. Don't get bothered by him," said Tae and rubbed Jun's right hand. Jun didn't say anything and kept staring at his reflection.


Soo and Cho weren't able to go to Cho's home because Soo got busy at work so they left in the morning. Huwa packed some gifts for Cho's family despite her refusal. "You shouldn't refuse. Seo, please put the gifts in the car and drop them safely there," ordered Yangmi.

Seo nodded and carried the gift bags and walked out. "We will come on the 5th day. Please take care of yourself till then," said Soo.

"We always take care of ourselves. You're showing concern as soon as I let you go out," muttered Yangmi and smiled. Soo didn't say anything.

"Father- mother, take care of yourself. If something happens then give a call, we will come back," said Cho. Yangmi nodded and told her to enjoy it. Both left the house then and got into the car.

"Dad will be happy to see me," murmured Cho and looked at Soo happily.

"I know." Stated Soo. Seo increased the speed of the car as they came onto the main road. "They will be surprised to see us," murmured Soo and smiled.

After two hours they reached Cho's house. Her father and uncle were delighted to see them. They thanked Seo and told him to come inside but he refused saying he has some work. "Sir, when you'll return please give me a call," said Seo to Soo. Soo nodded and went inside the house.

Cho was hugging his father and uncle tightly when Soo pushed her and said, "I missed them more than you." Gwi and Hwang Hwi smiled seeing the two and told Cho to take Soo upstairs. Cho nodded and they went upstairs. Cho opened her room's door and saw that everything was at its place. Nothing has changed.

Soo looked around Cho's room and found a small teddy bear on the shelf. He took it in his hand and said, "it's cute."

"Hey leave that there. It's my childhood present," muttered Cho. Soo refused and laid down on the small bed there.

"Cho, this bed is quite small. We two can't fit in it so you have to sleep on the floor for some days." Stated Soo.

"Hey!! This is my room so I'll sleep on my bed," muttered Cho. Soo rested his head by the support of his hand and looked at Cho. "You're forgetting last night's bet. You entered my territory on the bed and you jumped onto me. So now you've to sleep on the floor," said Soo and smiled.

Cho gave a slight laugh crossing her arms and said, "Soo, I never made a bet with you. Now you've to come down off my bed because I want a good sleep." Soo laid down and stretched his arms. Closing his eyes he said, "it's so soothing."

Cho pulled his legs down and immediately got onto the bed. Soo pushed her and both started fighting. "Soo, don't tell me when you'll get hurt. You know I'm a black belt," stated Cho and twisted Soo's arm.

Soo started screaming and told her to leave his arm. Cho released his arm when Soo pushed her lightly and again laid down. Cho got irritated by this and was going to attack him when Jun tightly held her both arms and the next second he pinned her down on the bed.

"Leave me," shouted Cho.

"Father and uncle are downstairs. They will take other meanings of this," said Soo in a low voice. He then leaned closer to her and said, "Cho, let me tell you a secret. I'm a black belt in judo too. All these years I hid it." Cho got startled to hear this so she tried kicking him but Soo locked her legs by his.

He then caressed her face. Cho whispered, "you should leave me." Soo released her arms and she immediately ran out from there.